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That punch was a total accident Midget.....

Also, here is the remnants of me flying a military cargo plane into Ellis, Gazz, and Midget as they were attempting to take off in a 747 looking plane....

The timing of that was tremendous. Ellis had just started to take off when a cargo plane just sodomized it. Good work, Schmidt.

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Time for pictures I've taken in the past 3 weeks.


This was mentioned three weeks ago. It was a clusterfuck of cops and civilians on the highway when we decided to horse around by the beach.


Here's a picture of the art project that Ellis, Meacon, and myself were working on one day. It's Ellis' ugly fuck of a car.


I picked up Ellis in a Cargobob while he was in a fire truck and stranded him at the top of a building.


Prepare For LL.


This was a more recent clusterfuck in which Meacon decided to drive back and forth on a bridge while being wanted by police.


This is just an excellently timed picture of my strategically placed sticky bomb attack on one of our cars. Front and center is Blehschmidt and over to the right (stage left) you'll see a dying Ellis in mid-air.


The day Ellis and I stopped the train!


Just a beautiful day to play golf.


Chillin' with Tupac.


My new, gorgeous van.


Just hanging out at the top of the lighthouse.

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Now you've made me raise the issue of my backlog of photos. Recap time! (Spoilered for length)


My own photo of LL's Cargobob stunt.


Just chilling on the beach whilst someone I forget, probably noted 'Beach Puncher' LL incurs the wrath of the LSPD.


For reasons I once again forget, after killing some firemen, 'Who wears short shorts? I wear short shorts!' LL decided it would be fun to blow up a car.


Stand well back!




The aftermath of the Bridge Massacre of October 2013.


'Mr Fuck You' LL don't take too kindly to me.


Our attempts to fulfill Maxx's 'Let's stop the train...without sticky bombs' request. Not pictured here, Hughes flying about a mile in the air in a huge dumper truck.


Gazz waits for bus.


Someone's failed attempts at flying, probably Gazz.



Not sure what's happening here, including merely because they're there.


Random person tries to kill me and Niner, I blow up his car. He returns in second car, I kill him and steal car. Not wanting to face another insurance bill, I merely shoot the car full of bullets. A good time was had by all.



Some cops came to have a look at my handiwork and didn't mind me taking a few photos




Niner hides behind RV, trying to kill me. I blow up RV and Niner, RV lands on it's side. Random women proceed to stand next to RV, looking through binoculars, glitching through it and taking selfies.


LL's mom.


LL's reaction to that joke.


Someone left my Meac out in the rain!

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That's my car that LL is pouring gasoline on. That was the night we rammed the car into the Ammu-Nation store. Then LL proceeded to light everything in the parking lot on fire. So then the fire department came and after putting out the fire, I drove on top of them. LL then blew up my car and kindly paid for my replacement.

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I can't remember whether or not LL had to pay for my car in that action shot photo. Might have been one of those cases of 'it wasn't LL who blew it up, it was the car next to it exploding from LL's bomb that done it!'

Kinda like how Niner parked a car on LL last night, I rammed the car and Niner got the credit for the kill. :shifty:

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