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I've played at three places and each one had a camera straight ahead of you near the ceiling that covered two players.

I've spent most of the day doing Privacy Invasions. Some are really funny, others are just downright depressing :(.

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Might spoiler mine to be on the safe side:

I had a prostitute (complete with exposed boobs, may as well make use of the 18/R rating) playing Russian Roulette with a client, she fired the gun at him three times with empty chambers and they celebrated. The timer was ticking down and she said she'd try it with the gun pointing at her head, then the timer ran out just before she fired. Next sound you hear is an ambulance siren...

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I'm loving this game. About halfway through Act Two at the moment, but just so much to do, and it's all so fun.

A friend & I literally spent twelve hours playing this game yesterday & still barely scratched the surface. So many side missions, mini games & places to explore. Kudos on the realism of the text convos, not to mention the blend of stragedy/run & gun style they meshed together so well. Very happy I picked it up.

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Geez. I have all the side missions off the map for now. Went and did all the ones I've accumulated since getting the game, and I haven't even fully completed any one type yet. I have five more convoys to do, 11 fixer missions, and one gang hideout that is eluding me.

Didn't know there was actually a multiplayer freeroam. I though it was just gametypes you could do.

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Finally nailed a mission. Had to infiltrate a ctOS base in Brandon Docks as part of a mission. Looks a bit like a cement factory or something.

Anyway I snuck in through a gate and hid while I used the cameras to scope out the area (and get the acess code from someone). Then I crept upstairs in one warehouse, silently knocked out a sniper. Snuck downstairs and knocked a guy out by a gate. Scurried to the next warehouse and through to knock out another guy guarding a gate. Then, watching the guards, I got up onto a gangway outside, knocked out another sniper, then along and knocked out the other sniper on the gangway. Four men left.

Back to the ground, skirted around the area to near another two who were watching each other (but not moving). I threw a lure which drew one away, ran up, knocked the other guy out and snuck into the hut to hack the system, out of sight of the two guys patrolling the other side.

Hack finished, one of the guys starts shooting but I run across towards the gate I came into, ino my car and full speed reverse out onto the main road and off to safety. That was great.

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I really like how - if you get away, the enemies still stay on the radar and still act like they're looking for you.

The NPCs also react rather well when shit is going down, even afterwards - none of the GTA styled "a massive shootout just happened? Oh alright."

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Yeah, a few times doing the convoys I've had people attempt to call the police. Most of the times I used a jam coms to stop them, but other times I was too busy trying not to die that the police end up joining the fray.

So I may be on the prison mission some of you mentioned. The correctional facility thing? Yeah, I'm currently lost <_<

Edited by Vitamin E
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The prison one isn't hard at all, it's just unclear. The way you start out makes it seem like you need to go right, which is pretty much impossible. It wasn't until I finally tried the other path that it became super easy.

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I was actually pretty disappointed at how easy/short it was. I was really hoping for a nice long spell in a big prison.

A little thing that I love about this game is the pieces of Chicago history I'm learning from using their "check-in" app. I love learning about serial killers and such, so the little bits about like "The Shotgun Man" and the John A Walsh School incident and such are great.

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