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Guest LdE1986

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

I watched the superbowl last nite, 1st time I've ever really taken notice of American Football, its actually quite fun, don't know or understand most of the rules but it was worth watching.

I like The Patriots badge, how childish.

Who was that big fat twat for Philly? I though A-Footballers were all buff and muscley? that guys just a big fat ass.

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Had the misfortune of trying to qwathc ITV's shitty coverage so only saw the first 5 minutes. Loved the way Philly challenged that opening fumble to say the play was over, would the Pats have been able to do that if he had the pass away? Genuinely checking because I know you can only review certain situations.

Saw the result this morning, expected the pats to win but it was tight.

Next year old man Favre has to win it...

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Dear Donovan McNabb,

Thank you for entitling me to another year of "Hey your team sucks and ours is the greatest ever." bullshit from annoying Patriots fans. Your three ghastly interceptions did nothing but brighten my day with the thought of ridiculous amounts of gloating on the horizon. And for once in my life, I can't blame the Patriots dirty play or the refs making shitty calls. I blame you and your brain dead coaches for having clock management skills that make Herman Edwards' look legendary. I blame your secondary that didn't seem to catch on that the Patriots like to throw a ton of screen passes. But Donovan you take the cake, Todd Pinkston and Terrell Owens were playing their asses off out there and you choked the game away with taking double digit losses on sacks (not the offensive line's fault when you run backwards) and throwing so many off-target passes it would make Stan Humphries look Super Bowl ready. So in closing Donovan, have your mom go knit the team some more scarfs because you just made it a very cold rest of the winter for your team and Philly fans/Patriot haters nation/world wide.


A Pissed Off Patriot Hater

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I watched the first quarter and that McNabb guy played awfully, so many turnovers and interceptions...

I remember at one stage three plays went like this...

Sacked for a loss of 16 yards.

Throw for interception which was luckily called a foul because of something only Americans understand

Throw a little floaty ball for another interception which was returnedfor 30 yards.

I only used to watch US Footy back when Marino was still playing. I was a Dolphins fan and used to enjoy watching it.

It seems less exciting now and more 'shiny'...

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As a Patriot Hater, the game dissapointed me a bit. But I really would have wish Tom Brady would have won the MVP.

Wonder how that would have gone down, General Moters giving Tom Brady a car while he's in the process of suing them.

Sean Salibury is a fucking douche, Patriots winning next year?? Patriots being a better team then the 90's Cowboys because they won by less? Somebody really needs to slap some sense into him.

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this Super Bowl could have been so much better, if both teams played to their potential. Eagles were damn lucky that they only lost by 3. Mcnabb's clock management was really horrible too. They had a chance to win, but they just failed to do so.

EDIT: and for the record, 00's Pats< 90s Cowboys

Edited by reyrey619
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The Pats are CLEARLY better than the Cowboys because there's no chance in hell the 'Boys would have been able to keep Aikman, Emmitt, Irvin and their killer offensive line in today's game. They basically were the Yankees of the NFL, buying whoever they wanted and mortgaging their entire future for one short run at titles. There's no way any team should ever be able to duplicate what the Pats have done unless the salary cap is inexplicably removed at some point in the future.

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The Pats are CLEARLY better than the Cowboys because there's no chance in hell the 'Boys would have been able to keep Aikman, Emmitt, Irvin and their killer offensive line in today's game. They basically were the Yankees of the NFL, buying whoever they wanted and mortgaging their entire future for one short run at titles. There's no way any team should ever be able to duplicate what the Pats have done unless the salary cap is inexplicably removed at some point in the future.

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Whoever said about ITV's coverage.

That reminds me to say, their coverage was fucking terrible. The people they had present it had notihng to do with American Football. Gabby Logan seemed to know jack shit, as did Clive Allen and Martin Johnson didn't seem that enthusiastic or knowledgable about the sport, the other guy did seem to, maybe because he was an american. So I won't be watching on ITV next year.

The Jet's will win it next year.

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Guest BacknBlackHoez

Skip Bayless said Ravens need Randy Moss the most. Woody Paige said the Raiders need Randy Moss the most. Tony Reali said the Falcons need Randy Moss the most.....im starting to like Reali some more.

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It would be an awful move for the Vikings to trade Moss at this point. Without him the offense is flat and the running game can't get going. I'd take Moss over Culpepper if I had to chose. Besides, the Vikings would have been in a much better position defensively if Red McCombs wasn't such a cheap fuck. We have around 30 mil in cap space. Sell the team already!

Edited by cthemason
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And who exactly would be throwing the ball to Moss when you get rid of one of the top QBs in the game? Now I hate the Vikings as much as the next guy, but Culpepper had one of the best years in the history of the game, while Moss is one big headache after another. You can somewhat replace Moss with draft picks and a defensive starter, but there's no way to replace what Culpepper brings to the table.

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Guest BacknBlackHoez

i see Muhsin staying in Carolina, the team did good at the end of the year with a 4th string RB & missing Steve Smith, having a healthy team next year, and they can be a solid contender.

I see Rod Gardner getting traded from Washington to the Jets, Plexico Signing with the Ravens & hopefully the Falcons trading for Randy Moss .... Arthur Blank has done an incredible job since coming here, and we have 2 major weaknesses, and if he doesnt get Moss, i can see Blank trading for Patrick Surtain.

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Guest Bluesman

I was disappointed that my team didn't win. However, since the Vikes were eliminated weeks ago, I didn't have much hope. I thought maybe both teams would be unable to show, and the Vikes would win by default with Culpepper in Jacksonville having to explain himself to the media, only for them to completely twist and distort his actions and words.

The talk of Moss being dealt is media driven. ESPN (Mortensen especially) have shown little regard for things like facts, and logic, when reporting this story. One point Mort claimed it was "60/40" Moss would be dealt, when in fact the original story was that it was "60/40" that a Moss trade would be explored. Of course this is ESPN we're talking about, so I expect nothing short than a half assed regard to fact checking and journalistic integrity that would make CNN or Fox blush.

Terrell Owens played much better than I thought he would be capable of, and had a great game. Evidently there was talk of him being selfish, could someone let me in on who was saying this and what it was about?

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