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Games that stand the test of time


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Any particular faves though?

Out at the moment, but will be testing out Speedball 2 on Mega Drive when I get back in.

Oh yeah, Sonic 2, Seiken Densetsu 3, Final Fantasy VI, and so many others. While they've still managed to hold up the PC counterparts from that time period have by and large become unplayable. I tried Doom recently and just could not do it, FPS has progressed so much. I know that and Quake still have huge followings and maybe if I was more hardcore about FPS it would be different, but I can't really enjoy them. However despite that, games like Fallout 2, Planescape: Torment, Starcraft, and others still manage to hold up well.

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Sonic 2 has held up a lot better than the other Sonics. Sonic 1 feels really slow, and Sonic 3/Knuckles suffer from really lousy level design on the whole (there are a lot of times in &Knuckles when they give you invincibility and then immediately throw a series of tricky jumps at you with no enemies).

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Story-telling games stand up because a strong script and story to tell never gets old.

So you've got Monkey Island, Beneath a Steel Sky, Indy Jones Fate of Atlantis, Day of the Tentacle etc. All brilliant fun to play even now.

I believe BASS is free on GoG.com

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles In Time on SNES still feels like the best beat 'em up game of all time to me. It's wonderful. Also great is the Genesis-exclusive sequel, The Hyperstone Heist, which isn't quite as polished but is still fantastic because it's so much more challenging than Turtles In Time. As two player co-op experiences go you can't get much better than those two.

For slightly newer stuff, Banjo-Kazooie absolutely stands the test of time. I think it's probably the best 3D platformer of its generation, in hindsight. Super Mario 64 feels awkward and doesn't control very well, especially when you compare it to the Super Mario Galaxy games. But Banjo, aside from the dated graphics and textures and such, feels about as good as most modern titles. And the world it's set in is so unique; it's a bummer that there's no proper current-gen Banjo game. I really need to revisit both the first one and Banjo-Tooie again soon.

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I make it a point to play the original Legend of Zelda at least once a year.

Other games I don't mind revisiting from time to time:

Dragon Warrior III

Dragon Warrior IV

Final Fantasy VI

Pool of Radiance


Life Force

Castlevania II: Simon's Quest

Castlevania III

Double Dragon

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I play through Final Fantasy 7 and 8 usually each year and I expect to add 10 to that list with the HD release looming.

I think most JRPGs generally stand the test of time pretty well. Metal Gear Solid holds up surprisingly well too, from the PSX era. Mega Man (NES and SNES) is awesome forever, too.

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I was going to ask at the time....what is that?

It's part of the Mana series and in my, and many others', opinion the best of the whole series. It gained fame in the US only because of a fan translation, it was never localized. It's the 3rd game in the series, and of the console releases in the franchise the only one never to be ported to the US by Square.

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