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Recommend me Bob Dylan


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I'm older and wiser these days, it seems I appreciate musicians more as I grow older than when I was younger. I used to think Bob Dylan wasn't all that great, but after hearing some of his stuff on sirius radio lately, I've realized I actually do like him.

So recommend me some of his work. I know that I like Subterranean Homesick Blues, Hurricane, that song where he says everybody must get stoned, and probably some other obvious tunes. Would I be better off with a greatest hits/anthology sort of thing? Not sure I want to do that because I don't want to miss out on some good shit that might get left out of that. I think I might like his first album from the snippets I've heard, it sounded like it was worth a listen.

Edited by VerbalPuke
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The 'Everyone must get stoned' Song is Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 from 'Blonde on Blonde'.

Listen to that whole album. Then Listen to the album 'Blood on the Tracks', especially Idiot Wind.

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All the suggestions so far are really good. I'd add Another Side of Bob Dylan, Freewheelin, Bringing It All Back Home and Nashville Skylopine.

Desire, Infidels and Street Legal are a bit more esoteric but I really like them.

More recently, Time Out Of Mind, Love and Theft and Mdern Times are good. The are all quite gritt and bluesy.

I'm going to be decidedly uncontroversial and recommend Blonde On Blonde as the best one though.

Or if you're looking for a best of, there is a 3CD compilation called Dylan that is really good. It comes in a red box and is fairly cheap.

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I definitely feel "Blonde on Blonde" is his best work. His catalog might be the deepest of any rock/folk artist in history. You can keep digging and keep finding more great stuff. I'd say start with "Blonde on Blonde" though, it's one of the albums that defined the life of my parents and many of their peers.

Also, 12 x 35 = 420 for those who don't get the title of "Rainy Day Women #12 & 35".

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Thanks, this is a good starting point. I figured I could find his stuff on my own but it was best to have some sort of direction on what to get. Let's be honest, Dylan has an intimidating discography to sift through, the mother fucker started recording in 62 and hasn't stopped since then. That's really incredible.

Edit - And it's also a good thing to have some folky type shit in my collection, I can't always bang my head and listen to music played at warp speed. I was thinking I might check out some Woody Guthrie at some point as well.

Edited by VerbalPuke
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Thanks fellas, I feel fucking stupid that I waited until I was 28 to enjoy Dylan. No reason I couldn't have figured this out in my teens, but at those ages I was so narrow minded and anti anything hippie that I couldn't be reasoned with.

I did check out some Woody Guthrie, and I like it a lot. Its the kind of folk/country I can get behind. At the expense of sounding like some pseudo intellectual wannabe music guru cunt of a human, I'd like to say that i love how real and genuine Woodys songs feel. He's got a pleasant voice, something very soothing about his songs. Its like listening to them makes me feel alright about being poor, like i hear it and think "man I am totally fucked, but that's alright." There is a bit of serenity there, is that the right word? I don't know, but i think I am mellowing out as i get older. Its a good thing, it allows me to keep a more open mind with music. I am also very interested in historically significant music which is another reason i looked into Woodys music.

Sorry if this post is jarring to read, I typed it on my phone and sort of got carried away with typing my thoughts.

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Thanks fellas, I feel fucking stupid that I waited until I was 28 to enjoy Dylan. No reason I couldn't have figured this out in my teens, but at those ages I was so narrow minded and anti anything hippie that I couldn't be reasoned with.

I did check out some Woody Guthrie, and I like it a lot. Its the kind of folk/country I can get behind. At the expense of sounding like some pseudo intellectual wannabe music guru cunt of a human, I'd like to say that i love how real and genuine Woodys songs feel. He's got a pleasant voice, something very soothing about his songs. Its like listening to them makes me feel alright about being poor, like i hear it and think "man I am totally fucked, but that's alright." There is a bit of serenity there, is that the right word? I don't know, but i think I am mellowing out as i get older. Its a good thing, it allows me to keep a more open mind with music. I am also very interested in historically significant music which is another reason i looked into Woodys music.

Sorry if this post is jarring to read, I typed it on my phone and sort of got carried away with typing my thoughts.

I kinda feel like that applies to a lot of Mountain Goats songs too actually. Well, maybe not "that's alright" but more "I am totally fucked up but I'm gonna keep going and get I'll be somewhere good in the end".

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