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The Wall


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You know what I'm talking about when I say the wall, it's that part in that game that you've played numerous times, but every time you get to a certain spot is when you seem to give up on a game part-way through. Maybe it's because the enemy is too hard, maybe you just get bored of a section, maybe you just got distracted several times and never get around to finishing games. So what are you "walls" in games, that stop you carrying on and reaching the end?

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Final Fantasy VII

The Great Glacier. On my first ever playthrough, it was Demon's Gate, but these days he's easy to prepare for. But The Great Glacier. Eurgh. I always have to try and get the Alexander materia, and even with the guide that is a royal pain in the arse to do before you pass out from the cold. I tend to get bored of this and just stop playing. I have about seven save files on my PSP alone, let alone on PS3 and PSOne.

Final Fantasy VIII

Desert Prison. Up the stairs. Down the stairs. Up the stairs again. Mostly whilst having none of your best equipment, which makes it even more tedious.

Final Fantasy IX

As above, I always have to try and get something, and in this case it's stealing their best equipment. Beatrix's first battle has a timer on it, and Hilgigas has the highest steal rate in FFIX. Combined, these are a royal pain in the arse.


Evil Team bases are always tedious for me, and anything with warp tiles. Fuckin' warp tiles


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That fucking part of Final Fantasy IX where

Kuja splits up your party without telling you what's going on, and one of my parties was Dagger, Eiko, Vivi, and some fourth person, and they were all sent to THE CASTLE OF MAGIC DOESN'T FUCKING WORK IN THIS FUCKING CASTLE.

EDIT: Oh wait you said "played through numerous times"? Never mind doesn't apply but still THAT FUCKING PART.

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I don't have one with 7 and 8. I pace how long I wait until playing through again well enough that each time, the nostalgia keeps me going, even through the tedious parts. Though I will say that the 10 hour scene inside Cloud's head with Tifa, where you reveal the truth about his story... a few times I've forgotten to save afterwards or the power cut out and I've just said fuck doing that again.

X has this really annoying thing where you finally open the game up and get the ability to travel around... and suddenly I get so caught up in the ridiculous grind that I don't really end up finishing the game. Trying to get 99 Dark Matter or some of the Celestial Weapon/Crest/Sigil ends up killing my interest. I think I might be able to get around that by playing in boring situations on a Vita, though. Nothing makes grinding more enjoyable than not physically being able to do anything more interesting.

It's a real god damn chore to get past the ice area in FFXIII. The saving grace of that game (barely) on my second time around was the spots that allowed for some grinding... and man, it's a while past here before you get to any good spots.

FFIX I always seem to lose interest around the time you get to Freya's home. I just feel like I haven't really been let loose to explore yet and that starts to bug me. I want to be able to run around and grind and level and there's not really a point where you get much freedom to do that for a while yet.

Metal Gear Solid : That stair climb. God damn that stair climb. You wanna talk about horrible stair climbs? FF7 & FF8 have nothing on that stair climb.

I find with a lot of games that I have a hard time keeping my interest a second time around because it sucks losing all the great abilities you had the last time around. New Game Plus doesn't fix this usually either, because there's nothing more to unlock. Ideally, I'd like a game where you can unlock pretty much everything in one play through, but to reward second timers there's expansions of what you unlocked. For example, say you have an ability that lets you shoot lightning and that's the most it does. When you play through a second time, maybe you can chain the lightning through certain enemies. It's a really fucking tricky thing to pull off, though. Adding content for a second playthrough without making people who just want one playthrough feeling like they can't get the full experience.

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I have my RPG walls, certainly, and mostly in the same places as Benji, but when I first read this a different kind of wall came to mind: the bit in each Silent Hill game where I go 'you know what, fuck it, Ten-Years-Ago-TEOL was right, this is not worth it', quietly place my controller on the floor, switch off my console and cry myself to sleep.

Silent Hill

Silent Hill 2

Going down this staircase:


I can't even adequately explain why it freaks me out as much as it does, other than 'it goes on forever'.

Silent Hill 3

Silent Hill 4

The Shabby Doll hauntings in Room 302. And yet I always take the fucking doll! What the fuck is wrong with me?

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Any time there's some kind of ridiculous rally race deal. Especially in GTA games.

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The first time you do Chocobo Hot/Cold in FF9. I'm a completionest so I can't just let it go, but I hate digging for chocographs.

In general, any time I lose a significant amount of progress due to freezing, power outage, or an unexpected death and don't have a recent save. I hate repeating myself and usually don't bother.

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I think it was actual planes I struggled with in GTA:SA.

On Dead Space there's a bit early on where you get locked in a lab and there's a hundred of those fucking corpse things coming out of the walls and I don't have enough ammo. Can't go back because of the checkpoint I'm saved at, can't be arsed to re-start or plough through.

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