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NCAA 14 Thread


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Yeah, taking a year off from the franchise was just what I needed. I throw the ball like six times a game because running the option is just too damn funny...finally.

Are there any other 360 players that want to get an Online Dynasty together? I'm in one with my friends, but it has hit a stand-still since user-vs-user games started up.

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Yeah, taking a year off from the franchise was just what I needed. I throw the ball like six times a game because running the option is just too damn funny...finally.

Are there any other 360 players that want to get an Online Dynasty together? I'm in one with my friends, but it has hit a stand-still since user-vs-user games started up.

Even more fun: run the occasional option with a sub-80 speed QB. I started a new dynasty with San Jose State and seeing the QB stumble for 12 yards was oddly more rewarding than busting 30 yard runs with Kain Colter.

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Oh man, the new dynamics in running and the "rumbling bumbling stumbling" aspect are awesome. I also love how true to life the run game is and the animations are. Several times a game I think I'm going to pop one only to have the last defender swipe my foot or get enough of me to allow another defender to close down .... and then just when I think I'm not going to bust one, I get a perfect read/option up the gut and I go untouched ...

... just lovely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another reason this game is wonderful?

I held Virginia Tech on three straight runs inside my five. Virginia Tech lines up to kick a field goal, I bring the house, OH! A fake field goal. I got scored on, but I absolutely loved that the computer had the balls to try it. Kudos, Frank Beamer.

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Anyone down for a ps3 dyansty. Just bought the game am loving the running game..defense is actually challenging now. I used to pride my self on my defensive play but the no physics make it alot more challengeing then what it used to be..I even have a hard time with FCS teams when I play them.

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I can't defend for crap on this. And the CPU's 3rd down conversion rate is close to 99.9%. I want to like this game a lot, its just a bit too much of a motherfucker for someone who's not been a fan of the sport long enough to learn the ins and outs of play selection and defence reading; and who only plays video games casually.

Also, after having got Madden like a week after this, most of what I liked about the gameplay here is in Madden anyway, though I do like a lot of the little touches that aren't present in Madden and the large number of teams is great,

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've tried with this, I really have. I really want to like this game but it's just an unbearable bastard. I get carved open with the run on just about every single play, regardless of what team I use and what tactics I use and the odd time I defend the run well the CPU just throws a perfect deep pass to a mysteriously uncovered reciever instead. The CPU's 3rd down cobversion rate is astronomic, and they always gain the new set of downs by one yard more than they needed and whenever I do put points on the board the CPU always marches right down the field in 1/2 plays and gets the exact same number of points back.

There's much to like but it's too much of a dick.

Quick Q: I did the Defensive audibles tutorial, about pressing X to bring up the audibles menu and then to use L and R sticks to select a play...in game when I press X I don't get the full menu up. I get a box saying 'select play' (or some such) or O to cancel, but I don't actually get to see what audibles I'd be selecting, which seems....unfair.... are they written down anywhere? They're not in the manual. Am googling now.

EDIT - Ignore, found you tube video

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How do you UK folk get the game?

Somewhere like eBay or Play Asia, I've been getting it from the same place since '11 Never any hassles.

Someone on Amazon.co.uk marketplace is selling them. Once in game we can't buy a season pass but that seems to be the only restriction.

I thought they did away with that online pass BS? Anything to do with marketplace should be able to be worked around by creating a US account and buying what you need/Reedeeming your codes on that and switching back over to your UK/AU/EU account to play the game for trophies.

Shouldn't really surprise anyone, This lawsuit has been teatering on the edge of chaos for awhile.

and from a football player's perspective the HD gen games were never too crash hot to begin with, I never did get around to getting '14.

Was a good run while it lasted, Hopefully one day soon we'll see another College Football game. It just has that something to make it slightly more enjoyable than Madden ever was.

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I've tried with this, I really have. I really want to like this game but it's just an unbearable bastard. I get carved open with the run on just about every single play, regardless of what team I use and what tactics I use and the odd time I defend the run well the CPU just throws a perfect deep pass to a mysteriously uncovered reciever instead. The CPU's 3rd down cobversion rate is astronomic, and they always gain the new set of downs by one yard more than they needed and whenever I do put points on the board the CPU always marches right down the field in 1/2 plays and gets the exact same number of points back.

There's much to like but it's too much of a dick.

Quick Q: I did the Defensive audibles tutorial, about pressing X to bring up the audibles menu and then to use L and R sticks to select a play...in game when I press X I don't get the full menu up. I get a box saying 'select play' (or some such) or O to cancel, but I don't actually get to see what audibles I'd be selecting, which seems....unfair.... are they written down anywhere? They're not in the manual. Am googling now.

EDIT - Ignore, found you tube video

Alright. I can't help you too much without knowing what you're running, but I can probably help you more than just saying "adjust the sliders."

You can start by practicing against godawful teams like UTSA and New Mexico State. If you're being carved up by the read option, use QB spy plays and then use another player to play the RB. Also, try and spread the field against the read option. Use the sideline as your 12th player and try to push the play towards the boundary. Finally, and this works for both the run and the read option, use the LB and DL shifts to get an extra step on the offense if you think you can predict where they're going to go.

It should be noted that defense is just a bitch in 14. I generally like to play a base cover 3 and then switch to man coverage on blitz plays, but zone coverage is so soft in NCAA that it's essentially useless.

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Defense is quite the beast this year, especially when compared to the last couple of games.

I've found that running either Multiple D, or the 4-2-5 (and recruiting balanced CBs and Coverage Safeties) has provided the best possible defense (for me). I pressure quite a bit (not just blitz, but stunts and press coverage) to help with the run but the formations and zones given in these two defensive sets allow me to have a chance against the pass.

Depending on what team you're using will depend on how long it will take to see results but I move players around to make them fit .. .a lot. I'll recruit coverage OLB that are 6'4" and move them to SS or CB .... and I'll recruit hard hitting FS/SS that are 6'2" and move them to OLB. I scour the ATH and find people that would work as well (guys they're saying are WR with the stats but would work just as well as a FS/CB).

Doing that and running the 4-2-5 gives you the opportunity to put the best types of athletes on the field in the biggest quantity and allows you to play against pretty much any offensive approach.

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I've always had more or less the same philosophy in recruiting/position movements.

Unless an athlete is going to be an 81 overall QB his freshman year, I almost always move ATH to defense. Linebacker or secondary, depending on size.

I look for strong safeties who are no shorter than 6'2" and 210 lbs. and move them to OLB. I recruit OLB's who are no shorter than 6'5" and move them to defensive end. I have recently been running a four-man front, so I have one DT as a regular run-stopping DT and I put a pass-rushing, lighter and faster, DE at the second DT position.

I go no shorter than 6'0" when it comes to cornerback. I've passed on quite a few 4-star corners simply because 5'9" doesn't cut it for me. I prefer the 6'1" or 6'2" guys, but six feet is my cut off.

I replace my strong safeties (who usually get moved to OLB) with hard-hitting FS. I try to not go shorter than 6'2" on any of my safeties.

It's always been my way to optimize the speed available and it's always worked up until this year.

I've found a lot of my defensive issues start with a lack of pass rush. My faster D-Lines fail to get into the backfield. I may need to start sacrificing some of the faster guys (who before this year got the job done) for some more big hefties. I find myself only getting consistent pressure when I blitz.

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I've always had more or less the same philosophy in recruiting/position movements.

Unless an athlete is going to be an 81 overall QB his freshman year, I almost always move ATH to defense. Linebacker or secondary, depending on size.

I look for strong safeties who are no shorter than 6'2" and 210 lbs. and move them to OLB. I recruit OLB's who are no shorter than 6'5" and move them to defensive end. I have recently been running a four-man front, so I have one DT as a regular run-stopping DT and I put a pass-rushing, lighter and faster, DE at the second DT position.

I go no shorter than 6'0" when it comes to cornerback. I've passed on quite a few 4-star corners simply because 5'9" doesn't cut it for me. I prefer the 6'1" or 6'2" guys, but six feet is my cut off.

I replace my strong safeties (who usually get moved to OLB) with hard-hitting FS. I try to not go shorter than 6'2" on any of my safeties.

It's always been my way to optimize the speed available and it's always worked up until this year.

I've found a lot of my defensive issues start with a lack of pass rush. My faster D-Lines fail to get into the backfield. I may need to start sacrificing some of the faster guys (who before this year got the job done) for some more big hefties. I find myself only getting consistent pressure when I blitz.

It's because the engine this year takes into account in greater significance, the size (and appropriate attributes) of the players. To do what you want, you'll need two run stopping hogs in the middle and your bull rushers outside (or 1 rusher and 1 stopper at each position). I actually do that with my run stopping DT and pass rushing DE coupled together and then switched on the other side of the line. Doing that also helps make it as easy as possible to cover myself on blitzes and stunts.

It's why moving the 6'4" OLB to CB doesn't kill me on the speed issue. The 4-2-5 keeps the windows smaller than most any other formation for either man (I press) or zone (the player's frame). Having the 6'2" FS/SS moved to OLB makes up almost any pockets due to their awareness and coverage abilities. The are all fast enough, aware enough, and strong enough to cover the run more often than not.

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I'm going to look into switching to the 4-2-5.

For your two linebackers, are both of them converted 6'2" safeties? Or do you have one for coverage and a larger, original linebacker in the middle too?

I ask because in my online dynasty, I play in a conference with a guy who recruits only tackles for his O-Line, a minimum of 6'6" and 325 lbs. He runs pro-style offense and I've always had bigger linebackers to make up for my smaller, faster front four. I just don't want to get too small since there is so much of an emphasis this year on size.

I feel like I'm going to need to completely re-examine the defensive tackle position, like you, by putting two run stuffers there instead of my usual scheme.

That said, I'm enjoying tinkering with my offense. I've adopted the Air Force playbook and run primarily their Wing-T formation. It's a blast and takes me back to my high school days. Not many things more fun than having a fullback be your leading rusher.

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