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So what makes EWB Members all misty eyed?


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The Futurama episode about Fry's dog always gets to me. Especially the montage at the end showing the dog aging. Also, the episode about his brother, with the four leaf clover is another one that made me really sad.

This. I stilly cry at the end of these episodes to this day, Futurama was really the master at dragging you in like that after so much comedy. I got teary in the first movie too witht he whole Lars storyline.

Toy Story 3, mainly because I aged literally the same as Andy. When I saw it I was also going to college for the first time and it really closed my childhood out. I cried like a little girl but the 3D glasses hid it at least!

The opening of Up. I heard it was sad going in and was ready for it but still got all teary.

The Book of Love moment at the end of Scrubs with the projector, it was just a poignant way to end it. I've yet to watch any of the new shit because that was too perfect and I don't want to ruin it. When Dr. Cox broke down too and JD gave him a speech and fixed him, then Dr. Cox patting him on the back and actually calling him JD.

Also Lost, I was in floods of tears in the final moments, particlularly Ben and Locke's scene outside the church and the final scene with Jack and his dad. Pretty much any TV show that's long running actually and I loved will get me going.

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I almost cried at the finale of Lost. :shifty: Otherwise I can't really remember anything else, possibly the very last Only Fools episode where Rodney finally gets a baby.

Edit: Shit yeah, Blackadder Goes Forth ending too, the bit where it cuts to the poppy field. I still well up when I watch that.

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I cried when Randy Savage joined the nWo and turned his back on WCW! :crying:

Actual answers:

I watched Finding Nemo like a week before my first daughter was born. The bit near the end...

...when he's nearly crushed by the tuna trying to escape the net and Marlin picks him up and says "It's okay. Daddy's got you." and I'm all "oh christ here come the waterworks." I sat there and bawled and just said, "I'm gonna be a DADDY!" for like five minutes because I am a maudlin lil' fuck.

Also the second-to-last scene of Big Fish. Feels a little maudlin and exploitative in hindsight, especially because it doesn't actually address the issues that the movie raises and instead goes for broke with a big tearjerking scene, but god damn it it worked.

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The Brothers Bloom gets me at the end. Curious Case of Benjamin Button gets me at the end with the flashes of characters. Forest Gump. Battle Field LA. (I'm not proud of that one.)

Randy Quaid made me cry in Independence Day.

Most of the movies mentioned here.

The Worthless song in The Brave Little Toaster.

The wheel chair puppy dog in Babe 2: Pig in The City. Nothing makes you feel less manly than crying so much during a kid movie that your tears put out your cigarette.

2 early Episodes of How I Met Your Mother. Both featuring Barney's parental issues.

The Lollipop in Kung Fu Hustle... Not a scene, just the whole damn theme. It makes me bawl everytime I watch it.

The Princess Bride.



The Long Live Play PS3 Commerical about Micheal. Right around "OMAHA!" I start crying like a baby.. I hate that commercial.

Fried Green Tomatoes.

Secondhand Lions.

Jesus' Son several times throughout.

A few scenes of The Black Donnellys mostly involving Jimmy.

Hesher made me cry but I kind of hated the movie as a whole.

The Arthur remake? Yup. Last half of the damn movie.


The only thing I can ever remember making me cry tears of joy? Deadwood, when the Doc dances.

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The Brothers Bloom gets me at the end. Curious Case of Benjamin Button gets me at the end with the flashes of characters. Forest Gump. Battle Field LA. (I'm not proud of that one.)

Randy Quaid made me cry in Independence Day.

Most of the movies mentioned here.

The Worthless song in The Brave Little Toaster.

The wheel chair puppy dog in Babe 2: Pig in The City. Nothing makes you feel less manly than crying so much during a kid movie that your tears put out your cigarette.

2 early Episodes of How I Met Your Mother. Both featuring Barney's parental issues.

The Lollipop in Kung Fu Hustle... Not a scene, just the whole damn theme. It makes me bawl everytime I watch it.

The Princess Bride.



The Long Live Play PS3 Commerical about Micheal. Right around "OMAHA!" I start crying like a baby.. I hate that commercial.

Fried Green Tomatoes.

Secondhand Lions.

Jesus' Son several times throughout.

A few scenes of The Black Donnellys mostly involving Jimmy.

Hesher made me cry but I kind of hated the movie as a whole.

The Arthur remake? Yup. Last half of the damn movie.


The only thing I can ever remember making me cry tears of joy? Deadwood, when the Doc dances.

You cry a lot :shifty:

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The Brothers Bloom gets me at the end. Curious Case of Benjamin Button gets me at the end with the flashes of characters. Forest Gump. Battle Field LA. (I'm not proud of that one.)

Randy Quaid made me cry in Independence Day.

Most of the movies mentioned here.

The Worthless song in The Brave Little Toaster.

The wheel chair puppy dog in Babe 2: Pig in The City. Nothing makes you feel less manly than crying so much during a kid movie that your tears put out your cigarette.

2 early Episodes of How I Met Your Mother. Both featuring Barney's parental issues.

The Lollipop in Kung Fu Hustle... Not a scene, just the whole damn theme. It makes me bawl everytime I watch it.

The Princess Bride.



The Long Live Play PS3 Commerical about Micheal. Right around "OMAHA!" I start crying like a baby.. I hate that commercial.

Fried Green Tomatoes.

Secondhand Lions.

Jesus' Son several times throughout.

A few scenes of The Black Donnellys mostly involving Jimmy.

Hesher made me cry but I kind of hated the movie as a whole.

The Arthur remake? Yup. Last half of the damn movie.


The only thing I can ever remember making me cry tears of joy? Deadwood, when the Doc dances.

Oh, God, you just reminded me of Babe. Fuck, that was an awesome movie. I remember crying a lot during that.

Oh, shit, Black Donnellys. What a great show. When Jimmy (was it Jimmy) get's bullied and shaved and thrown in shit / mud, I bawl like a baby.

And shit, Kung Fu Hustle. That lollipop thing was beautiful.

Don't listen to Ruki, Pleather, crying's good. Although, maybe the PS3 thing's a bit much...

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