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The Dark Knight Rises


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that was fucking awesome. I think TDK was slightly better but holy shit. Awesome film.

Basically how I feel. TDK was a bit better, but I felt TDKR was more of an experience. I loved Bane's voice though, it made him so much better, cracking choice of accent by Hardy. Just really, really awesome.

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I wasn't expecting it to be as good as The Dark Knight and it wasn't, but it was still fucking awesome. The build up was fantastic and it gripped me at exactly the right time. Had some problems hearing Bane at points but it wasn't so extreme it hindered my experience much.

Even though I read the reports around the time Cotillard was cast touting here as Talia, I forgot all about it and so when the twist came I loved it. Awesome stuff.

I watched Batman Begins and The Dark Knight last night before watching Rises tonight and I'd concur that the best way is to watch the other two films first - you make so many connections in your head. The whole thing flows beautifully. I hadn't seen either for ages so I'd have missed a few references/plot links if I didn't brush up before going.

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The part where Tom Hardy looks up at the young Talia before getting ganged up on was the best Bane moment. Actually, the only part I was slightly iffy about was the sleeping together part between Tate and Bruce, felt a little unreal. Also, loved it when Talia revealed herself and some old Chinese guy behind me said "Oh, look, now Batman's become James Bond."


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My only complaint is Bane's voice annoyed the hell out of me. It sounded like a cartoon

I might be thinking of someone else, but isn't Bane's voice described as high pitched of sorts? I know it's varied throughout animated movies and shows, but in the comics he's a roided up genetic freak that carries a Teddy Bear, so he's already kinda cartoonish.

I loved Bane though. He had a serious Darth Vader vibe.

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Bane was fucking incredible. Everyone has such a brightly lit torch for Heath Ledger (and rightfully so) and everyone was wondering whether Bane could carry his own movie. He fucking shined, man. What an amazing villain. The first 20 minutes of the movie, I wasn't feeling it. It seemed like Hardy was doing his best worst Sean Connery impression. But the accent came into its own later, and just added this allure of madness to the character. The only problem was that his voice was like 10 decibels higher than everyone else. It was really shoddy ADR work, but I guess they kinda had to scramble with that one.

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Yeah, I thought it was just my theater, but the audio seemed off the entire movie. The only time the "offness" felt right was during Batman's first fight with Bane when his hits were practically silent. That was brilliant.

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Saw it tonight, loved Bane like everyone else, but I'm just going to say that Anne Hathaway was awesome. When she was fake crying in a scene that holds no point to the plot whatsoever so I'm not spoiling anything, it was great. And Michael Caine, as usual, was unreal.

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Watched it last night, wow, what a film.

Loved Bane. He came off like the ultimate bad ass. The opening plane sequence and the football field scene were mindblowing.

I feel like a fool for not spotting Talia earlier on in the film. Only grumble I have is the Robin bit at the end... but now that I think about it, Blake was pretty much Robin throughout the entire film.

Everyone goes crazy about how character actors like Bale and DeNiro change their body and appearance depending on roles, now Hardy deserves that kind of adulation. Guy was a fucking tank.

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Saw it with Lorina tonight. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. When this trilogy comes out on Blu-Ray boxset I'm definitely picking it up.

Tom Hardy played the perfect Bane, Anne Hathaway is far and away the best Catwoman I've seen (not saying much given how terrible all of them have been) but nevertheless, she became the role. The scenes with Alfred were heartbreaking, Gordon's a badass, and Blake being Robin was such a fucking twist I was floored. Oh! And I forgot Cotillard was cast as Talia as well and was caught off-guard by her betrayal, which was also pretty damn fantastic.

I already want to see it again. I agree though, sound was off at several points (my theater seemed to on rare occasion during the film lose partial sound on the left side of the theater)-- especially when Bane spoke, but thankfully I didn't have too hard a time understanding him. And that VOICE. I'm honestly thrilled that Bane and Catwoman got their film redemption from the shit those two characters were made out as in the past. Still wish Riddler had the chance to have the same but hell, as others have said, Riddler wouldn't have felt like a true ending to the series... but this definitely did.

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Machismo: Added spoiler tags for a portion of your post. While we're still within the first few days of the movie's launch, let's keep spoilers in spoiler tags so those who haven't seen it don't have anything ruined. I realize in general the rule of thumb is to avoid discussion threads after the film's been released, but let's be courteous to those just looking to gauge reactions from EWBers on the film for themselves without overt spoilers being given in the process.

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Given what everyone is saying about Bane's voice being 'off' and my own experience of it, I'd say it was meant to be that way, his voice always sounded like it was coming from all around you, disembodied from him.

The first fight scene was amazing, absolutely fucking brutal and shot brilliantly.

As for the end

Wayne said all along that 'Batman is a symbol, Batman can be anyone', I don't think Blake will become Robin / Nightwing, I think the franchise will move on with him as the new Batman.

Oh, and Michael Caine is the fucking man.

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Oh yeah, that fight was brutual. It was awesome just to see Batman in an actual fight. No weapons. Just fists. The first fight especially really built Bane up so much, and my jaw genuinely dropped when he did the backbreaker kind of thing.

Also, I remember Cotillard being cast as Talia, but I thought they cast someone as her or young her, which threw me off the cent. Was very surprised when she turned. And I prefer it that way, I wouldn't have enjoyed it had I known for the whole film that was coming.

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Machismo: Added spoiler tags for a portion of your post. While we're still within the first few days of the movie's launch, let's keep spoilers in spoiler tags so those who haven't seen it don't have anything ruined. I realize in general the rule of thumb is to avoid discussion threads after the film's been released, but let's be courteous to those just looking to gauge reactions from EWBers on the film for themselves without overt spoilers being given in the process.

No problem.

Apologies if I spoiled anything for anyone...

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Given what everyone is saying about Bane's voice being 'off' and my own experience of it, I'd say it was meant to be that way, his voice always sounded like it was coming from all around you, disembodied from him.

The first fight scene was amazing, absolutely fucking brutal and shot brilliantly.

As for the end

Wayne said all along that 'Batman is a symbol, Batman can be anyone', I don't think Blake will become Robin / Nightwing, I think the franchise will move on with him as the new Batman.

Oh, and Michael Caine is the fucking man.

About your spoiler, it won't.

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Re: the current discussion about the future of the franchise:

I don't think JGL will become Batman in a new trilogy, but it kinda pissed me off that we never got to see Robin be Robin if he was gonna be Robin. Always keep them wanting more though. Kinda like how all I wanted when I left the movie was more Anne Hathaway as Catwoman.

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