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EWB's Top 50 TV Shows of 2011: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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So far, the only shows on the list I've liked are Doctor Who, QI and I guess kinda The Simpsons, but that hardly counts >_< I've seen a couple of episodes of Archer, though, and can definitely see myself enjoying it if I ever got round to watching it.

Almost everything else I've either never seen, or don't like. Hurrah!

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I still can't believe House is still going on. I've forgotten when I even stopped watching.

I wish I could say the same about Big Bang Theory. I still watch out of habit, and I don't even enjoy it.

I've fallen off the wagon when it comes to Doctor Who. I like Matt Smith and all, but it is no longer must-watch TV for me like it was when David Tennant was The Doctor. I can never seem to get around to watching an episode any more.

South Park I've enjoyed very much this year.

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Nobody here likes NEW GIRL but the FUCKING BIG BANG THEORY people vote for? Shame on you, EWB!

What an odd show to use as an example. I'm not a Big Bang Theory fan but I'll take the first season of that over anything I've seen from New Girl.

House I watched a couple episodes of years ago and then got weary of the formula pretty quick. Decent show for what it is, Hugh Laurie is great, but it's not for me. Also, House is a great example of that "it's not how you start but how you finish" cliche because it took FOREVER to get off the starting block in terms of votes, and then suddenly it was getting a lot of them by the end.

There was probably a window for me to get into Supernatural a couple years ago and now it's passed. I'm amused at how it pretty much stays in the exact same spot on the list every year. It's probably the most consistent in terms of placement of any show.

The most recent Doctor Who serial I've watched is the one where Barbara and Ian Chesterton finally get to go home (after being chased all across the timeline by Daleks and running into some British actors doing hideous American accents). It was pretty good. Just forty-four years of stuff to go for me to catch up!

I really, really can't be bothered to be offended and irritated by The Big Bang Theory the way others seem to be for the most part. I don't really watch it but it's not like Two and a Half Men or Entourage where I feel like its very existence makes me angry even if I don't actually watch it. It did annoy the crap out of me when Jim Parsons beat Steve Carell for the Emmy this year, but to be fair Jim Parsons seems like a really nice guy who's earned his big break.

I mostly liked "You're Getting Old" and that was my main exposure to South Park this year.

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More people need to watch Archer, less people need to watch Big Bang Theory...

truer words have never been spoken. But I am glad South Park is so high on the list, the season was great. The Broadway Bro Down episode is still some of the funniest TV I have seen all year.

Edited by hot rod
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New Girl is utter, utter dreck.

I've never really "got" Doctor Who. I dunno. I tried to sit down and watch it before, and it just didn't appeal to me. Inspector Spacetime, on the other hand..

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Colour me Satan! I tried to watch an episode and couldn't get through it. I guess that, uhm, at least it's not as bad as 2 Broke Girls.

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Personally I still haven't watched anything that isn't First Doctor serials, which usually aren't legitimately good but are kind of hilarious to watch because of the '60s effects and enjoyable lead performances.

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Colour me Satan! I tried to watch an episode and couldn't get through it. I guess that, uhm, at least it's not as bad as 2 Broke Girls.

I'd put 2 Broke Girls ahead of it. At its worst, it's a typical sitcom that's better than Two and a Half Men, at best, it's Kat Dennings. I love me some Zooey, but fuck, the rest of the cast of New Girl and her character are so insufferable I just couldn't get through it.

And yeah, I've never liked Doctor Who and I'm British. So overhyped for something that doesn't tell a particularly interesting story and has really shitty production values that really show, just like every British show that isn't a sitcom or drama. I really enjoyed David Tennant in the Fright Night remake, that's about as close to a nice thing as I have to say about Dr. Who.

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Americans don't really "get" Doctor Who. But this series was pretty great. Christmas Special was good too.

What a moronic thing to say. You have zero idea how popular the series is and to a certain extent always has been over here.

I still watch House, but to be fair the best days are long gone. I will continue to watch it until it ends, but I also kind of hope that end is coming sooner than later. It is time to put it to rest.

Supernatural is one of my favorite shows, mainly because it can be just about anything from week to week. There are times it takes itself way to seriously, but just as often it mocks itself without mercy. Such a fun show.

Doctor Who, despite my being American and not getting it, will always be one of my favorite shows. From the early serials to the modern day, it's just quintessential FUN.

I first and last watched The Big Bang Theory in season one. About midway through I realized the show had already gone from adoring these geeks to mocking them. That was that for me.

South Park I think I've only ever watched maybe 10 episodes and the movie, and while it was fun and funny, I just never really latched onto it like so many others.

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Americans don't really "get" Doctor Who. But this series was pretty great. Christmas Special was good too.

What a moronic thing to say. You have zero idea how popular the series is and to a certain extent always has been over here.

Well, at least all the Americans I know. Yeah, that was a bit stereotypical. Sorry bout that.

Edited by deli2000
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House should've called it quits after the asylum mini-movie, it's been utter shit ever since.

Never watched Supernatural, all I know about it is women on Tumblr want the two guys to fuck.

Haven't watched Dr. Who since the 80s, but I bet it would be a show I would dig.

Big Bang Theory is the worst everything.

South Park may hit some dry patches, but it's literally the only scripted show on television that never has to end. Their ability to whip up a show in mere days allows them to always be relevant and fresh... even if the results are crab people. As long as Matt & Trey want to do it, I see no reason for the show to ever go away.

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