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2011 NFL Season

gunnar hendershow

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The Niners are sickening right now. No way should this only be a 6 point game. Pretty much proof that while defense may win championships, shitty QB's are more than capable of canceling it out.

That shitty quarterback said you're more than welcome to suck his buttcheeks. What a pass. What a catch.

Now if my boys could suck just a little bit less...

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Wow, that Niners/Saints game was just awesome. I rarely get into football games unless it's the Bengals or something that would affect the Bengals (like the Steelers getting humiliated), but that game had me on the edge of my seat.

I am rather invested in this Patriots/Broncos game, literally for no reason than hoping Tebow gets absolutely humiliated. I want him to lose this game so bad that it turns all these people that worship football and Jesus™ into stone cold atheists.

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Wow, that Niners/Saints game was just awesome. I rarely get into football games unless it's the Bengals or something that would affect the Bengals (like the Steelers getting humiliated), but that game had me on the edge of my seat.

I am rather invested in this Patriots/Broncos game, literally for no reason than hoping Tebow gets absolutely humiliated. I want him to lose this game so bad that it turns all these people that worship football and Jesus™ into stone cold atheists.


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Yeah seriously. I love the bandwagon detractors that have come out in droves to shit on Tim Tebow.

And you know what? It has nothing to do with him. He's a great person and every sport could do with a lot more people like him. He's not preachy, he's not in your face about his faith, he's polite and he keeps it to himself, but when questioned about it, answers honestly. People hate him because of he gets a lot of media coverage, which he has absolutely no control over. People hate him because he has passionate supporters, who from what I've seen, aren't even assholes about it. The Bronco hate wave is one of the stupidest ones I've ever seen. The Jets one was stupid too, but at least you could point to some logical reasons behind it, loudmouth coaches and players, fans who are assholes.

The Broncos have none of that.

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Yeah seriously. I love the bandwagon detractors that have come out in droves to shit on Tim Tebow.

And you know what? It has nothing to do with him. He's a great person and every sport could do with a lot more people like him. He's not preachy, he's not in your face about his faith, he's polite and he keeps it to himself, but when questioned about it, answers honestly. People hate him because of he gets a lot of media coverage, which he has absolutely no control over. People hate him because he has passionate supporters, who from what I've seen, aren't even assholes about it. The Bronco hate wave is one of the stupidest ones I've ever seen. The Jets one was stupid too, but at least you could point to some logical reasons behind it, loudmouth coaches and players, fans who are assholes.

The Broncos have none of that.

No offense but what exactly has Tebow done to make him a great person besides being religious?

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He's a great person and every sport could do with a lot more people like him. He's not preachy, he's not in your face about his faith, he's polite and he keeps it to himself

The dude appeared in a $1.5 million Super Bowl ad to tell women what to do with their uterus. I don't know how you can get much more preachy and in your face than that. He partnered up with Focus on the Family, which is nothing but a right-wing hate group that opposes marriage equality, supports institutionalized child abuse, forced prayer in school, teaching intelligent design and letting women die so a fetus might live... so yeah, fuck him. In a really sexy gay way too.

There are plenty of upstanding citizens in sports. Sure, we always hear about the Michael Vicks, Plaxicos and the entire Bengals roster, but they just make for good headlines. But we're supposed to drop down on one knee and praise Timmy Teebs because he puts John 3:16 on his eye black? Please. Drew Brees is a Christian, Kurt Warner's a Christian, John Kitna was always playing for Jesus, but you never heard this much about it because they weren't gag-inducing about it like Tebow is. And this idea that God gives a shit about football is the tackiest thing ever and if I were religious, I'd be deeply offended by it. As an atheist, I find it hilarious how willing "good Christians" are to completely sell out their entire identity.

I'd wager that 65-90% of NFL players identify as Christians, why is Tebow special? Because his entire shtick is "look at how much I love Jesus, aren't I such a good person?" And I guaran-goddamn-tee if his name was Tim Tehzeeb and he bowed to Mecca after every touchdown, all these fundies losing their shit over Tebow would be calling for an NFL boycott. We can't even have a reality show about Muslims on TLC without a nationwide boycott, surely we wouldn't let one in the church that is the NFL.

But I understand, Maxx... he's playing the Pats, so you have to cheer for him unconditionally. :P

And fuck the Jets too. Any team whose fans have a tradition to sexually assault women during half time is the worst.

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Goodman is terrible. I believe that's the third touchdown pass he's given up tonight. Oh well. I didn't expect us to win this weekend. Would have been nice. This time last year I would've smacked your face and maybe your ass had you told me that we'd be in the second round of the playoffs. So it was at least a pleasant ride.

Earlier in the year I begged Denver management to give Tebow a shot so we at least knew either way of whether he should stay or go. Now we know what we need to work on in the draft/free agency. *cough*secondary*cough*

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