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Downloaded Retro City Rampage for the Wii last night. As much as it's going to pain me to drag myself away from Xenoblade, I'm pretty excited to play it.

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A. THat looks incredible!

B. Edward Kenway? So he's related to Connor and presumably Desmond..interesting

He's Connor's grandfather.

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I believe it's just rumor now, but more details are supposed to come out today. Wouldn't be surprised if it's true though.

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Speaking of...

Looks like rather than having a single person having multiple stories, we're getting something called "The Kenway Saga", where they focus on family members rather than one person (hopefully that means Hatham will get a game down the line).

Also, word of underwater swimming for pirate booty.



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No doubt they can throw some giant fish/sharks/giant snakes/giant spiders in there to add the completely unnecessary but now gaming constant of "hunt the animals" missions. I still haven't bought AC3 because of that.

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No doubt they can throw some giant fish/sharks/giant snakes/giant spiders in there to add the completely unnecessary but now gaming constant of "hunt the animals" missions. I still haven't bought AC3 because of that.

That was pretty much the only fun part of AC3. Running around in the wild.

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Is Far Cry 3 much different to the first two? Im thinking of picking it up because of the reviews/price, but I really cant get into the predecessors. Ridiculous respawn rate, awful map system, enemies that take a full clip to die, terrible weapon zoom, has all that changed?

Edited by ZJ Penn
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Oh good. Been working through a huge backlog of games and managed to write several off today because they were utter shite (Far Cry: Predator, Far Cry 2, The Darkness, Rainbow Six Vegas).

Up next F.E.A.R 3, Dark Souls, new Hitman and hopefully Far Cry 3 and Max Payne 3.

On the plus side, finished Spec Ops campaign today. What a superb game that is.

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Max Payne 3 is garbage. To put it in perspective, I love Metal Gear Solid 4. I think it's a fantastic game. So when I say Max Payne 3 is a shitty interactive movie, understand exactly what I'm saying. Hitman and Dark Souls are fun, though. Frustrating, but on both accounts it's always your fault if you fail, which is challenging and enjoyable. Can't speak for Fear 3 though.

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That sucks. Max Payne 1 & 2 were among my favourite PS2 games. Although to be honest, I had my suspicions when I saw the change in style.

FEAR is more of a case of me liking the idea of it/plot than the gameplay. Might even have played them on easy. I was hoping they'd be the spiritual successor to the Condemed games.

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Max Payne 3 was a great 3 day rental. The MP was fun for a bit but it got old really fast. I didn't mind the unskipable cut-scenes because I don't skip them anyways. Though it could get very old if you were trying to play through again for achievements.

Just signed up for PS plus again after buying a 3 month card from Fry's with a gift card. Downloading everything, and my internet connection is suffering for it. Been wanting to play Mega-Man 9 & 10 for a very long time and finally get a chance to. This is going to be the first time my PS3 has been used for games on a consistent basis since I beat all 3 Uncharted's.

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