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Oh wow. Been playing poker for a while again tonight and only just realised that you can hack into a camera to see what an opponent has. Amazing.

You can hack into people as well to monitor their stress levels to see if they're bluffing.

I absolutely suck at poker though, and having these helpful cheats to aid me has resulted in two winning hands out of about twenty.

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I won the medium stakes game I played last night under a guy's garage in suburbia. $1000 buy in so it was a long old haul for $4000. I lost the high stakes game the other night with the $10,000 buy in but that's the one to make money in. It's worth it then to leave with another $30,000.

When you win a poker game you get a bonus too so it's worth it (far better than a trophy). Same with the shell game, drinking game and chess. I got a chess one, but only played two games of shell (that's pretty fun) and one drinking game.

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Well shit. I didn't even realize he could slip the ball around.

Tried to do a few online hacks, and only one was completely successful, and that was because the guy was swimming and I ended up getting stuck in some rocks along the shore. Another person tried hacking me while I was in the area, and I ended up finding them around 80% and killed them. A couple of hack attempts I got caught, but escaped. One of them went to a roof. Then a couple of people managed to hack me as I couldn't find them. One of them taunted me by stopping the trains constantly.

I assume the yellow circle is where the person actually is, but for the life of me I couldn't find them despite how small the circle got. I want to see if you need to be relatively close to initiate the backdoor, or if you can hack them, go a bit away, then initiate it, because I've been hacking people and initiating them almost immediately.

Edited by Vitamin E
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Bwahaha. I've gone to some little island in the North West to unlock the comms for the area. With the cameras I set one guy's device to explode. He gets it out in time and throws it.....right next to his colleague who is then blown up and killed. Amusing.

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I'm going on a tower hacking binge tonight and getting them all done, the island one worked out really well for me as one explosion caused every guard to go to one side of the island, I slipped behind them and hacked in then jumped into the water to escape without detection.

And I want to win one poker game just for the bonus Hammy is talking about :P.

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Just did my first coin run thing. If the Google etc glasses works out along with augmented reality, I can see a lot of app designers and such like working on very similar things. There are already treasure hunts and things set up for some major cities where augmented reality makes cool and weird stuff happen.

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Got two of what I imagine will be more of the challenging achievements (minus the escaping the maximum wanted level ones): kill three enemies with an IED and kill four enemies with one focus usage. Also got all the QR codes and ctOS breaches, and pretty much have everything else found or collected, minus other investigations that don't seem to appear on the map. I assume they won't show up until I progress in the story, but I could have sworn there was one that appeared yesterday... Though it might have been one I already got.

Had another hacker enter my game, but they were about as stealthy as I was my first time. I was trying to scale a small building for a ctOS breach, and all of a sudden a car is on a pathway trying to get through the metal poles. I get the message that I'm being invaded and instantly tag them.Think I only got like +30 from it.

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I don't like going around killing people in this game. HOWEVER, I have had no choice but to pop some enemies. It's the nature of it all.

I have also been guilty of killing people that are wanted for child pornography and stuff and are just walking around living their lives. Sorry, brah. Gotta bring that LL brand of justice to you.

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Yeah the whole thing of making the NPCs a bit more "human" really adds to it. I end up not stealing from those who are having a tough life, but don't care so much about the scumbags. I got of the train one time though and there was a guy begging on the platform. "Used to be a narcotics detective" or something like that. You can only imagine the story of his downfall.

Anyway, at the start of Act II and there's an ongoing mission at the moment that has really made me feel more emotionally connected to the game. I don't feel like I CAN delay and go off and do stuff. That's cool.

Got hacked again but found the guy lurking in a car at about 22%. Pulled him out, ran him over as he ran away. Brilliant.

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I killed a guy because he sent a text to a friend complaining about his job and ended it with "somebody shoot me!"

I'm helping :)

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I'm finding myself only able to play this in short bursts - and I don't think that's a complaint against the game. I can get in about three sessions a day, doing a bunch of random stuff and about two story missions.

I'm stuck on the prison level though. That's a damn bitch to get through.

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Just did the "Not the pizza man" mission, but fuck those drinking mini games. I made it to level 6 for two of them and keep fucking up at what I assume is the final bit. I do like that they are different, though, with one using the sticks/triggers and the other using button inputs. Makes me wonder what the last drinking mini game is like up in the Pawnee area.

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