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Steam Summer Sale 2014


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Dark Souls and its DLC for £5 is pretty crazy, so long as you have a controller to play it with.

Though, I'm losing track of how many times I've told people to buy/play this game. :shifty:

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What is Hotline Miami?

The best. Frantic, supremely violent, completely surreal. Best soundtrack in DIS BIZNESS. And yeah, it feels more like murder than any FPS. Seems like strange praise but it's just how agitated and jumpy it gets you 'cause one hit kills you, so you die a lot a lot a lot, but it's extremely satisfying when you knock a dude over by bursting through a door and then smash his skull in against a wall.

Ended up buying Duke Nukem 3D because it was <$4 and one of my favorite games of my childhood. Probably going to dig into that one this weekend.

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Picked up Binding of Isaac and Borderlands 2! Also Last Remnant, because it was £2.

Get Crusader Kings because Crusader Kings is completely great, eff the Game of Thrones mod.

Yeeeeeeah but half the appeal of that game is the historical aspect, where as despite really enjoying history in school, I don't really know much about it, because they don't really teach you shit outside of World War 2 over here. Ironically I'd be more likely to know the landscape and the houses and so on of a fictional world rather than the real one.

Way to go, school.

OH MY GOD. Teach yourself. Have a little curiosity about the world around you. Don't expect everything to be served up on a plate. Join a library.

Sorry for being disappointed in the lack of diversity of history subjects in my school?

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Kinda like achievements but only with none of the skill and infinitely more price gouging via either buying them off the marketplace or trading with people to get a games full set.

I've sold some duplicates and made enough to buy a cheap game so that's a thing. I should really just sell them all.

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