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2011 NFL Offseason Thread


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I still don't understand Vince Young signing with the Eagles. Don't you want a chance to be a starter, or has he just given up any hope of that?

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But they'll never give him the reigns over Vick, and as soon as he's healthy, they'll bench him again. I understand there isn't much demand for an immature QB, but I can't believe someone wouldn't give him a chance to start.

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the Eagles logic is this...we have a scrambling QB. If our backup QB is also a scrambler, we wont need to change the offense if vick gets injured. Vick getting injured could possibly be the best thing to happen to this offense..

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the Eagles logic is this...we have a scrambling QB. If our backup QB is also a scrambler, we wont need to change the offense if vick gets injured. Vick getting injured could possibly be the best thing to happen to this offense..

One thing though, Vick is left-handed, VY is not. That means they'll have to mirror their whole scheme anyway should Vick go down and that's a major transition no matter what way you look at it. Clearly Mark Brunell is the answer. <_<

I don't think the best thing that could happen is Vick going down. The best thing that could happen is Vick stays healthy for 16 games and puts up MVP like numbers akin to last year

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I realize you guys are all mid debate about Eli Manning, but can you guys please start doing page long analysis of where Brett Favre fits among the greatest NFL quarterbacks? Is he the greatest ever, or will he be the greatest of all time? Do you think hypothetical future QBs can ever be as amazing as he is? Please show your working and mark all graphs with full line notation, not simply plot points. Thanks.

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the Eagles logic is this...we have a scrambling QB. If our backup QB is also a scrambler, we wont need to change the offense if vick gets injured. Vick getting injured could possibly be the best thing to happen to this offense..

One thing though, Vick is left-handed, VY is not. That means they'll have to mirror their whole scheme anyway should Vick go down and that's a major transition no matter what way you look at it. Clearly Mark Brunell is the answer. <_<

I don't think the best thing that could happen is Vick going down. The best thing that could happen is Vick stays healthy for 16 games and puts up MVP like numbers akin to last year

Yea I was rather drunk when I posted that. I've just never been a huge fan of Vick on the team.

and Vick was throwing some psses right handed last season. It was one of the tihngs they taught him to do

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I still think the Eagles will trade Asante, locking up a huge incoming draft class is top on Philly's checklist. They're going to contend with or without Samuel so at least trading him helps them compete more down the line. I mock Andy Reid for his late-game coaching, but the man is the best in the league when it comes to personnel decisions.

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I still think the Eagles will trade Asante, locking up a huge incoming draft class is top on Philly's checklist. They're going to contend with or without Samuel so at least trading him helps them compete more down the line. I mock Andy Reid for his late-game coaching, but the man is the best in the league when it comes to personnel decisions.

Bill Belicheck says Hi.

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If he's still in something close to peak shape, he could help salvage a lot of Sanchez's more idiotic throws and make him look like a solid NFL QB. That is, of course, provided he has someone else carry the gat for him when he goes clubbing. Plax in NY/NJ may just be Kryptonite. There'd be a lot less worry about him if he'd gone to, say, St. Louis or something.

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So apparently we've got Harrison bringing the Steelers down from the inside, Plax bringing down the Rex Ryan - Not ready for Prime time Players, Ocho/Fat Albert bringing down the Pats and everyone bringing down the Philadelphia Free Agents.

Now my fellow fans of not those teams watch them all become model citizens and steamroll the team's that we adore most :crying:

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I'd love for the Giants to sign Tatupu, but it's not going to happen. Tatupu asked for his release because he was scheduled to make $4 million and he wouldn't restructure. He'll go somewhere where he can make that much. Giants are already in cap hell and they still have yet to re-sign a large chunk of their own free agents plus Amukamara. It's looking more and more likely that what you see on the roster now is what you're gonna have come opening day.

For that reason, this is probably the least optimistic I've been about a Giants team going into a season since like 2003. There is talent there, but it's still essentially the same exact group that slogged through 2 huge collapses while the Eagles improved massively.

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