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WWE '12

Guest rasko

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I hate to double post, but....



I know Lesnar is already in the game when you buy it, but people like Foley, Batista, Savage, etc. are all DLC right? The only game I've ever spent a lot of money on DLC on was for Mass Effect 2, looks like I'll be getting a lot more for this game if those characters are DLC. I hope they're included from the start, though.

Looks like they will be in the 2nd DLC pack.

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Glad they have the "change colours of attires" option, was getting worried they'd removed it since the last I played (2010). Glad it's there still as I dislike Punk's colours, and they always seem to give Rey Mysterio his shittiest colour... not that I'll play as him though.

I'm not overly keen on having Triple H as one of the RTWs though. Think he was one on 2010 too? But yeah, it's mainly because he's typically a boring character in terms of move-set to play as, I find. Sheamus' should be great though.

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Just pre-ordered. Hadn't realised it was necessary to do so in order to get The Rock (yes I pay that much attention). We don't seem to be getting the decent pre-order that has the dvd people would actually bother watching. Instead we're getting the one with all of The Rock's shit since coming back. So instead for $20 less I pre-ordered it elsewhere that had a different bonus, what is it? I hear you ask. Well it's these


I'm going to be the most awesome adult in my suburb wearing these!

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