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Critically Praised Movies you Hated

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You guys know they're making a movie out of the animates series, right?

I didn't care to look back and read if someone else had mentioned it.

That sounds like a load of bullshit to me.

Yeah Smith is actually retiring after Hit Somebody comes out so somehow I doubt he's working on a film version of it.

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2010's True Grit and The Hurt Locker. I fell asleep in the middle of both of these films, they're just dull.

Finally, years of unwarranted hatred toward the Portuguese and their short-panted Brazilian cousins have been vindicated. True Grit is amazing and you are so, so wrong.

Then again, I'm the guy who liked Nacho Libre, so.

Didn't deserve that many Oscar indications.

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You guys know they're making a movie out of the animates series, right?

I didn't care to look back and read if someone else had mentioned it.

That sounds like a load of bullshit to me.

Yeah Smith is actually retiring after Hit Somebody comes out so somehow I doubt he's working on a film version of it.

Go watch Jay and Silent Bob Get Old. He mentions that the movie is either in production or is in post, I can't remember which.

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Carlito's Way remains the only film I've ever fallen asleep to. Before that, I didn't actually realize it was possible to legit fall asleep from boredom.

Insidious was a fucking big pile of steaming dog shit.

Keith summed up Lord of the Rings well enough years ago. It is nine hours of two midgets looking for a volcano. Nothing else of interest happens.

I remember liking American History X when I first saw it, but it lacks the rewatchability to be the classic people try to make it out to be.

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OH RIGHT. Now I remember! I really didn't care for Scarface. A couple of good scenes, Al Pacino hamming it up is fun, but overall it was just kind of cheesy and a story that's been done better in other gangster movies.

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Pirates of the Carribean kinda sucks.

I laughed once in the first hour of Anchorman then turned it off because it was just wasn't funny and I was stoned so it should've been. Big Lebowski kinda sucked too, but I think I might watch both of those again when I'm not stoned.

Avatar sucks too.

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Yeah, count me amongst the few heathens who hate Lord Of The Rings too. The books are boring, the films are somehow more boring.

I really want to like Lord of the Rings but I just can't. I've tried reading the book several times but I never got through it. I've watched the movies, like, twice (I even have the blu-ray set Extended thing; wait, why did I even buy that?) but I just cannot get into it. I really want to because most of my friends are wildly in love with it but eh. I did like The Hobbit, though, I've read that book several times.

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What was it that people hate about the Lord Of The Rings? Is it the length? The story isn't exciting enough?

I fully respect your opinions, I just want to inquire why.

I found none of it made sense in the films. The books were exhaustive in that everything was covered, and I understand that it couldn't all be translated to film, but it was completely hurried, and things were put in the film over other important things hap-dash. The one that always jumps to mind is the gifts at the end of the first film. Frodo was given his gift.... and that's it. And there was no build to the gift giving. It was, "Hey, take this Frodo"... 2 movies later... EVERYONE HAS GIFTS!

I feel it never should have been converted to film the way it was, and to be honest, it was all a money grab. To do it justice, they really needed to do all six books as six films released every six months.

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I can't hate Lord of the Rings because Vigo Mortenson is from my small ass upstate New York hometown.

Carlito's Way remains the only film I've ever fallen asleep to. Before that, I didn't actually realize it was possible to legit fall asleep from boredom.

Insidious was a fucking big pile of steaming dog shit.

Keith summed up Lord of the Rings well enough years ago. It is nine hours of two midgets looking for a volcano. Nothing else of interest happens.

I remember liking American History X when I first saw it, but it lacks the rewatchability to be the classic people try to make it out to be.

Indeed. Hated the fuck out of that movie. It went from creepy to hysterically laughable.

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Lord Of The Rings, as a movie, is definitely too long, and too tedious. It's largely a bunch of characters with very little depth walking.

As a book, and as a concept, it's an exercise in world-building, not in storytelling. The "story" is just a foundation to support Tolkein's made-up language. The Hobbit, at least, was a good story. The characters are bland and lifeless, and Tolkein's writing consistently dwells on minute, insignificant details and irrelevant histories - again, a token of his fixation on world-building over storytelling. I could complain about its elitism and socially backwards message, but that's a whole different argument, and has no bearing on whether it's a good story (which it isn't).

Doesn't help that it's spawned an entire genre of absolutely terrible Elves 'n' Orcs fantasy novels by authors who think that to be verbose is to be talented, and that a long book is automatically an epic one.

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