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Stars Wars: Suggested Viewing Order


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I saw, I think, Return of the Jedi, when I was young but never really took hold of it as a great movie.

I was 8 when Phantom Menace came out and I'll defend that movie as being good when I first saw it. It doesn't really hold up now.

I will have to try this Machete Order though.

Also, I'll defend Jar Jar Binks forever. I love that guy.

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Found this on Tumblr, I like it.

Star Wars Saga: Suggested Viewing Order

The order is:

Star Wars

Empire Strikes Back

Attack of the Clones

Revenge of the Sith

Return of the Jedi

Phantom Menace is eliminated since nothing that happens in it is relevant to the rest of the story, but I kinda dig this. I want to try it out.

Any reason in particular for the staggered order? I've watched in release order (IV, V, VI, I, II, III) and I've watched it in chronological order as well. Hell, sometimes I tack on The Clone Wars show from 2003 in between II & III if I'm feeling up for wasting away in front of my TV.

The idea is that by watching it in Chronological Order, you ruin the reveal that Vader is Luke's father from Empire Strikes Back. By doing it this way, you get to retain that, but once it's over, you can go ahead and watch the Fall Of Anakin to fill in the backstory of how he went wrong before watching Anakin's Redemption in ROTJ.

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I think I'd give that a go to be honest, with episode one in there too as a completist nerd, and its been a while since I've watched any of them so might have to do it soon. Not looking forward to this redone ending of Jedi with Hayden ruddy Christiansen though, many other glaring irritating amendments?

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I think I'd give that a go to be honest, with episode one in there too as a completist nerd, and its been a while since I've watched any of them so might have to do it soon. Not looking forward to this redone ending of Jedi with Hayden ruddy Christiansen though, many other glaring irritating amendments?

If we're talking about the Blu-Ray versions, Vader's infamous cry of "Noooooooooooo!" from the end of Revenge of the Sith has been haphazardly tacked on to the redemption scene in Return of the Jedi.

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I saw the original trilogy when I was 17. Cant remember when I saw Phantom Menace but it was probably around the cinematic release(or the australian equivalent, which is 3 years after everywhere else dry.gif ). I've seen a couple of episodes of the Clone Wars cartoon. Still yet to see Episdoes 2/3.

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I was 9 when Episode 1 came out


Hey, I was 9 as well when Episode 1 came out. :( But then again, I saw the original trilogy, through and through, like three times before I saw Episode 1 so... :shifty:

I watched the shit out of them VHS tapes.

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Yeah, I saw Phantom Menace when I was five and watched the trilogy when I was a little older. I like Star Wars, but I'm definitely not in love with it like a lot of other people. Though, I would like to watch them all again at some point. Well, the original trilogy anyway - see if I appreciate them more.

Though, I'll always have a soft spot for Phantom Menace. Darth Maul was the bomb.

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I think I'd give that a go to be honest, with episode one in there too as a completist nerd, and its been a while since I've watched any of them so might have to do it soon. Not looking forward to this redone ending of Jedi with Hayden ruddy Christiansen though, many other glaring irritating amendments?

If we're talking about the Blu-Ray versions, Vader's infamous cry of "Noooooooooooo!" from the end of Revenge of the Sith has been haphazardly tacked on to the redemption scene in Return of the Jedi.

I really hate how the Blu Rays have replaced Palpatine with Jar Jar Binks. I mean, I hated the guy too, but I don't buy him as a Sith Lord, even if it did make for a more dramatic kickboxing duel with CGI Mark Hamill.

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I saw A New Hope in theatres in a line that went on for what seemed like miles in my memory when I was 7 I think. Saw all three of the originals in theatres, and saw the prequels in theatres as well. I do not hate the prequels, and in fact I rank Episode 3 as the second best of the whole franchise.

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I don't get the hate for Phantom Menace, myself. Sure, nothing happened, but the worst part of the prequels was Hayden Christiansen and he was totally absent for TPM.

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I don't get the hate for Phantom Menace, myself. Sure, nothing happened, but the worst part of the prequels was Hayden Christiansen and he was totally absent for TPM.

For me, TPM was 20+ years of anticipation and it was never going to live up to the hype, so when I walked out of it I was not impressed and mildly hated it. When I rewatched it the day I went and saw ROTS, I liked it far more. It's all set up (talk talk talk little action talk talk talk big ass ending action), just like the original Star Wars was.

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I think the prequels wouldn't be all that great no matter when they were made. You can't make a great sci-fi space adventure movie about parliamentary procedure.

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I think the prequels wouldn't be all that great no matter when they were made. You can't make a great sci-fi space adventure movie about parliamentary procedure.

Yeah, my friend and I (she's a sci fi fan but not really a Star Wars fan, whereas I have a Star Wars tattoo) discussed how we'd redo the prequel trilogy and most of the discussion was focused on casting (namely, of Vader, since a lot of the other casting was fine). The idea of showing how a government went from a voting republic to an evil empire sounds more like a good idea for a book rather than a series of movies, so they were sort of forced into including a lot of really dull and boring bits.

Everyone I know agrees that Jar Jar got far too much screen time, but then, Ewoks.

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The EU is fine for that. I think George Lucas has both earned enough money AND done enough damage.

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I mean, it's not an issue for those of us who can read. I guess maybe you can watch the cartoons they're making? idk

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