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Yeah, maps like that one are just perfect. There must be more seed maps that play so adventurously. I keep rocking over to the other islands in hope of something stunning but they're pretty bleak. I just dream of a few sheep to get myself the wool for a bed and a few pictures.

My house is at one end of the island and at the other end (by the small cliff) I'm gonna build a Viking long house.

I came back up from exploring yesterday and an Enderman was by my house moving blocks around. The toe rag.

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Every tree I've chopped down on the island has given me at least one sapling. In fact one tree just got crazily big - I got 26 wood from it and 10 saplings. Just be careful because making trees extinct from the island is pretty much game over.

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I dislike riding boats so i think i´ll build me a railway system over to the other islands, only need me some red stone and gold.

Are there any news on what blue stone dos? I found a little yesterday wen i was playing on a frinds server. (exploring an abandond mineshaft in a team of 3 is brilliant. We found a gigantic canion under the earth and there were like 6 mob spawners scattert around, epic battle! - Lot´s of free railway tracks! :-D

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My only problem with these adventure maps is that, despite being a great time, once you've found Diamond and constructed a fairly decent sized house, there's not really anything else to do. You can't really expand all that well and there's not really anything else to explore.

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I am fairly certain that will change with time. Leveling up for example seems to serve no real purpos right now, there is a lot to come - not just animal breedings. Right now most of the fun lies in sandboxing, you need to play online, with frinds and just explore for fun and/or go crazy uilding things like it´s lego.

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I meant the adventure map with just the little island, not adventure mode in general. I've played far too much Minecraft this past year to have not enjoyed it.

I really think Minecraft needs a mini-map with markers in the vanilla build. It's the only mod that I actually like because it's just so easy to completely lose your home in single player when going out searching for things. Hell, just fix the compass so it leads you to your last used bed rather than the original spawn point and I'd be happy.

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Food problem is solved. Long grass hasn't given me anything but I hunted down another spider and now it's fishing rods a-go-go and food galore.

If you kill a skelly use the bonemeal on grass, it should grow some tall grass, flowers and I think Mushrooms.

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I love this island seed. The caves underneath the island go on forever, and are absolutely chockers with resources. It's fantastic. I'm actually at the point where I had enough diamond to make armour. I've never had that much diamond in one game!

This is what I've made so far:


My tower/house thing. It's a bit of a departure for me, since my usual build style is to find a cave and then hollow it out to suit my needs. I don't usually build things above ground, but I felt like doing something different. Also case in point with the resources in the caverns, those are lapis lazuli and gold blocks on the pillars on the roof. Just fyi.


This is what has come from that single tree I started with. Take that, Greenpeace!


View from my front door. This room doesn't really have much of a purpose beyond being an entry hall, so I'm hoping I can come up with a purpose for it, but for the moment I've put some pictures in to spice the place up a bit.


The basement, and my work area. You can see my chests and jukebox, as well as the workbench off in the corner. Underneath the stairs are two furnaces, which you can't see. The trapdoor leads to the caverns underneath the island.


Upstairs and bedroom. You may have noticed at this point the use of wool for the paintings and bed, despite the fact animals don't spawn on this island. This is because you can find wool, if you look in the right place...


This is from just below the trapdoor leading down into the caverns. When I started building the house I hollowed this out into one big pit, and I recently put in the lava for an incinerator and the water as a counterpoint.

Also Hamster's got the right idea about food: fish is the quickest and easiest way to get food once you get your hands on some string.

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I didn't find any red mushrooms on my travels yesterday, which I guess I need in order to make mushroom stew. When I do though, no more hunger problems! Not that I really have them anyway, my small wheat farm is doing ok. I may have to make a larger one.

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