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EWB's Favorite Singer III: The Voting Thread

GoGo Yubari

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1. Jefferey Lee Pierce (The Gun Club)

2. Jello Biafra (Dead Kennedys)

3. Arthur Brown

4. David Bowie

5. Mr. Wrong aka Rob Wright (Nomeansno)

6. Ian Curtis (Joy Division)

7. Brendan Perry (Dead Can Dance)

8. Ozzy Osbourne (Black Sabbath)

9. Adam Turla (Murder By Death)

10. Jim Heath (Reverend Horton Heat)

Edit - Glad Voting hasn't closed so I can make a quick change.

Edited by VerbalPuke
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  • 2 weeks later...

1.) Shane MacGowan The only singer who can take a happy Quom and make him break down in tears for no reason other than his voice and lyrics.

2.) Annie Lennox Can do anything she likes. Probably the 'best' singer on my list.

3.) Nick Cave You want to know the sound of a maniac creeping up behind you in a dark alley who slowly saunters up, presses into you, pulls your head back and then just sniffs your hair before walking off? Nick Cave is that man. His creepy ominous lyrics are perfectly carried by his creepy ominous voice.

4.) Buddy Holly Most claim it's the simplicity of his songwriting and catchy melodies that made him incredible, but the truth is covers of his songs sound like shit for one simple reason, he actually sang them perfectly and they cannot be improved. They can't even be re-imagined.

5.) Stephin Merritt I dunno why. I just love his voice. it's like a quintessential heartbroken country singer who forces themselves to sing every type of music. It works far more often than it should, especially given how limited it is.

6.) Ian Curtis Not the best singer, but the best voice of its kind. Generally I think people go looking for shit and are all 'you could hear in their voice all of their emotion' or whatever of people who die young, but with Ian Curtis it's true

7.) David Byrne I dunno, I grew up listening to the Talking Heads. Far from technically everything but can draw real emotion out of me with no effort at all.

8.) Ani Di Franco. She sounds like a righteous babe. Her politics and feminism stuff can all get a bit boring, but she has a great voice when she sings, when she's pissed off and ranting in song it sounds like she's ready to kill. Untouchable Face comes close to reaching MacGowan territory.

9.) KD Lang I like KD Lang, I don't care, go fuck yourself. She has something incredibly feminine in her voice whilst being more than deep enough to never do that horrible ear piercing shrill shriek thing that I hate about most female singers.

10.) Jack White..Sure he can do the whole rock thing, but is by far at his best when he's singing with real emotion. Whether it's the emotional plea of Jolene or the innocent sincerity of We're Going to be Friends.

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1. Antony Hegarty

2. John Darnielle

3. Paul Baribeau

4. Tim Harrington

5. Michael Stipe

6. Daniel Johnston

7. Johnny Cash

8. Josh Small

9. Austin Lucas

10. Elliott Smith

I didn't think too hard into this so I might be opening for editing at some point. LD voting for Pat The Bunny gives me so much friggin' love for LD it's untrue.

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This will probably be a pretty weird list.

1. Kurt Cobain -

2. Paul McCartney -

3. Jim Morrison -

4. Jeff Buckley -

5. Johnny Cash -

6. Rufus Wainwright -

7. Florence Welch -

8. Bradley Nowell -

9. Eric Clapton -

10. Colin Meloy -

Not exactly a who's who of golden vocal chords, but fuck it.

Edited by Dxfan555
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Thanks to everyone who's voted! I'd really like to get a few more in before this closes (we're at about 21 ballots and I'd love at least 25), but it will be closing soon since I finished with college two days ago!

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I think Kongo's ballot is the first time I've ever seen Lee Dorrian on one of these. Awesome.

1. John Darnielle

2. Johnny Cash

3. Hank Williams

4. Steve Earle

5. Tegan & Sara (can I nominate them as one or do I need to do them seperately? If I have to do them seperately they'd be one right after the other anyway.)

6. Henry Rollins

7. Scott "Wino" Weinrich

8. Shane MacGowan

9. Neil Young

10. Tom Waits

I was going to do the whole "blah blah blah list of reasons why" thing, but then I realized that all of them would be nearly identical.

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My list would probably change depending on what time of the day it is, but here it is after brainstorming a couple of names in my head, and it's how I'm going to keep it.

1. Jeff Buckley

2. Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin)

3. Chris Cornell (Soundgarden / Audioslave)

4. Little Richard

5. Sebastian Bach (Skid Row)

6. Jim Morrison (The Doors)

7. Myles Kennedy (Alter Bridge)

8. Steven Tyler (Aerosmith)

9. Mick Jagger (Rolling Stones)

10. Scott Weiland (Stone Temple Pilots / Velvet Revolver)

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Guest mr. potato head

OK GoGo, you get your vote for Neko.

1) Van Morrison

2) Neko Case

3) Raine Maida

4) Burton Cummings

5) Ray Charles

6) Steven Page

7) Tim Baker (Hey Rosetta)

8) Dallas Green

9) Michael Stipe

10) Neil Young

Props to metalman for the Neil Hannon inclusion though, that’s awesome.

Edited by mr. potato head
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2. You cannot vote for Freddie Mercury or Frank Sinatra. What I'm interested in is seeing what happens to the votes for this one if you make previous winners ineligible, so consider Mercury and Old Blue Eyes to be in like the EWB Singer Hall of Fame and Awesome. I think I've run enough lists and this is type of one that doing something different is fine. If you vote for Mercury or Sinatra, you're just wasting points so don't do it!

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I think I've run enough lists and this is type of one that doing something different is fine.

I have absolutely no clue what I meant with this sentence now.

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