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Agreed, Nyssa is awesome. I'd rather she'd have took up Sarah's identity for some reason or another. As is stands, Laurel is barely a step away from damsel in distress who exists only for Ollie to realise at some point that he loves her, she doesn't even feel like she's been part of her own stories.

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I don't even see why he'd love her, is the problem, in terms of the inevitable future plotline. I agree in terms of Nyssa should have been the new Canary too - possesses the skillset and a good reason to pick up the mantle (defy R'as, continue the legacy of the woman she loved), rather than another 'average' person becomes a hero dealio we have with Laurel. That's a well already mined quite enough by Ollie himself, and Ray, who has a far more interesting take on it, as well as people Thea going forwards.

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Jesus christ, Slade Wilson is overreacting juuuuuuuuuuuuust a bit.


What?!  Slade was FANTASTIC....also

The Deathstroke armor is awesome

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The Coast City motto referenced the Green Lantern motto




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God I missed this. Also Thea needs a voice changer more than Ollie does.

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That ending of the first episode, I can't describe it. I will wonder until the end of the season.

Also read this in an article about the Arrow. Which could be a huge twist in the upcoming seasons.

Malcolm Merlyn, one of Oliver’s most frequent nemeses and occasionally reluctant ally, took on the mantle of Ra’s and became the leader of the League of Assassins in the wake of the man’s death. It’s a very dangerous position for one of the most dangerous people on the show.

(Also, is “Arrow” still pretending Malcolm didn’t dip his late son Tommy in the Lazarus Pit, and that Tommy won’t eventually be revealed as an evil zombie bad guy at some point down the line? Someone wake me up when the show decides to go down this route. It’s inevitable.)

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The new season started off really awesome. Even the parts with Felicity and Ollie were good which I did not expect. I figured they'd go really cheesy with it and it would be cringeworthy but it was not bad at all. Neal McDonaugh is such a sleezy bad guy. I love it.

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Love the new costume. Not too crazy about Diggle's new headgear, though. 

My guess about the six months jump:


That grave is either Captain Lance's or Diggle's. Won't be Thea's or Laurel's, and if its Felicity's they might as well cancel the show.

Edited by GhostMachine
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Can I just say how nice it is that Felicity didn't go down that annoying superhero trope route of being the girlfriend who doesn't want the superhero to be a superhero. I fucking despise that cliché more than anything with how overused and terrible it is in the first place.

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Season 4 is off to a much better start than Season 3. Neal McDonough has been great fun thus far and the story itself seems a lot more interesting. No characters have turned into ridiculous, annoying versions of themselves. I mean we'll see where they go with Thea, because there's definitely potential for that, but so far it's been okay.

I'm totally calling it that Diggle is the one that ends up dead. I think by the end of Arrow (like, final episode) the team will basically be just Oliver, Laurel and Thea fighting crime with whatever this universes Justice League analogue ends up being.

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It's got to be Diggle or Captain Lance for me.

  • Laurel is Laurel and is basically bullet proof because of who she is.
  • Thea still has miles in the tank story wise.
  • Felicity is an outside chance, but I can't see them killing her off since she's arguably the most popular character to come out of the show.
  • Diggle has is probably less likely than Lance, but he's probably still got some character development to go out of his family and the such. Diggle seems like the kind of character who will get to ride off into the sunset with his family though.
  • Captain Lance they seemed to have run out of story on last season, and this story seems almost perfectly angled towards him dying as some sort of redemption.
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It's got to be Diggle or Captain Lance for me.

  • Laurel is Laurel and is basically bullet proof because of who she is.
  • Thea still has miles in the tank story wise.
  • Felicity is an outside chance, but I can't see them killing her off since she's arguably the most popular character to come out of the show.
  • Diggle has is probably less likely than Lance, but he's probably still got some character development to go out of his family and the such. Diggle seems like the kind of character who will get to ride off into the sunset with his family though.
  • Captain Lance they seemed to have run out of story on last season, and this story seems almost perfectly angled towards him dying as some sort of redemption.

This. This is what I want. Screw the rest of them, give Dig the happy ending.





Get your mind out of the gutter Benji. :shifty:

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