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OK.. I quickly threw one together, but because of the leveling It would only work with ice as the water source because the water was 1 level too high.

There are other ways to do it, but I was trying to keep it as simple as possible :P


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This is how I set my farms up, but sticky pistons are required and you don't have to keep turning the soil.

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Jesus. I need to learn to work with redstone.

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So I created a new work and ended up in a forest biome. Because of all the trees, I found out it's easier to travel and see far away by walking and jumping on the tree tops, so when night fell I decided to make myself a little treehouse above a lava pit for safety. The next day, I go looking for coal, and come back to this:


Son of a bitch.

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I've finally decided to have a full attempt at playing 1.8. I'll still go back to 1.73 for multiplayer for now but I figured I might as well get in on it.

I'm already thinking of a place to build and how I want it to look before I even load the world. I really want a canyon.

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If ya want a fun little challenge, use the seed Water..caps does matter so make sure you use a capital W. You spawn on an island that has only 1 tree, some tall grass, and a cavern.


I'm doing it and and rather flourishing. I have a nice little house..


A small wheat farm that produces and I hope to expand. Any hints on making it more efficient?


And..since you can see the island is rather barren, I've grown a nice little forest to supply me with wood


I haven't ventured too much into the cave. Just for some coal and iron. I'm stocking up on fish and wheat now so I can go farther in

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That's actually wonderful. In fact, that's what I always wanted in Minecraft.

I thought the general idea was that you wake up on a mysterious island and have to start working out what to do? With such a tiny little island like that it would be an amazing challenge to turn it into a utopia.

Also, it finally frees up a usage for dirt blocks. I'm so used to just throwing them away, but if they become neccessary for the island to expand, then they're suddenly very useful :o

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I just watched a creeper walk straight into the lava pit under my newly-rebuilt treehouse. That is satisfaction.

...you rebuilt your treehouse over lava? Even after it burned down the first time?

I moved it farther back and higher, so now instead of being directly over the lava pit, it's more behind it. So far no more burning. >_>

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I've started on that island seed. Good challenge as the wood took a little while to regrow to start with but now I've got 10 or so trees either grown or planted and I'm doing a wonderful job for the environment - every time I chop down a tree I can replant 1 or 2 more due to the branches.

My house is a lovely creation with two stone rooms at ground level and a wooden upper level with two balconies, loads of window space and a mezzanine bedroom (well it'll be a bedroom if a sheep ever turns up for wool which will never happen).

The big pit is full of adventure. Run into a few endermen which freaked me out to start with but as long as you don't stare at them then they're ok. The main problem is food though as the rotten zombie flesh seems to be the only food right now. Plenty of coal and iron ore. Wood's fine. Sand is fine. NO FOOD. There's only been one spider turn up too so I haven't been able to get the string for a fishing rod yet.

I swam over to the two islands in the distance but they're tiny and pointless.

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The main problem is food though as the rotten zombie flesh seems to be the only food right now. Plenty of coal and iron ore. Wood's fine. Sand is fine. NO FOOD. There's only been one spider turn up too so I haven't been able to get the string for a fishing rod yet.

Why haven't you chopped up the wild grass to gather seeds and plant wheat?

Edited by Rocky Feller
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Where are the wild seeds? I have run across no such thing.

Wild grass is the tall grass you'll see around sitting on grass blocks. Breaking wild grass has a chance of dropping seeds, which you can plant in tilled soil to grow wheat to make bread.

I don't know if wild grass spawns on its own after you break it, but if you need more you can spawn a whole bunch yourself with bonemeal on a grass block.

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No, the wild grass doesn't regrow from what I've seen. But yea, chop down the tall grass and grow some wheat. Thats the only reliable way of getting food, since cows, chickens or pigs don't spawn on the island at all, and the rotten flesh from the zombies can give you food poisoning.

And yes, the big pit is a great adventure. I went down there, loaded up on coal, iron and some redstone, got involved fighting off 2 endermen and a skeleton..when a creeper came up behind me and blew up. Respawned, and its the middle of the night. It was a mad dash back into the pit with no food, no weapons or torches and get my stuff back before it disappeared.

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The island game is so much fun. My pit was very rich with iron and coal so far. I still am lacking food... explored some of the neighbour islands to get more seeds but i am still very rarly fed. :-(

I think this is the ideal way to go for a single player adventure game.

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