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The Shows Mostly Formerly Affiliated with NBC's Thursday Night Comedy Block Thread **SPOILERS**

GoGo Yubari

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Although the Office hasn't been at it's best for a few years at least the last couple of years it held it's own. There were weeks last year where all four shows were great, and even though The Office was starting to trend downwards they still put on good-great episodes. Maybe it was Steve Carrell, and then Will Ferrell, that at least kept the show entertaining last year?

But this year has been so non-captivating. Every episode a few characters say something funny, but that's because The Office characters all have their own charm to them. It just seems like they are barely trying to put together an overarching storyline though.

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Guest mr. potato head

Although the Office hasn't been at it's best for a few years at least the last couple of years it held it's own. There were weeks last year where all four shows were great, and even though The Office was starting to trend downwards they still put on good-great episodes. Maybe it was Steve Carrell, and then Will Ferrell, that at least kept the show entertaining last year?

There was nothing entertaining about Will Ferrell's run.

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Although the Office hasn't been at it's best for a few years at least the last couple of years it held it's own. There were weeks last year where all four shows were great, and even though The Office was starting to trend downwards they still put on good-great episodes. Maybe it was Steve Carrell, and then Will Ferrell, that at least kept the show entertaining last year?

There was nothing entertaining about Will Ferrell's run.

I disagree, while the episodes weren't amazing it was still fun to watch one of the most successful comedic actors of the past decade play a role in the show. They weren't groundbreaking or absolutely hysterical, but it kept you watching.

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My favorite part of Community this week was during the "trial" when Annie kept taking cheap shots at Todd and kept withdrawing her statements.

"Is that why you hit your wife? Withdrawn! Is that why you pop pills? Withdrawn! Are you a virgin? Withdrawn! Did you kill our yam?!!"

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I was thinking the same thing...Bobby Newport is a great character. It's one of those great Pawnee side characters that you can throw into about 3-4 episodes a season.

The only storyline that I really don't like on Parks & Rec is the Tom/Ann Perkins stuff. At this point I just want them to either stay together or break up for good.

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I vote "break up for good." Parks and Rec should just bring Natalie Morales (Lucy the bartender) back if they want Tom to have a sane girlfriend who puts up with his stuff.

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I vote "break up for good." Parks and Rec should just bring Natalie Morales (Lucy the bartender) back if they want Tom to have a sane girlfriend who puts up with his stuff.

Yeah, I have never remotely enjoyed Tom/Anne. It's two characters that aren't really working well with one another and I don't really see it at all.

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They better have a concept they were able to plan out, and not just been told post-production that they'd be burning off three episodes at once.

I don't think they'd just burn off episodes of a low-rated show in the middle of sweeps. But it is NBC, so what do they have to lose? They're already behind reruns of The Vampire Diaries, so...

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It was a pretty weak episode, but there were a few laughs. In particular Kenneth trying to manufacture drama with that electric cord, and baby Virginia was awesome. Super adorable :wub: "RUDE!"

I thought Community was good, though. Setting up the whole Chang takeover, Chang being buddy-buddy with the school council and the imposter Dean were all great and it sets up the 3-part finale pretty well.

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Guest mr. potato head

Not a great week. Community was quite weak, but I'm willing to forgive them since they were clearly setting things up for the finale.

While 30 Rock's live episode last week was far and above better than their first live episode IMO, I'm not sure this year's Queen of Jordan was any better (or worse, to be fair) than the previous one. Laughed at Dot-Com's Ned Stark line, but little else.

Missed the first act of The Office, what I saw wasn't nearly as bad as last week (I actually laughed way too much at Jim activating his windshield wipers), but still nothing great. The Andy plot is still veering a little too close to Michael Scott Paper Company for my liking, but we'll see where they go with it. Not sure how I feel about David Wallace getting re-involved. Always liked the character, but that's because he seemed sane and competent and was only used in small doses. When they gave us more of him (when he was unemployed), he was a pretty bad character.

Parks and Rec was good enough. I've enjoyed the election arc, but I'm ready for it to be over so we can get back to non-electoral wacky hijinks.

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