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What have you been playing this week?


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Yeah, Ultimate Alliance 1 was a lot better, but 2 was still pretty cool. Definitely check out UA1 if you can, should be pretty cheap. It reminded me of the old Playstaton Spiderman games in some ways, so much unlockable content that you actually wanted to go for. I unlocked the costumes for pretty much everyone on MUA1. Plus it has Blade! :D

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Finally decided to start up Metal Gear Solid 4. I originally got the game in the 80GB PS3 bundle, but never played it because other games kept coming out. Now that I am broke it gives me a perfect opportunity to play it.

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Yeah, Ultimate Alliance 1 was a lot better, but 2 was still pretty cool. Definitely check out UA1 if you can, should be pretty cheap. It reminded me of the old Playstaton Spiderman games in some ways, so much unlockable content that you actually wanted to go for. I unlocked the costumes for pretty much everyone on MUA1. Plus it has Blade! :D

Oh yeah, all the way. I loved UA1, especially when I'd make the Fantastic 4 just to play around and would get the bonuses and stuff. I played that game for days.

Anyway, I just finnished GTA IV, TBOGT, and TLAD, I really enjoyed all three. Now I'm about to go through Borderlands and Oblivion again <3 I'm so hyped for Borderlands 2, and Skyrim.

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So, got paid today, picked up a Wii Classic Controller to aid my playing of Xenoblade Chronicles. Honestly, it's not much better than the Wiimote and Nunchuck. Still, I'm sure it'll come in handy eventually.

Also picked up Earth Defense Force, not yet had a chance to play it though and probably won't seeing as I've got Deus Ex tomorrow which, along with Xenoblade, will be taking up all of my time.

And last of all, I got myself Playstation Plus last night and downloaded the Resistance 3 multiplayer demo! It's good! Sniper rifles needed to be nerfed like crazy as I swear you take two steps and that's it. Shotgun needs to be made a bit more powerful, three shots is just silly for killing. I didn't like it all that much at first, but once you unlock the Marksman the game opens up a bit more and feels a bit more even. I was getting 5-10 kills to like, 15 deaths with Bullseye and standard guns but I got like, 15 kills to 5 deaths with the Marksman with little effort.

Deus Ex tomorrow! Only get to play for a few hours before heading to my girlfriends for the night to hang out with her family. Booooring.

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Deus Ex tomorrow! Only get to play for a few hours before heading to my girlfriends for the night to hang out with her family. Booooring.

Dump the bitch.

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As good as the first?

I played the first one - and while I saw what the fuss was about, it just didn't jive with me. Human Revolution clicks on every level, and turned what I thought was a throwaway purchase "until the good stuff comes" into one of the best games I've bought in a long damn time. And the awesome amount of meta references doesn't hurt either.

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I just got an add-on for a crossbow or tranquilizer gun.. I didn't even know there was a crossbow, and now the add-on is just going to take up space in my inventory until I find it. :(

Also, I haven't found a single silencer yet - so my stealthy hacking playthrough is quickly turning into KILL, KILL, KILL.

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