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I have also been playing the Survival Island seed and I have discovered an abandoned mineshaft full of food and other goodies, but also baddies.

Somehow I did manage to get through the poison spider spawner at the start, with help of a lava flow.

Also came across a zombie and Skeleton dungeon but was i'l prepared so I just dug around and looted the chests. Will go back later.

I spent about an hour going left, right, up and down having a good look and also avoiding the half dozen enderman I came across.

I did easily find my way back to start though, albeit by accident, but I was happy to get out.

I never knew this before but you can find tools in the chest in mines. Was useful as I only went in with a 1/f strength Iron pick and sword.

Cut through a crap load of cobwebs to cellect string to make wool, rods and a bow. Will try make a mob trap in the Skell. dungeon to collect arrows.

Ahh tired now, and will more than like have a mineshaft nightmare.

I'm not sure if I ventured out too far for you to have the mineshaft show up.

If you'd like I could try and give you all directions on how to get there :P

**Edit - I am yet to build a shelter on the island >_<

Edited by Rocky Feller
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I love this island seed. The caves underneath the island go on forever, and are absolutely chockers with resources. It's fantastic. I'm actually at the point where I had enough diamond to make armour. I've never had that much diamond in one game!

This is what I've made so far:


My tower/house thing. It's a bit of a departure for me, since my usual build style is to find a cave and then hollow it out to suit my needs. I don't usually build things above ground, but I felt like doing something different. Also case in point with the resources in the caverns, those are lapis lazuli and gold blocks on the pillars on the roof. Just fyi.


This is what has come from that single tree I started with. Take that, Greenpeace!


View from my front door. This room doesn't really have much of a purpose beyond being an entry hall, so I'm hoping I can come up with a purpose for it, but for the moment I've put some pictures in to spice the place up a bit.


The basement, and my work area. You can see my chests and jukebox, as well as the workbench off in the corner. Underneath the stairs are two furnaces, which you can't see. The trapdoor leads to the caverns underneath the island.


Upstairs and bedroom. You may have noticed at this point the use of wool for the paintings and bed, despite the fact animals don't spawn on this island. This is because you can find wool, if you look in the right place...


This is from just below the trapdoor leading down into the caverns. When I started building the house I hollowed this out into one big pit, and I recently put in the lava for an incinerator and the water as a counterpoint.

Also Hamster's got the right idea about food: fish is the quickest and easiest way to get food once you get your hands on some string.

What skin is that? DO WANT

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I love this island seed. The caves underneath the island go on forever, and are absolutely chockers with resources. It's fantastic. I'm actually at the point where I had enough diamond to make armour. I've never had that much diamond in one game!

This is what I've made so far:


My tower/house thing. It's a bit of a departure for me, since my usual build style is to find a cave and then hollow it out to suit my needs. I don't usually build things above ground, but I felt like doing something different. Also case in point with the resources in the caverns, those are lapis lazuli and gold blocks on the pillars on the roof. Just fyi.


This is what has come from that single tree I started with. Take that, Greenpeace!


View from my front door. This room doesn't really have much of a purpose beyond being an entry hall, so I'm hoping I can come up with a purpose for it, but for the moment I've put some pictures in to spice the place up a bit.


The basement, and my work area. You can see my chests and jukebox, as well as the workbench off in the corner. Underneath the stairs are two furnaces, which you can't see. The trapdoor leads to the caverns underneath the island.


Upstairs and bedroom. You may have noticed at this point the use of wool for the paintings and bed, despite the fact animals don't spawn on this island. This is because you can find wool, if you look in the right place...


This is from just below the trapdoor leading down into the caverns. When I started building the house I hollowed this out into one big pit, and I recently put in the lava for an incinerator and the water as a counterpoint.

Also Hamster's got the right idea about food: fish is the quickest and easiest way to get food once you get your hands on some string.

What skin is that? DO WANT

It's PureBDCraft by Sphax. Apsham posted about it earlier, I decided to download it and give it a try and basically fell in love with it. You can download it from here, but to use it you'll also need to get MCPatcher for the HD fix.

It's reasonably straightforward, you download MCPatcher and run it, then install the texture pack like normal, but it's utterly fantastic when you get it going.

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I didn't find any red mushrooms on my travels yesterday, which I guess I need in order to make mushroom stew. When I do though, no more hunger problems! Not that I really have them anyway, my small wheat farm is doing ok. I may have to make a larger one.

If you find a red mushroom, plant it and use bonemeal. It makes a giant red mushroom, which you can break down into like a dozen small red mushrooms. Basically, enough bonemeal, you can have a near infinate supply for mushroom soup

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To temporarily go away from the Survival discussion..a recreation of the opening scene from Half-Life

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I have also been playing the Survival Island seed and I have discovered an abandoned mineshaft full of food and other goodies, but also baddies.

Somehow I did manage to get through the poison spider spawner at the start, with help of a lava flow.

Also came across a zombie and Skeleton dungeon but was i'l prepared so I just dug around and looted the chests. Will go back later.

I spent about an hour going left, right, up and down having a good look and also avoiding the half dozen enderman I came across.

I did easily find my way back to start though, albeit by accident, but I was happy to get out.

I never knew this before but you can find tools in the chest in mines. Was useful as I only went in with a 1/f strength Iron pick and sword.

Cut through a crap load of cobwebs to cellect string to make wool, rods and a bow. Will try make a mob trap in the Skell. dungeon to collect arrows.

Ahh tired now, and will more than like have a mineshaft nightmare.

I'm not sure if I ventured out too far for you to have the mineshaft show up.

If you'd like I could try and give you all directions on how to get there :P

**Edit - I am yet to build a shelter on the island >_<

How are you playing 1.8 yet still playing on the server?

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I too would like to be sharing pictures with you of my humble abode on Survival Island!


Like that one guy earlier, I don't normally live in houses, I just carve into a mountainside or what have you and set up shop there. But I think this kind of lended itself to a house so I built a pretty simple one to start with. Note the tree on the roof, which I planted there with the fresh knowledge that it would grow there (I always assumed trees needed water nearby caus I would often planted trees randomly around the place and they never seemed to grow). Now I like to think of it as a shrine of sorts to the fact that the tree was once such a scarcity.


A closer look with the small wheat farm in the front garden. Originally the torches were put down to help the wheat but then I noticed they made a pattern on the pathway when some were next to torches and some weren't, so I alternated which blocks had torches adjacent to them. Can't really see it there though.


A look inside. Not much going on so far. Need to scrounge up materials for a bed and then work out what i'm going to do with the wall openings. I think on one side i'll have two windows and then the blocks in the middle of them will have a ladder for roof accsses. Speaking of which, note the rudimentary dirt block steps at the back which are still there from when I was trying to fill in the roof.


Up on the roof you can see the various trees (and the giant brown mushroom) I planted. I kept them to the coast caus I wanted to have a nice clear patch of land to build the house and then have a clear run towards the hole that goes below the earth.


Just to make looking out to sea a little more interesting and to serve as a landmark of sorts, I planted a tree on a nearby island.



Speaking of nearby islands, having seen a couple in the distance behind my house when taking the pictures, I went to have a look but didn't realise the time and had to cut my visit short when it began to get dark. Took a couple of shots of the island in sunset.

Also, it wasn't until I watched X's new videos today that I learned there's a dash now. Neat.

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For the people doing the "Water" seed map, sail straight west from your starting island and there's a bigger island with lots of animals, tall grass, and a huge cavern with a lot of resources.

Spoiler'd just in case people doing the survival island map don't want tips.

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man, I just found slimes in the cavern and got NO slimeballs from them. I was hoping to get some and make some sticky pistons to make a crude drawbridge for my house :(

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Look what I made!


So remember when clay was rare? Not anymore!


It's my farm that I've started up. Wheat on the right, melons on the left. Coaxed a flow of water from the ocean underneath the dirt so it's always hydrated.

I want to see Hamster's viking longhouse thing!

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Sweet! I found an abandoned mineshaft deep in the cavern! Oohh looky! Spiderwebs! I harvested the hell out of those for the string..made 3 blocks of wool..I have a bed now! :w00t:

Also, I have 11 diamonds. Make a diamond chestpiece and a sword..or just make a few swords?

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Right, this is what my Water island looks like now.


As you can probably see, it's an absolute mess. The wooden thing was my original house which I'm now expanding (starting with the floorboards before branching out) But I'm also tempted to turn that square thing behind my mine into a stone house. At the moment I'm so used to having flat stone that I feel the need to make my house... different.

Over to the right you can see that I've created a man made island that I'm trying to cover in grass (cue the long pathway over there) I was originally going to destroy the path once the island was covered in grass but I've started to use that track to travel between the two islands. I fully intend to turn my man made island into a man made forest, and maybe have some farmland there (unless I decide to build another island for farming)

Once I fully flatten the land I can go about modelling it more effectively, but until then I'm just happier underground mining as much as I physically can <_<

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I would show you my Viking longhouse but since I switched to the new graphics, my java is pooping itself every few minutes. Need to sort that first as I never want to go back to the original graphics again.

I did go exploring and found new islands to the West. VEEEEEEEEERY intruiging. :pervert:

EDIT: And General, you've turned your island from beautiful nature into something that the Russians would use for smuggling.

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