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Sir Alex Ferguson to retire as Man Utd manager at end of season


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Can't see the full article with its 'sources' because it's behind a pay screen, but The Times is claiming Moyes will be announced within 24 hours.


Edit: I'm told they cite no sources......lol

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Yes, let's hope United crumble so the league can be contested by Manchester City and Chelsea every year. Three cheers for oil barons!

Seriously, guys, come on...

Was kind of hoping it'd leave space for somebody new (or old faces) to contest the top of the table. Spurs/Everton/Liverpool/Arsenal, and not have a boring one horse race most years, like stoker said.

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Yes, let's hope United crumble so the league can be contested by Manchester City and Chelsea every year. Three cheers for oil barons!

Seriously, guys, come on...

I can count on one hand the amount of City and Chelsea fans I know, for the time being I'd much prefer them to succeed than have hundreds of plastic scum fans who couldn't pick out Manchester on a map brag about how great they are.
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Yes, let's hope United crumble so the league can be contested by Manchester City and Chelsea every year. Three cheers for oil barons!

Seriously, guys, come on...

Because that scenario would be Totally Different and Less Desirable to a league dominated by 'Manchester United plus guest'.

I'd take United winning over City or Chelsea every year, and I'm resigned to the fact Spurs probably won't ever win the league. It's just gonna be weird, Fergie's been manager on United longer than I've been alive. It'll be surreal to see someone else in the dugout.

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Wow, it'll just be .. weird.

Being an Arsenal fan there have only been two constants in the Premier League since I've been able to actively follow the league. Wenger and Fergie. Despite them being the direct rival and wishing nothing but the worst for them ... part of what made that rivalry was the fact that there was someone on the other side of it that you respected, reluctantly. I didn't want to respect him but there's no way you couldn't without being ignorant. He was freaking great. I was lucky enough to be able to catch onto the league as he was riding high right before he was forced to restructure the club and transition as Wenger took Arsenal top, and Chelsea revitalized.

Yeah, in the short term it'll probably be great for Arsenal that the club will be forced to deal with a once in a lifetime event. Overall though I hope that there isn't such a fall off that we see what we've started to see with some ManU fans .... and that's not really viewing the other as the big rival. Yeah, City ... got it. But since I've been able to follow the league (almost 20yrs) it's been Arsenal/ManU in terms of rivalry. Personally I don't want that to fall off any. I'm getting way too much of that with College Football over here.

- A respectful clap, good on ya, and good day to you Fergie ....

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Apparently he's getting a state funeral at the end of the season

He saved this country from footballing failure! He only closed Andy Cole's contract with United so that he could survive on his own and not support a failing striker! Rabblerabble!

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I look forward to United aping the Everton model of sometimes fighting for top four sometimes avoiding relegation!

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I look forward to United aping the Everton model of sometimes fighting for top four sometimes avoiding relegation!

Everton have been in the top half for the last six years...

And lets not forget that they accomplished that with one of the more fragile financial situations in the entire Premier League.

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