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Your favourite ______________ film

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Following on from a bar conversation this evening.

Name your favourite....

Sci-fi film.

War film.

Romance film.

Zombie film.

Japanese/Japanese style horror film.

Horror film.

Vampire film.

Comedy film.

Western film.

Black comedy film.

Brainless action film.

Dramatic film.

Caper/Comedy drama film.

How you classify films is up to you.

No naming two or umming and ahhing between films. Just one. One.

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Sci-fi film.


War film.

Thin Red Line

Romance film.


Zombie film.

28 Days Later (although they're not actually zombies as such

Japanese/Japanese style horror film.


Horror film.

I'm going for Dog Soldiers because it classifies as a werewolf film

Vampire film.

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Comedy film.

Carry On........Up The Khyber

Western film.

The Proposition

Black comedy film.

Battle Royale

Brainless action film.


Dramatic film.

Gosford Park

Caper/Comedy drama film.

The Big Lebowski

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Sci-fi film: Terminator 2

War film: Schindler's List

Romance film: Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Zombie film: Shaun of the Dead

Japanese/Japanese style horror film: :/

Horror film: The Thing (not a big horror fan)

Vampire film: From Dusk Till Dawn

Comedy film. Anchorman

Western film: The Good, the Bad and The Ugly (haven't seen many)

Black comedy film: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Brainless action film: Die Hard

Dramatic film: Shawshank Redemption

Caper/Comedy drama film: Snatch (kind of a caper?)

Edited by Pesci
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(NOTE: I cut out the Japanese horror thing, because I don't think I've ever seen one.)

Sci-fi film

Star Trek: First Contact (I managed to get a girl to watch TNG even though she had no interest in Star Trek prior to watching this film. It owns.)

War film

Tora! Tora! Tora! (A Pearl Harbor film that actually deals with just the military issues, instead of adding in romance and the Dolittle Raid)

Romance film

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Zombie film

Zombieland (I was going to say Shaun of the Dead, but the film calls itself a love story with zombies, so I don't think it counts.

Horror film

The Number 23 (Admittedly more of a psychological horror film, but you didn't list thrillers.)

Vampire film


Comedy film

It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World

Western film

The Magnificent Seven (A dude wins a gun fight with a knife. Enough said.)

Black comedy film

Wilbur (Wants to Kill Himself) (If you mean "black comedy" as in "darkly humorous")

Head of State (If you mean "comedy primarily focused around black people")

Brainless action film

2 Fast 2 Furious (I almost went with The Last Action Hero, but that movie actually is kind of intelligent)

Dramatic film


Caper/Comedy drama film

The Italian Job (Remake)

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Sci-fi film - Moon

War film - Black Hawk Down

Romance film - (500) Days of Summer

Zombie film - 28 Weeks Later

Japanese/Japanese style horror film - N/A

Horror film - A Nightmare on Elm Street (original)

Vampire film - From Dusk Till Dawn

Comedy film - Anchorman: The Larry Zbyszko of Ron Burgandy

Western film - The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

Black comedy film - In Bruges

Brainless action film - The Transporter

Dramatic film - Before the Devil Knows You're Dead

Caper/Comedy drama film - Heat (it's not a comedy but it's definitely a caper film, if you want more comedy then it would be Snatch.)

Some of those were pretty hard because I either couldn't think of one or had too many choices in one category.

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I suppose I could agonize over some of these all day, as my favorites tend to rotate anyway, but I'll just stick with my first instinct to get keep it moving.

Sci-fi film

Back to the Future (My favorite sci-fi stuff takes one simple fictional element and throws it into reality as we know it, and it was done to tremendous effect here.)

War film

Saving Private Ryan (Hey, Shakespeare In Love. You're a good flick, but fuck you getting Best Picture. What the what.)

Romance film

Blue Valentine (Perfect for an all-around cynic like me, especially considering the glut of paint-by-numbers romance films out there. Here's a pretty damn real love story.)

Zombie film

Zombie Nightmare (I generally couldn't give a fuck about zombies as a genre or meme, etc., but this is a tremendous bad movie about zombies. Plus, Adam Fucking West.)

Japanese/Japanese style horror film

The Ring, I guess? (The American one. I think it's the only thing I've seen that remotely qualifies. It was alright. I don't really seek these out.)

Horror film

Gremlins 2 (I will forever carry this film's banner. If you've seen the first one, that's indeed awesome. If you haven't also seen this one, it's pretty much the least likely way to follow it up and still make a tremendous movie - all while letting the whole thing be a self-aware commentary on itself.)

Vampire film

Shadow of the Vampire (This is actually about the filming of Nosferatu, and particularly Max Schreck, who played the lead role - and may or may not have been an actual vampire. He's played by Willem Dafoe, and John Malkovich plays the director. It's good, good stuff.)

Comedy film

Ghostbusters (This one's similar to Back to the Future, in that one simple fantasy concept is thrown into reality - and is then treated with all the gravity of contract labor. Seriously, how often do you find someone that doesn't like Ghostbusters? Watch this with virtually any group of people and it will be a crowd-pleaser.)

Western film

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (While there's major holes in my knowledge of the genre, I like nearly every Western I've seen - everything from Unforgiven to Support Your Local Sheriff. But this is just the absolute king of a wonderful genre. It is, by no coincidence, also the king of the subgenre of Spaghetti Westerns.)

Black comedy film

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (This may not be a true black comedy - it's most definitely satire - but it counts for me. This should be required viewing for anyone who's studying comedy in general. Just an absolutely superb film, and probably one of the all-time best.)

Brainless action film

Die Hard with a Vengeance (I suppose it depends upon your definition of "brainless action film", but since there's no other action category, this must go here. The third film is just a personal favorite - what with Jeremy Irons, Samuel L. Jackson, and a terrific score added to the usual John McClane formula - but I completely understand anyone who picks the original over this one.)

Dramatic film

Magnolia (I know it has more than its fair share of detractors, but I can't help but love it anyway. When I first saw it, I'm don't think I'd ever seen anything like it - from the opening sequence to the strong ensemble to the sung portion to the Holy Shit What ending. I get that a lot of people feel it's pretentious, but it rings very honest to me.)

Caper/Comedy drama film

The Great Muppet Caper (It has "Caper" right there in the title, along with "Muppet" and "Great". How could this be anything else? Charles Grodin is better than we, as a society, acknowledge.)

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Sci-fi film: Star Wars: A New Hope.

To me, this is by far the greatest sci-fi film that has ever been made. It's just a timeless and great story. Really any of the original Star Wars triology can fit here.

War film: The Great Dictator

People think of this as a comedy, because it really is funny... probably one of the funniest movies ever written. But it's messages about war and hate and free speech are much greater. The speech near the end of the movie is cliche by this point, but only cliche because of how amazing and ground breaking it was at the time.

Romance film: Annie Hall

Woody Allen is a fantastic director and Annie Hall really is his masterpiece. It still feels relevant and true today. Even in the romance genre, it still feels unique and special. As somebody who enjoys watching romance films, this is untouchable.

Zombie film: 28 Days Later

I was tempted to put Dawn of the Dead, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized 28 Days Later has a much greater message and was a much better film. While Dawn of the Dead lampooned commercialism and sheep mentality, 28 Days Later theme of humans being it's own worst enemy is done much better.

Horror film: Scream

Bad sequels and reboots aside, the first Scream is a masterpiece. And it's effect on the horror genre is still felt today, even though slasher films aren't all the rage. It's self-referential/meta approach to horror works fantastically, because it blends comedy and horror together so well.

Comedy film: City Lights

Watching old Chaplin films is great, because you see how the guy influenced comedy and movies for years to come. A lot of these scenes and the approach to comedy are echoed throughout the history of film and comedy since.

Western film: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

I really don't like Clint Eastwood, but this film is undeniably great. My dad and I watched this as a child and I can still recall the theme to this day... iconic and timeless.

Black comedy film: Pink Flamingos

Honestly, any John Waters film could have gone here. John Waters is the type of director where you have to watch his movies to believe them. The main protagonist, a drag queen playing the filthiest woman alive, watches as a dog takes a shit and than eats it; All in one take.

Brainless action film: Terminator 2

So much fun. It's got comedy, action, great stunts and some great effects. The role Arnold was made to play.

Dramatic film: The White Ribbon

Probably an overlooked gem. About World War I and the seeds of Nazi Germany. Fantastic movie from beginning to end and probably the best example of how to make a movie end. Really great.

Musical: All that Jazz

Surreal, over the top tale of the fall of a talented choreographer. Really fantastic film that really takes the audience on a roller coaster. High recommendations.

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Sci-fi film.

Men In Black II

War film.

Lord Of The Ring: Return Of The King (Well, it was a fake war :shifty: )

Romance film.

Beauty & The Beast. If cartoons don't count, then Casanova.

Zombie film.

Shawn Of The Dead (I really don't like horror stuff)

Japanese/Japanese style horror film.

The Ring

Horror film.

Chucky 2 (I hate horror movies. Just thinking about a Chucky movie and I could end up not sleeping through the night, though).

Vampire film.

Wasn't there a movie where Steve Martin played a vampire? If so, then that one. If not, then I have never been entertained by a vampire movie ever.

Comedy film.

Love Actually

Western film.

Can Ned Kelly count? If not, then Brokeback Mountain.

Black comedy film.

White Chicks (If you mean comedy about black people).

Brainless action film.

Batman Forever.

Dramatic film.

Lion King.

Caper/Comedy drama film.

The Sting

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Sci-fi film. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

The best of the Star Trek films, as well as the one with the lowest budget. The moral of the story: Life and Death

War film. Saving Private Ryan

Yeah, this one's hard to top.

Romance film. None

Don't care for them.

Zombie film. Dawn of the Dead (1978 Version)

I don't think this needs an explination

Japanese/Japanese style horror film. Premonition

This shit was freaky.

Horror film. Threads

Unlike a lot of horror films, this can actually happen.

Vampire film. From Dusk Till Dawn

I could go with Dracula, or Interview with the Vampire, or any other vampire film, but really, this one was a unique look at it. Starts as a crime movie...goes right into vampire mode.

Comedy film. Used Cars


Western film. The Quick and The Dead

Let's face it, you watch a western, you want to see nothing but gunfights. And that's pretty much all this is.

Black comedy film. Clue

"Three murders."

"Six, altogether."

"This is getting serious."

Brainless action film. Bloodsport

This film was awesome. It showed up what we would get if two different styles met up for a fight. Sadly, real life didn't for that way.

Dramatic film. The Shawshank Redemption

Complete brilliance.

Caper/Comedy drama film. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

"I fuckin' hate traffic wardens..."

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Sci-fi film. Blade Runner. It might be my favorite film period. It's way up there and I named myself after a character from it.

War film. Saving Private Ryan I guess. I'm struggling to think of any other ones I really liked that much.

Romance film. The Princess Bride. A beautiful love story, action, comedy, and Andre the Giant! :w00t: How can that not be everyone's favorite romance film? As you wish :wub:

Zombie film. Shaun of the Dead. It was funny, had some cool Zombie stuff, and a nice romance. Cant ask for more in a movie. I love it.

Japanese/Japanese style horror film. The Ring. That movie scared me to death when I was younger and first saw it. Especially the DVD that had the feature where it seemed like you were watching the tape :o

Horror film. I need to get Bruce Campbell on this list somewhere so Evil Dead. I actually prefer Army of Darkness for the comedy but Evil Dead was scary!

Vampire film. The Lost Boys. It's a classic! If there really are Vampires I hope there are people like the Frog Brothers out there fighting them. :P

Comedy film. I kinda feel like I'm cheating a little with this one but I checked IMDB and Back to the Future 2 is listed under comedy. I just love all 3 of them and wanted a spot to say so since I couldnt use Sci Fi.

Western film. Tombstone. I remember seeing it when I was younger and thinking Doc Holliday was so cool.

Black comedy film. IMDB says Pulp Fiction is a black comedy and who am I to argue? I love this movie and love that I found a spot for it.

Brainless action film. Die Hard. I like the others but this one is superior and didnt have to resort to as many gimmicks.

Dramatic film. The Shawshank Redemption. Get busy living, or get busy dying.

Caper/Comedy drama film. Oceans 11. The remake with Clooney and Pitt and them guys. There are better ones I'm sure but I never get tired of that movie. The 2nd and 3rd ones kind of suck in comparison but I never get tired of the first.

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Oh, but if you don't mean black people, then Srar hit it on the head, I guess. Pulp Fiction is awesome. I don't really understand the definition of black comedy, anyways.

Were you people who are wondering if its a comedy about black people not reading any of the lists? Hammy who started this by the way put Battle Royale. I dont remember a lot of black people in that. Come on!

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Sci-fi film. Blade Runner

War film. Saving Private Ryan

Romance film. First 20 minutes of 'Up'

Zombie film. Shaun of the Dead

Japanese/Japanese style horror film. Oldboy

Horror film. Seven

Vampire film. Bram Stokerino's Dracula

Comedy film. BASEketball

Western film. 3:10 to Yuma

Black comedy film. Gross Pointe Blank

Brainless action film. Crank

Dramatic film. The Green Mile

Caper/Comedy drama film. Usual Suspects

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Sci-fi film: Blade Runner

War film: Full Metal Jacket

Romance film: Casablanca

Zombie film: Day of the Dead

Japanese/Japanese style horror film: N/A they all suck.

Horror film: The Shining

Vampire film: Interview with a Vampire

Comedy film: Office Space

Western film: Blazing Saddles

Black comedy film: Pulp Fiction

Brainless action film: 300

Dramatic film: The Shawshank Redemption

Caper/Comedy drama film: Forrest Gump

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Sci-fi film.

Silent Running.... Who am I kidding? It's Star Trek: First Contact and always will be.

War film.


Romance film.

The Apartment. It's total perfection.

Zombie film.

28 Days Later.

Japanese/Japanese style horror film.


Horror film.

The Mist.

Unless we're couting classic Monster movies, inwhich case, for sheer FUN I'd have to pick Frankenstein meets The Wolfman.

And unless we're counting The Wicker Man (ORIGNINAL FFS) as Horror. In which case, that.

Unless... Okay, I'll stop.

Vampire film.

The Christopher Lee Dracula. Original. It has Peter Cushing in it too.

Though I have a nagging feeling that I'm missing something obvious.

Comedy film.


Western film.

Fuck you. I could name 10 and still feel guilty for not choosing ten more.

High Noon. Or The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Or Unforgiven, or Rio Bravo or For A Few Dollars More or Red River. Seriously, would you ask a guy to choose his favourite child?

Black comedy film.

The remake of Death at a Funeral >_>

Brainless action film.

Die Hard. But that seems slightly insulting to Die Hard when I could have said, say, Commando.

Dramatic film.

Not sure. A lot of candidates, no forerunner; so I'll say This is England for now.

Caper/Comedy drama film.

Kiss, Kiss, Bang Bang

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Sci-fi film. - Not a huge sci-fi fan, but I really liked Prometheus this year.

War film. - Saving Private Ryan. There isn't really another pick.

Romance film. - Hmm. I've seen dozens of romances over the years and while there's been some good ones I'd struggle to think of one I'd call a best in the genre. So I'll bottle it and use Beauty and the Beast too.

Zombie film. - The REC films I really liked. Although the new one looks as though it's going to shit all over the franchise.

Japanese/Japanese style horror film. - Haha, my Japanese film experience is more or less limited to the violent or anime DVDs my brother used to bring home. So on that basis I'd have to pick from Death Note, Ichi the Killer or Battle Royale or Porco Rosso (if that's even Japanese)

Horror film. - Paranormal Activity 1. Possibly the best cinema experience I've ever had.

Vampire film. - I'm not a massive fan of the genre truth be told, but if I had to pick one, Blade 2 is the one that comes to mind.

Comedy film. - This changes regularly but Dumb and Dumber and the Big Lebowski are usually the two frontrunners.

Western film. - Not a genre I've had a ton of experience with, but I rented the True Grit remake a while back and really liked it.

Black comedy film. - Evil Dead maybe? Its the sort of genre where the films don't roll off the tongue. And it just sprang to mind but Killer Joe is well worth a watch.

Brainless action film. - Really hard to pick without a great deal of thought, but I caught the Expendables sequel a few days ago and thought it was excellent.

Dramatic film. - Leon. Obviously has a lot of action in it, but its the dramatic scenes that stick with me. Dead Mans Shoes and Road to Perdition are close runners up.

Caper/Comedy drama film. - Toy Story 1/3. I think they fit that description.

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