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WWE '12

Guest rasko

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I finally have a glitch going on right now, I'm hoping it ends somehow...

I am CM Punk vs. Undertaker in HIAC. I countered Snake Eyes, but Taker reacted weird, and just went to the center of the ring. Me (Punk) was stuck in the KOed in the corner animation, but slowly was moving across the ring. The ropes on the other side stopped me. We're both stuck here. Looks like I have to restart the match.

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Which theme does Taker have in this? Regular or Ain't No Grave? Also I know in the past if I gave someone in RTW a custom theme it would play in entrances but in cutscenes they'd still use their default. Has that changed or will I have to wait till I finish RTW to change Triple's H's theme to this?


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How many of you crackas have this for PS3? I bought into the hype and got it and wouldn't mind an actual decent online opponent (not someone who spams running attacks) sometime.

I got it. Plus I have a steady wireless connection, so it shouldn't be laggy. :)

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Holy reversals, Batman. I turned this thing on easy. It's the first time I've had a WWE game on the PS3, and I stink. I lost as Triple H against The Miz. I won as Beth Phoenix against Kelly Kelly thanks to attacking her prior to the match. I simulated McGillbuddies vs. Kane/Show, and I lost as Ax against John Cena in the main event. Kinda torn on getting the Fan Axxess thing or not.

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I had a match online yesterday - it was quite laggy, and I managed to get a few attacks in at the start, but from then on, the guy just battered me (he was Orton, I was Punk) and I couldn't reverse anything. Then, as I predicted, the pin meter was lagging like hell after he hit his sig/finisher. Shame, too, because the blue meter was actually still quite big, the game just didn't react when I let it go, like it would offline. :(

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to answer your question from earlier in the thread Baddar... You can't edit your CAW into a title match to give him the belts, the WWE Universe has to put you in the matches itself... I edited myself into a US title match and won but didn't get the first trophy... so immediately dropped the belt and formed a tag team with A-Ry and got given a tag title shot at the next ppv and won and immediately got the first trophy... Then got a rematch for my US title at the next ppv and won that... then won the rumble and won the wwe championship from Cena at WrestleMania and I was awarded the 3 titles trophy...

I also have the game on PS3 and wouldn't mind playing against some of you sometime but I can't ever seem to log onto the servers...

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It's a Blu-Ray disc, nothing gets saved to it ever as the PS3 isn't a Blu-Ray writer, even if it was it would need to constantly overwrite sections until it was no longer usable.

Everything gets saved to the HDD and linked to your PSN account. So if you borrow your friends PS3 it will save to his PS3. However if you log onto your account on his PS3 then copy the save data and game data onto a portable HDD I believe that if you were to get your own PS3 and log into the same account on it you should be able to transfer it across. If you have PSN+ or whatever it's called it's even easier as that uploads your saves onto the cloud so it would just be a matter of switching on the new PS3 and logging into your account I believe.

If you don't mind losing your save game then the PSN purchase is linked to your account so on your new PS3 when you log into your account you can re-download everything you have previously purchased (except for Guitar Hero or Rock Band stuff I think, for those you have to call up or something I think).

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong on any of this. I've swapped my HDD in the past which required a full back up and stuff but I've never tried moving saves and PSN purchases across PS3's, although I assume it's the same difference?

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