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Civilization Thread!


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It's similar enough to Civ IV and Civ Revolution (the two I've played) that I was able to pick it up pretty quick, which admittedly is a bit of an advantage.

The fact that I learnt this game through TEOL, whilst playing against him, probably helps too. I literally know nothing outside of HEY NOW I HAVE A GUY WITH A GUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

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Great for defending your city though.

Also, Sousa has only played two other Civ games!? I've played more Civ games than Sousa? :o

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I think I've played all the Civ games? I had Civ 1 on my first computer, I didn't understand ANYTHING about it, but I kept playing it. Played a little bit of Civ 2 on the PS1. Played a shit-load of Civ 3 in highschool, and a shitload of Civ 4 in highschool/college. Played a decent amount of Civ 5, but doesn't compare to 3/4. Also tried the Revolutions demo, and wasn't impressed.

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I have Revolution on the DS. That's probably the best version of it if only because the nature of the handheld is more closely suited to what they were going for (i.e., a more casual Civ that can be played quickly with little fuss).

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I'm not the best Civ player (I'm not even good), but I'd love that. Well protected capital, plenty of growth from resources, steam ahead to get a decent navy, and just buy up the surrounding land's resources until you can spread more cities out along the coast and keep reaping the benefits.

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I take back any hubris I may have previously had. I am playing the Celts for a culture win and I am getting whooped. Atilla declares war every fifty years or so, and France is somehow pulling ahead. The Brave New World culture game is confusing; I can generate enough Tourism to overwhelm basically everyone... except France. Is there a trick to getting the necessary Great People out quicker?

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One thing I've always struggled with is balancing building enough units to go to war, and still developing my cities so I don't fall behind other Civs. Anyone got any tips on that? Should I literally just focus on war if I'm going there and abandon anything else?

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