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Daredevil is way better than it's given credit for. But, I'm pretty sure 90% of that is rose tinted glasses and my love for the villains. I don't want to watch it and ruin the illusion.

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No matter what anyone says about the Daredevil movie in general, about how it's so bad and all that, there's absolutely no denying that Michael Clarke Duncan and Colin Farrel are absolutely amazing as Kingpin and Bullseye.

Also, count me in as someone who liked the movie.

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I really liked it, it's one of the better films from the bunch that came before the 'cinematic universe'

I remember thinking Ghost Rider was decent and Punisher was average, but 2003 Hulk and Elektra were pretty terrible.

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I haven't watched it in a while but I'll always have a soft spot for Jane. Was much better than the sequel that's for sure.

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Speaking of The Punisher, did any of you folks watch the Thomas Jane short Dirty Laundry? It has Ron Pearlman in it as well, and is actually pretty good considering it was done on a shoe string budget and a lot of love for the character.

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Neither of the Punisher movies were all that bad. The Thomas Jane one was a perfectly fine movie, and the Ray Stephenson captured the carnage and violence you'd expect from a Punisher film.

Daredevil was alright, and I hear the extended version makes it an even better film, but I haven't seen it. I do look forward to what Marvel will do with the property now that they have the rights again.

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I know it won't happen, but I'd be pretty pumped if they used the Guardian Devil storyline for one of the new films. Mind you, my love for that storyline is highly biased because I picked up the paperback with the entire storyline not too long after seeing the Daredevil film, and it was my first exposure to the comic book character in his original medium.

... Plus, Mysterio.

Edited by WeAreOne
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I think that Punisher is a character that's going to work a lot better as an antagonist in a film or Agents of Shield rather than being the title character of a film. Same way I feel about Hawkeye, really. If the Matt Fraction run has taught me anything, it's that he's a character at his best when you can see him just being an average dude. Something Agents of Shield would probably do a much better job of than any films would.

I'd probably say that Ghost Rider would be best kept as a side character too. I just don't think there's any saving that franchise, really. At least Daredevil had redeemable parts to it. >_>

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I feel like the characters that have been recovered by Marvel need to be integrated into the cinematic universe before they get their own films.

Ghost Rider and Blade can both be introduced through a Dr. Strange film if needed.

Daredevil should either go through the Agents of SHIELD first, be a mini-series, or be included in an Iron Fist and/or Luke Cage film. Hell, they could even just introduce the character in any movie, so long as they can write a way for the characters to need a lawyer.

Does Marvel own Punisher again?

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So Marvel apparently wants to meet with Vin Diesel.

Pretty odd news. Nothing's set in stone because they just could just be kicking tires to see who's available but the rumor is that it could be for the voice of Thanos.

Fuck that, I've always thought of Thanos having a voice like Pee Wee Herman's. If Marvel could pull that off and still make him look threatening, they'd be geniuses.

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So Marvel apparently wants to meet with Vin Diesel.

Pretty odd news. Nothing's set in stone because they just could just be kicking tires to see who's available but the rumor is that it could be for the voice of Thanos.

Fuck that, I've always thought of Thanos having a voice like Pee Wee Herman's. If Marvel could pull that off and still make him look threatening, they'd be geniuses.

I'm really glad they won't do that.

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Vin Diesel should return to his "awesome performance as the voice of a character with limited vocabulary" roots ("SUUUUUU... PER... MAAAAAAAAAAAAN") and play Groot.

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I know people complained about Origins being too much of a fan service film (LOOK AT ALL THESE CHARACTERS YOU KNOW), but I feel like going the total opposite way with The Wolverine (not a single character anyone cares about) is totally the wrong way to go. I mean, I'll see it, but I'm not remotely excited or expecting anything.

Also I like the idea of Diesel doing the voice of Groot or Thanos just to continue the absolutely fucking bizarre casting this film has enjoyed so far. I feel like it's been quiet on the GotG front lately. A little too quiet, maybe...

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