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Gaming Gripes


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The fact that Australia royally gets ripped off for gaming prices, and when Steam fixed all of that by giving us American prices, they got sued by EB Games over here, because they are the most expensive and pathetic company on Earth. 110 bucks for a new game. You can suck a dick EB Games.

You have to pay €82 for a new game? :o

That's insane! It's almost double the price we have to pay!

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The fact that Australia royally gets ripped off for gaming prices, and when Steam fixed all of that by giving us American prices, they got sued by EB Games over here, because they are the most expensive and pathetic company on Earth. 110 bucks for a new game. You can suck a dick EB Games.

You have to pay €82 for a new game? :o

That's insane! It's almost double the price we have to pay!

I think the last time I checked, MW2 new was $80... might even have been higher, at EB Games. Australia gets the royal assfuck when it comes to video games.

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The lack of manuals. I miss the days when I could get a game from the shops and be able to read the manual on the bus ride back. Civ 3/4 was fucking amazing for this, giant books full of stuff. These days? I opened Mortal Kombat and I got...a leaflet.

Somewhere I've got a Classic RPGs boxset - it's got a few of the early Ultima games, the first couple of Bard's Tales, and some others I don't remember off the top of my head - but the manual that came with that was enormous. One of the biggest books I've ever seen...I wonder if I still have it anywhere.

One of the games got around graphical and memory limitations by, when you entered a new area, or when you spoke to a character, just telling you to turn to a certain page in the manual, which would then give you all the flowery descriptions of the room you just walked into, and everything the NPC says to you...it was awkward, but kind of fun. And they were all in a random order in the book, with loads of entries that didn't actually correspond to anything in the game, so you couldn't just read the thing to figure out what you had to do. Good times.

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The fact that Australia royally gets ripped off for gaming prices, and when Steam fixed all of that by giving us American prices, they got sued by EB Games over here, because they are the most expensive and pathetic company on Earth. 110 bucks for a new game. You can suck a dick EB Games.

You have to pay €82 for a new game? :o

That's insane! It's almost double the price we have to pay!

I think the last time I checked, MW2 new was $80... might even have been higher, at EB Games. Australia gets the royal assfuck when it comes to video games.

Try checking the price for MW3...

I did a double take when I saw the price, Absolutley outragous.

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Wow I looked up EB games and MW3 is $118, that' €88! How do they get away with that and why does anyone pay it? It's €56 on play now and I find that too expesive, not a hope in hell I'd pay €30 more!

Do the consoles themselves cost more too?

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The guy that runs Activision Bobby Kotick said the last time round with MW2 that he was going to bump the price up because basically he knows that it'll fly off the shelves regardless, so if he can take advantage of buyers stupidity, why shouldn't he? And thus he solidified himself as the biggest cunt in modern gaming.

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The guy that runs Activision Bobby Kotick said the last time round with MW2 that he was going to bump the price up because basically he knows that it'll fly off the shelves regardless, so if he can take advantage of buyers stupidity, why shouldn't he? And thus he solidified himself as the biggest cunt in modern gaming.

He was also quoted as saying that those buying the game ought to be paying even more, and that they should be grateful for the current state of affairs.

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Guest skipschool

I don't know if they still intend to, but there was talk of COD games requiring their own subscription for online. Utter bullshit, I really don't like Activision.

Doing this will basically force around half of their fanbase who are hanging on to the fact that its the "standard" for online gameplay to go over to things like Battlefield (which is better anyway) for sure

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I wouldn't get MW3 if it needed a subscription.

Now, here is a question: Battlefield 3, will I have had to play the first two games to get the story? Or is this even following Battlefield Bad Company games?

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Yeah, adding a subscription to MW3 would be just an awful move, so I won't be surprised at all if Activision actually goes through with it. At least with something like Madden there's an entire game there that you can play offline. Call of Duty has an 8 hour story and then no re-playability outside of multiplayer.

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Guest skipschool

I could not imagine ever paying anything extra for the online capabilities of a Wii. Activision is a dumb company.

Thats why I was going to go for it on the Wii, I hadn't been used to paying for online content and thought it'd be a good bash as alot of my friends had the game on Xbox/PC/PS3, then when I read in the smallest print on the back that you need a separate subscription, I quickly put it down, walked to the Xbox aisle, got that and a 12 month gold subscription, I now play alot more games online on my xbox because of that.

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Yeah I fucking hate the price of new games here in Australia anywhere from $99-$119 usually... Especially EB Games... Biggest rip off ever... Hence why I rarely ever get new games these days, and if I do, I usually try and import them, ends up been much cheaper for me...

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I don't know if they still intend to, but there was talk of COD games requiring their own subscription for online. Utter bullshit, I really don't like Activision.

Doing this will basically force around half of their fanbase who are hanging on to the fact that its the "standard" for online gameplay to go over to things like Battlefield (which is better anyway) for sure

I'm pretty sure the only people that wouldn't get it would be the people that already weren't that bothered about getting it. If they added a subscription fee, I'm almost certain that the majority of casual gamers that play MW2 would pick it up. The only thing they might see is a reduction in the amount of kids that pick it up because obviously, they would have a much harder time selling their parents on "Buy me this game! And then pay for me to go online every so often!"

To be honest though, I don't see how they could justify it either way. 360 owners already pay a subscription and aren't going to be keen on paying another just to play MW3, whilst PS3 owners aren't going to be keen on a subscription due to the fact they probably got it to avoid extra costs and the PSN isn't stable enough for people to put money down for online anyway, especially now.

And short of being something spectacular, having great marketing and something that MW lacks or would improve upon the formula people already love, Battlefield is never going to replace MW. For starters, they need to sort out the fucking online for PS3. The last Battlefield game was horrible to attempt to play online. It also has the problem of not really encouraging playing online alone, which a lot of people like about MW, myself especially. I don't have the time to only play a game online if it requires me to find a team of people and co-ordinate. Sure that's fun when you can, but I want to be able to jump in at any time on my own. It's also really not as good. I played a few days with the last Battlefield and it felt slow, non-responsive and it seemed like I emptied whole clips of ammo into my enemies before they died, if the hits responded at all. I know that's a problem in MW as well, but I never noticed it quite as badly as I did in Battlefield.

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Doubt anyone would buy a PS3 to avoid extra online costs. I mean, a 12 month subscription to Xbox live is only about £40 a year, and the price difference between 360 and PS3 equates to about 3 years of Xbox live anyway.

I bought a PS3 because I thought it was better than a 360 - I liked the games for it more, and I liked the extra things it can do better. Online gaming wasn't a factor, because I hardly ever do online gaming. Because I never win. <_<

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