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EWB's Top 50 Shows of 2010: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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This year I made it to the end of Season 2 of Mad Men and enjoyed it immensely. Need to move on so I can get up to date in time for the next season.

HIMYM is fun. I enjoy watching it.

Sons of Anarchy I've heard of, haven't looked into it to even know the premise yet though. Terriers I haven't heard of outside of the voting thread for this list to be honest.

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6. It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (150 points, appeared on 14 ballots) (Last Year: #3)


5. Modern Family (151 points, appeared on 17 ballots) (Last Year: #12)


4. Lost (154 points, appeared on 15 ballots) (Last Year: #4)

Next Time, on EWB's Top 50 TV Shows of 2010: For as long as I can remember, I always wanted to be in a mafia movie.

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Another awesome set of shows right there. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia actually didn't make my list this year but it's still an awesome, funny show. Would easily make the top 20 if we went that high. Modern Family is great but I think it jumping from 12 last year to 5 this year may be a bit too high. And Lost was great and deserves to be in the top 5.

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I'm kinda over It's Always Sunny... only so much I can watch of the absolute worst human beings on the planet. Kinda how I feel about Daniel Tosh's comedy and Tosh.0, it's definitely funny, but there's only so much, "oh I get it, it's funny because these people are awful" I can take.

Modern Family is a gem of a show. I don't think I've watched a single comedy on ABC since Roseanne and Coach went off the air, but Modern Family fits right into that lineage. If it weren't for Community and Parks & Rec, it would be the funniest show on network TV.

Lost is Lost. I loved it, even if it was the biggest cocktease in the history of television.

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It's a shame that this season of Always Sunny didn't live up to par with the previous ones as last season it was the best comedy on television. With that said, this season was still better than the best season of most comedies. Great spot for it.

Modern Family is one of those genuinely funny shows that is easy to care about (especially the characters.) It's such a consistently funny show with great moments built in that flow with the story so well. It definitely deserves to be in the spot its at.

As Zero said, Lost is Lost. I loved this last season of the show and loved how it ended. It was some truly magical TV. I wouldn't put it THIS high, maybe a few spots lower, but it was still greatness.

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Zero kinda summed it up for me on Always Sunny, though he's likely seen far more of it. There's only so much purely negative comedy I can take after a while.

Modern Family sounds fantastic, but I've never seen it.

Lost is the very definition of "didn't catch it early on, so now I can't watch until I go all the way to the beginning, and it can't possibly live up to all this hype when I finally do see it."

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3. The Walking Dead (241 points, appeared on 26 ballots) (Last Year: N/A)


2. Community (247 points, appeared on 19 ballots) (Last Year: #16)


1. Dexter (271 points, appeared on 21 ballots) (Last Year: #1)

Next Time, on EWB's Top 50 TV Shows of... 2011?:

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The Walking Dead is way too high. Really good show but not that great to be at number three or in the top ten at all. There has been too much stuff this year that's been better. Community and Dexter being in the top two is wonderful though. Two great shows.

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Walking Dead is too high, but it was still a great show. Probably should've been on the bottom rung of the Top 10, maybe capping it.

Community and Dexter both had fantastic fucking seasons (and Community's isn't even DONE YET.) Although I had them swapped (and by all means Community should have won) I'm still glad to see my top 2 picks get picked for.. top 2. Dexter had an incredible story going and had an on-set chemistry between 2 characters that was beyond so many shows. And Community had tremendously funny episodes throughout, and dominated all the holiday-centric episodes, as well.

Pretty happy with how the list turned out.

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That's pretty closed minded of you. He's barely on the show anymore as it is anyway. He kinda just floats in the background and gets a line or two it seems.

Not to mention the fact that he's hilarious on it.

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Sticking to the shows I've actually watched ...

Lost was fantastic. Awesome ending. I know some people were confused/disappointed/let down/whatever but that was always going to happen with something of the magnitude of Lost. It will continue to be puzzled over for a couple of years and then people will just accept it was what it was.

The Walking Dead was great. I think it is quite high, but it appeared on 26 ballots, so that says something doesn't it? It was quite low on my list because of the season being so short, but I enjoyed every minute of it.

Dexter ... well, first two years running. After the fantastic fourth season it hit back with probably my second favourite season, and in some people's opinion the best season. I think it says a lot that so many things on this list have been met with the "This season was okay, not as good as X season" yet Dexter continue to keep going strong, topping everyone's expectations and all out providing us with great television.

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Walking Dead had so much hype and I think almost everyone on EWB watched it, so I'm not surprised it made it so high. Even if it was #10 on a lot of lists, it was probably on just about every list. Good show, not #3 good, but I think next year's gonna be awesome.

Community, for my money, is the best show on television, period. Not just comedy, the BEST show on television. As for Dr. Ken, he's actually a really funny guy, his bit on Raw is actually the only time I've never been entertained by him.

Dexter had another awesome season. I had no idea how they were gonna even come close to last season, but somehow they pulled it off. Nothing's going to top Trinity and trying to follow it could've killed the show, but they managed to do something totally new and really engaging. Julia Stiles, who I've never cared for, was so good and the story was expertly done. Not my #1, but not going to argue with its placement.

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