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Awesome Terrible Movies Thread


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In the vein of MST3K, there's a lot of laughter-inducing shit-on-film out there, and many of us here on EWB love to watch that shit. Recommend/comment/discuss here!

I recently came across a bizarre . . . family film? I think that's what it was meant to be. It's called Meet The Hollowheads.

It's a late 80's futuristic gross-out-pseudo-sitcom movie starring John Glover (Daniel Clamp of Gremlins 2), Juliette Lewis, her brother Lightfield (they play siblings, yet have at least one sexually charged scene), some others, and features an appearance by Anne Ramsey (of The Goonies and Throw Momma From the Train.) It was co-written and directed by a guy who has written and directed nothing else, and primarily made his career in makeup effects - and every bit of that shows.

Basically, take a movie inspired by that Nickelodeon Gak and Garbage Pail Kids era, combine it with a family story and several metric tons of implied (and sometimes direct) sexual situations, and add some of the best terrible acting you've ever seen. That is this movie.

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Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County

This movie is done in the style of a teenager taping a family thanksgiving, and is done entirely from the perspective of the camcorder. Tommy McPherson is recording the whole thing...it starts off on a bit of a somber note, as the family dad had passed away some time ago and it's the first Thanksgiving without him. Shortly before dinner is supposed to be served, the power goes out. What could have caused it? :shifty:

It aired originally on UPN in late 1997, then was rebroadcast in 1998, and was presented as being real. This movie scared the shit out of a lot of people, including me. Watching it again though, it is kinda ridiculous, not to mention the movie has Emmanuelle Chriqui in it, which kinda kills the whole real thing these days. Still, it predates The Blair Witch Project, and has some decent suspense for what it is.

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I figure that The Room goes without saying... but I've got something a lot closer to heart.

Birdemic: Shock and Terror.

It was filmed in San Jose. I've actually passed by several of the places the showed in the movie. That is my one good note.

Have you ever seen The Room? Good. Now turn that into a 93-minute disaster film being produced for less than $10,000. The first hour or so is spent with main characters Rod (Alan Bagh) and Nathalie (Whitney Moore). Rod is a software salesman, whose company is about to sell for millions of dollars. Nathalie is a model who gets a contract with Victoria's Secret fairly early on. They meet, he asks her out, they go on a date, you know, gushy rom-com stuff. (There's nothing as eyebrow-raising as "I can't tell joo about da bank accounts, Jawhnny, that's personal. So, anyway, how's joor sexlife?", but the guy playing Rod has zero acting talent and it really shows.)

Do you know why I'm telling you things that seem like fairly notable plot points? Because after that first hour finishes, a CGI bird flies into a gas station and blows it up. There is little-to-no buildup to the Birdemic. The remainder of the film is those same CGI birds constantly squawking the same sound, a bunch of pro-environmental gibberish (to the point where I think Al Gore would be for nuking the ice caps if he saw this), and just general terrible awesomeness.

I'm not saying you should have Birdemic in regular rotation, but see it at least once to confirm to yourself that you can't possibly see a movie that's worse than this.

EDIT: Oh, and they're making a 3D sequel.

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I love awesomely terrible movies. So much so, that a few of my friends and I started FilmFail CineCrap, a night in which we all get together to watch terrible movies that are (more often than not) hilarious. Sometimes a movie seems like it'll be really bad it's funny and then it's just awful and a waste of everyone's time.

After a few months of not doing it, tonight we're gathering again to watch Hard Ticket To Hawaii. Which looks absolutely amazing! I got it in a 12 movie set (all of which are similar to it) for only 6 bucks. Can't wait!

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The ButterCream Gang: My roommate's grandmother had this on VHS and he used to watch it as a kid at her house. I was able to download it last year and we watched it. It was easily the corniest movie I have ever seen. Basically, there is this group of kids that go around doing good deeds for everyone in the town. The leader moves to Chicago and becomes a street tough, but then has to move back and the rest of the ButterCream Gang tries to save him.

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Guest mr. potato head

I'm happy this thread exists because it allows me to bring up the single worst bit of acting of all time from Troll 2.

"Nilbog is Goblin backwards! This is their kingdom!"

"Eggs?" "BLEH!"

"You can't piss on hospitality! I won't allow it!"

Seriously for all the love The Room gets here, Troll 2 deserves almost as much.

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I'm happy this thread exists because it allows me to bring up the single worst bit of acting of all time from Troll 2.

"Nilbog is Goblin backwards! This is their kingdom!"

"Eggs?" "BLEH!"

"You can't piss on hospitality! I won't allow it!"

Seriously for all the love The Room gets here, Troll 2 deserves almost as much.

And that film's also responsible for possibly the best documentary of all time - Best Worst Movie.

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Home Sweet Home is one of the greatest movies I have ever seen.

It features the Body By Jake guy as an evil, drug-addled maniac on escape from a local mental institution and he is, of course, looking for blood. There's a scene where he frog splashes someone to death on the hood of a car. It's glorious.

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The movie's called Taffin. I've never seen it, have no idea what it is beyond that clip.

I'll post properly in here later, terrible movies are my favourite.

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Deathstalker II is pretty ridiculous. It's a parody of swords-and-sorcery with a lot of lines they obviously thought would be hysterical but are terrible. That's always worth a chuckle to me.

That precedes "And The Warriors From Hell", right? I bet it's tremendous.

You know what's sad and I need to rectify? I have never seen The Room, Troll 2, nor Birdemic. I hear Thankskilling is great too.

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Plan 9 From Outer Space is, for a famously awful movie is actually good. All that's horrible about it is rather entertaining.

The Room, is wonderful because it's just so utterly bizarre.

The Nic Cage Wicker Man remake is also wonderful for it's stupidity.

Birdemic, that's to me, like a modern "Manos". Although it lacks the charm of a Torgo.

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