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Django Unchained

GoGo Yubari

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Tremendous film. Absolutely tremendous. As was the case with Zero, this is the first Tarantino film that made me truly uncomfortable. But I can't think of any other slavery film I've seen that made me feel that way. And I consider that a very good thing for Tarantino, because slavery was abhorrent, and it should make the viewer feel uncomfortable. I felt what I should feel.

DiCaprio was tremendous. He should be a heel in all his films. Seeing him in this, I don't know if I can see him as anyone else. He was that good, I felt. And holy hell Christoph Waltz. I haven't seen Inglorious Basterds yet, so I'd not seen any of his work, but that man is a fucking revelation. He had me at hello. And while I think Foxx has been better (Ray and Collateral), he was also quite good. Jackson was great, as he usually is with Tarantino. He should have a Raptors bag in every film. Just saying.

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Yah I really enjoyed it. However I went with my girlfriend and my best friend and his girlfriend. His girlfriend is black. It was..awkward..at times.

Only part that was kind of a total miss for me was the whole scene with Tarantino actually in it. Like I know that's his thing and all but ugh.

Edited by rocksta
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Yeah I honestly didn't think the Tarantino cameo was well-done, it felt like a whiff. I didn't mind him, just the whole scene felt a little bit too silly given what had just happened.

I liked the movie though, more than I thought I would. Far from perfect, but a lot of fun for the most part.

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I would love to watch this movie, but it doesn't come out until January 24, because we are a stupid fucking backwards piece of shit country when it comes to television series and movies.

Oh sorry, I don't want to go to see The Hobbit in one of the 10 fucking theatre rooms you are playing it in. Fucking hell.

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I haven't seen Inglorious Basterds yet

Dude... see... now.

I don't know why people have such an issue with the Tarantino cameo. It's gotta be the most insignificant of his cameos besides "guy in background" in Kill Bill.

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I liked it. It was a good film. It felt the least like a Tarantino film of all of his that aren't Jackie Brown, though. I'm sure a lot of people didn't mind, but I dunno. I felt like it lacked some of that style. The action was all there, but outside of DiCaprio being wonderful and Christoph Waltz being fucking incredible again... I dunno. It didn't wow me. I liked it plenty, but I didn't have that feeling of "Holy shit." after I'd finished watching it. It was good. For me, it wasn't as good as Inglorious Basterds though.

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I haven't seen Inglorious Basterds yet

Dude... see... now.

I don't know why people have such an issue with the Tarantino cameo. It's gotta be the most insignificant of his cameos besides "guy in background" in Kill Bill.

Nah. I'd say it's a lot more glaring than Voice on Answering Machine in Jackie Brown, or even as Mr. Brown in Reservoir Dogs because there he had a couple lines and that's it, as opposed to a silly accent.

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Okay, forgot he even had one in Jackie Brown. Reservoir Dogs perhaps wasn't as glaring in 92 since Tarantino wasn't as well known, but watching it now, it's like someone put an acting class exercise at the beginning of a movie. And with that said, while Pulp Fiction is still the most distracting, I don't really mind any of them. Tarantino movies are all winks and nods anyway, but I really thought this one was completely inoffensive. Far, far away from the full Shyamalan.

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I liked it. It is caught somewhere between Kill Bill and Inglorious Basterds in terms of how Tarantino balances genre cinema, and the main shootout did remind me of the Crazy 88 scene in Kill Bill. I don't think it is Tarantino's best, but definitely up there.

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Did you not like Pulp Fiction? How can no one like Pulp Fiction!

Tarantino movies are all winks and nods anyway, but I really thought this one was completely inoffensive.

Zero accruately described why I dislike Tarantino and his movies.

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Did you not like Pulp Fiction? How can no one like Pulp Fiction!

Depends on when you saw it for the first time. If it wasn't until way after all the hype, I can understand at least being disappointed. Even I have trouble watching it now after years of "OMG PULP FICTION!!!!!!!!" I love it, but I really have to space out my viewings. Whereas I could sit down and watch Kill Bill and Inglourious on an infinite loop.

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Pulp Fiction personally had my favorite Tarantino cameo on the topic of both.

The thing with the Tarantino cameo in this movie is that it felt like the focus was on him and not the scene, like it was treated as "Here is the cameo everyone!" In Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction it was more like he had a role in the movie, it was still poor acting but it had camp to it and that is just fine. In Django it felt too deliberate to see him show up on the screen and have the silly accent and everything, right after a serious climactic scene. Another thing, age has not been kind to him.

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Don't remember if I've posted in here already or not but another time can't hurt just to say that this movie was fantastic. There were some genuinely uncomfortable scenes in the movie that stuck with me-- not bad in that sense, rather just... hard to watch-- but it was incredible how quickly the movie could switch seemingly naturally between that and comedy, and man was the comedy good.

I'd say I probably enjoyed Django more than I thought I was going to-- not like I thought I wouldn't like it, but still. I can't say it's one of my favorite Tarantino flicks because I'm woefully behind on Tarantino's work to really judge it to the others. Kill Bill is the only other one I've seen that immediately comes to mind at least, I've not watched Pulp Fiction nor Inglorious Basterds (the latter I remember definitely being on my watchlist though).

Also, further note: going into the movie knowing DiCaprio went through with that entire scene where he accidentally slices his hand open made it all the more powerful. Had I not known that I would have thought it was a great added touch, but knowing it wasn't meant to happen and he just went through with it? The man is incredible.

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