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Do you care how wrapped up footballers are?

What is it acceptable for footballers to wear during a match?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. What can they wear?

    • Short sleeves
    • Long sleeves
    • Under shorts
    • Under shirt
    • Gloves
    • Snood (a.k.a Tevez or the Arsenal players)
    • Earmuffs

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It's winter time in the UK and there seems to be snow on the ground at football stadiums across the country.

Back in "t'day" when men were men and smoked a crafty woodbine at half time and downed a couple of real ales after the match then such ridiculous notions as wearing gloves would have been laughed out of town. Now players are wrapping up warm every way they can.

Here's a poll...What of the following are you happy to see your team's players playing in? Even in the depth of winter when I play football/futsal it's got to be short sleeves and shorts. The Japanese lads over here wrap up like they're sitting in bed, reading a book. Thing is, when I start running then I'm warm enough anyway. Of course footballers are out there training all the time and catching a cold would suck and probably upset the manager....But still....

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Seeing as it's freezing right now, I have absolutely no issue with them wearing gloves and long sleeves and undershirts, the weird scarf things perhaps go a little far, but I really don't see anything wrong with gloves. You can run round lots but your hands will still feel the cold, heck mine do just walking 10 minutes to the library!

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Seeing as it's freezing right now, I have absolutely no issue with them wearing gloves and long sleeves and undershirts, the weird scarf things perhaps go a little far, but I really don't see anything wrong with gloves. You can run round lots but your hands will still feel the cold, heck mine do just walking 10 minutes to the library!

It looks like the pitch is frozen at Stoke. Miserable weather.

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Personally, I think that if they want warmth outside of their regular uniform, they should wear these. Otherwise just suck it up and play.

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Never quite understood the psychology behind it. I was a fairly lazy shit on both the football and rugby pitch before the knee injury but by just running around I'd end up warming up reasonably well no matter what conditions we played in. Since it doesn't effect performances I don't care how much they wrap up but I don't really understand the lengths some players seem to go to.

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You have to factor in acclimatisation though. The majority of the guys who wear gloves etc. are from South America and Africa, where 0C to us feels like -30C to them. I've been back from Australia now for 5 months and I'm fucking froze whereas before I went my spiritual Geordieness allowed me to wear next to nothing in the harshest of weather.

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