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Steam Summer Sale 2014


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I begrudgingly accept the fact that the game I picked up by mistake last night (Euro Truck Simulator 2) is totally fucking awesome.

I love all the games in their series, I love realistic simulators like that.

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Anyone want a free copy of Civ 5? >_>

Bwaha, how'd you get that?

I said I'd get one for Kats when TEOL said "Hey, get Kats this" and then TEOL just got it for him instead. >_>

Instead of buying Kats a game, you should buy me a game.

Have you gone onto the Steam forums to try and trade it?

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I got Darksiders 2 because it kind of interests me a bit. Maybe I'll play it, I tell myself.

Ehh. I thought the first one was pretty boring all told. Maybe it's just that they decided to give you a bunch of fucking time tests in one of the very first parts. Yeah, 'cause time tests are great fun.
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I kind of want Surgery Simulator but not enough to buy it. I've learnt the advanced trait of restraint!

You can always get the free game jam prototype. I think it will put most people of far enough to never want to touch the full release. Its funny... but i doubt many people completed the fullgame.


I´ed also expect it to show up in a humble bundle sooner rather than later.

I just revived a summer sale card with Prison Architect on it. Even a common one. So a pretty decent advertisement (it´s only 8 cards, right?) there by steam with the alpha "only" being 10% of. if you remotely are interested in these Tycoon build stuff management games and do not own this yet keep your eyes open. I bet they give it an even better deal and it´s worth every penny. (it´s alpha, i often end in absolut chaos - but it´s fun and it´s great because you at least get back to it once each month when they release the new update and do a fun youtube video about the update - buy this!)

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Nothing... yet. But then again I've only done two hauls. I just completed one from Grimsby to Cambridge where I almost spilled fertilizer all over the A1 when I wasn't paying attention and tried to take a sharp turn. :shifty:

OK, Mr. Oates, I am going to have to see your HGV class 1 license, I will need to download your digital tachograph card and you will have to fill out a near miss form. Company policy.

You did remember to take your mandatory 45 minute break after 4.5 hours driving too, right?

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You will each be required to submit a 3000 page essay on why TEOL is worse than Hitler. TKz will judge which is the finer entrant and declare them the winner before giving them the prize.

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