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Gaming Gripes


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When you have to mash a button really fast to do something. I am pretty much incapable of doing this and I was really enjoying the Wolverine movie tie in game until a part where this happened and I couldnt go any farther. To totally ruin a game because I cant move my fingers fast enough makes me so mad.

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The fake difficulty jump annoys me. Like in be a pro modes in FIFA for example, the difficulty increases not by having the opponent teams play better, though they kind of do, but by making all of your teammates incredibly retarded.

One of the more irrational things I hate is when you open a menu and the options and buttons and whatnot are there, but it doesn't actually allow you to do anything until a stupid animation has finished. Like, when I've died a million times on Gears Insane or whatever, and I want to pause and restart, why should I wait for the entire menu interface to flash up if the only option I need IS THE FIRST THING ON THE FUCKING SCREEN. Gah.

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The fact that I pre-ordered L.A. Noire from Play, they sent it out on the 17th, its meant to take 3-5 days and I haven't recieved it yet and can't do anything about it for 21 days. That and Best Buy over the road have it in stock for £10 less. I used to preorder games from Play and get them before the release. Grr.

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Missions where in order to get 100% you need to make sure that the dog doesn't bark right before the end, or something equally stupid. You have to redo the whole mission to get the 100%. Make it so that if you don't get 100% by merely completing the damn mission the pieces that you need to get to reach 100% are either big (like in Assassin's Creed don't get detected or something) or speed-related (finish in under 5 minutes). I hate when something so small and minor, and completely unnecessary to the mission, prevents me from perfection.

They also need to make a seeding system with MW3.

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The fake difficulty jump annoys me. Like in be a pro modes in FIFA for example, the difficulty increases not by having the opponent teams play better, though they kind of do, but by making all of your teammates incredibly retarded.

This, and I've noticed the higher difficulty means you get a foul for looking at someone funny, but the AI can pretty much rape you with no foul called.

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This phrase on FM, when about an opposition player...

____________ continues to suffer a goal drought, having not scored in ____ minutes.

You know whats coming. (N)

That, as well as

That's so-and-so's first goal of the season!

In fucking April.

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Region locks. Fuck Microsoft for that shit.

Don't see how that's Microsfot's fault, but it is annoying, for the reason Ellis said, there's just no logical reason for it.

Not so much a gaming gripe, but I hate games that have online components with trophies attached.

You want a Platinum for this game? lol, good luck winning 100 matches against glitching, cheating, quitting kids.

Trophies / Achievements should be offline only!

I've not got an issue with online achievements per se, just as long as they're not win X amount of games in a row, or exclusively ranked. Those are the ones that encourage quitters and cheats.

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Games with cheap bosses. Especially fighting games.

Jinpachi in Tekken 5 and almost every MK franchise boss come to mind. Moloch, the midgame boss in MK Deadly Alliance was especially a pain.

Jinpachi may just be the cheapest ass boss ever in a fighting game.

When I had MK: DA (traded it in for store credit at Gamestop eventually), I could only beat Moloch with 3 characters, and with two of them I had to spam the same attack over and over again rather than using combos. (Then again the PS2 is a shitty platform for doing fighting games, unless you're willing to drop $100+ on a fighting stick controller, and I'm not)

Also hate games with escort/bodyguard missions where you have to protect an NPC. Unfortunately, some MMOs even have those.

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online additions to games that dont need online. Bioshock 2, for example.

I'll go the opposite way here: games where the single-player portion is half-assed and obviously just an after-thought because the developer wanted to focus on multiplayer. Hello, COD: Black Ops and MW2.

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The fact that Australia royally gets ripped off for gaming prices, and when Steam fixed all of that by giving us American prices, they got sued by EB Games over here, because they are the most expensive and pathetic company on Earth. 110 bucks for a new game. You can suck a dick EB Games.

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The single player in MW2 was great :/

It was, but it was too damn short.

EDIT: Which brings me to another gripe: when developer companies make half a game because they want to make a "sequel" later.

Edited by KevinStorm
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Game's that are released only to have DLC announced shortly after. I used to be excited when an expansion was released for my favourite games, but now every single game gets additional content, usually overpriced, often within the first months.

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In the "old" days (i.e two years ago), publishers would put an entire game onto the disc and sell it.

Now sometimes they even SAY when the game is released "DLC will be available in a few months with ALL NEW MISSIONS!"

Whoop-de-do. Now I'm paying £7 for something that used to come in a game anyway. Cynical.

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