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Should girls be allowed to play Football?

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See though, all these arguments about size differences... there have been some damn small American Football players in positions such as WR or QB, never mind Punters and Kickers. Obviously I don't foresee women breaking into the linebacker position or anything-- the bulking up is tremendous and on a completely different level-- but I would absolutely support and believe in women entering the NFL in the same positions that men of similar size and stature are capable of and allowed to be playing in.

Isn't it that there are physical requirements for particular positions in the team to begin with? If a woman can qualify physically for the position, why the hell wouldn't we let her play?

Looking it up for specifics: The NFL's shorted QB is 5'10", 203lbs. There's another player at 5'5" 165lbs. Proportionally, yes, women won't be able to match these specific height-to-weight ratios, but they can achieve equivalents that allow them to 'safely' participate at the same level. Linekr put it best: anyone playing Football is in danger of being hurt, and go in knowing that. If they're physically able though, there shouldn't be a problem as to what gender they are.

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girls yes, women no. I assume there's a woman's league she can play in, if not there should be. but the idea of a woman playing a contact sport with men is worrying. 1) she's going to get hurt by people much bigger than her sooner our later. 2) it's going to be uncomfortable for men that then have to tackle a woman. I wouldn't be comfortable doing that.

What if she is built like Awesome Kong or Nicole Bass?

Can she block? :shifty:

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Oh yeah, forgot to make that point though: I'm definitely concerned with younger kids playing the game just because of the nature of it. I know it's an American tradition and I know it 'toughens' them up, but the fact that adult Football injuries are so prevalent and then we put kids out there... as a hobby, sure, but damn if it's not a sight that still concerns me.

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Well, when they're young and they can compete, let 'em. My youngest niece grew like a beanstalk and was just overall a big kid, and I'm certain she could've taken anyone that was ten or under.

Oh yeah, forgot to make that point though: I'm definitely concerned with younger kids playing the game just because of the nature of it. I know it's an American tradition and I know it 'toughens' them up, but the fact that adult Football injuries are so prevalent and then we put kids out there... as a hobby, sure, but damn if it's not a sight that still concerns me.

For one thing, it's not the same level. If we were to scale everything up, let's just put this into perspective. You have kids that aren't being paid to do this, don't have endorsements or contractual obligations (get paid X for Y amount of tackles), and aren't nearly as physical.

I understand that they can get hurt, but kids are kids, and they can get hurt doing a lot of other things too. When I was ten I broke my leg ice skating. Does this mean we should stop all kids from doing it because one person gets hurt? No. A kid could break his arm falling out of a tree house. A lot can go wrong, but we shouldn't just stop because there's a small amount of risk involved.

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There is a difference in perspective though. At least in the examples you cited, those are what could be considered accidents. Obviously the kid that suffers a concussion from the hit they take wasn't hit by a kid looking to give him head trauma, but it's one of a few direct results of taking a hit in football, something you're expected to have to do. You're not expected to have to fall down in ice skating or drop off a treehouse.

That all being said, it's not like I'm against it happening. I'm concerned, and rightfully so I feel, because the severity of the injuries that occur are rather substantial; however, I'd never outright say "we shouldn't allow this." Fact is it's the parents' and the kids' decisions. Hell, I played both Football and American Football growing up, I was a goalie and a midfielder in one and a wide receiver in the other, and I took hits constantly and simply shrugged them off.

I know first-hand it's not all as bad as it looks at times. As I said though, it concerns me. But then, swimming out in the ocean concerns me, too. Doesn't mean I don't think kids shouldn't be allowed at the beach :shifty:

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Yeah, I would want to see research on the effects of collisions on the brains of children before I commented. When you add in the generally much lighter mass of kids banging together, I have no idea if a hit whilst kids are helmeted has the same likelihood of a concussion occurring.

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From an ideological standpoint I think most women will agree, but I think if you ask most female atheletes if they'd be willing to give up all their money and recognition in the pursuit of equality they'd tell you to fuck off.

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But I would argue that that is equally stupid. It's like saying amputees shouldn't have their own league either. Far more is gained from having the WNBA than there would be from all of the women being forced to play in low level male leagues. It's all well and good to say stuff like that, but from a logical standpoint it makes no sense, if you combined male and females in all sports there would be fuck all women at the Olympics.

It's not sexist that genetics makes men better athletes, it's just a simple fact we all need to deal with. As I said earlier, if a woman is good enough to compete with men then they should, but abolishing female leagues in the name of gender equality would be a tragedy.

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From an ideological standpoint I think most amputees will agree, but I think if you ask most amputee atheletes if they'd be willing to give up all their (almost nonexistent) money and recognition in the pursuit of equality they'd tell you to fuck off.

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That's why it's nice to see lady jockeys with the men (not that I care about horse racing) and lady race car drivers too.

If women are "good enough" then they should be allowed to compete with the fellas - debates have been brought up in golf and tennis especially, although they might struggle a bit in tennis against the bigger blokes.

It's just sad that in footy in the UK, girls can play up with the boys up to a certain age and then, however good they are, they're not allowed to play with them any more. Sad. Very sad.

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Yeah, there was a female goalie in the NHL I think, can't see why there couldn't be in men's football. Although I can't see why a woman couldn't/shouldn't be allowed to play any position in men's football provided they are good enough. It might be one of the few team games (along with hockey) where it's down to skill as much as natural gifts.

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