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15 minutes ago, Apsham said:

Wait... wouldn't that be like... one in the same?

A post-racial universe means that the people in it are beyond caring about things like race. A post-racial show means it it doesn't address race because it isn't relevant to the plot, which it is, constantly. I don't think either is true, but I think I know where he's making the distinction.

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I wish I would've waited and just saw the whole thing at once. There has to be some kind of redemption arch for Michael but just.. intensely, intensely unlikable and nothing to really root for right here at the start so it has kind of killed my enthusiasm right out of get go to watch more of the series where I'll have to wait, etc.

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Watching shows week to week takes me back man. it's hard work.

Yeah I didn't immediately warm to Michael, but I think I'm ok with that. the best arc in all of star trek was Nog going from thief and rascal to starfleet wunderkind. there's plenty of room in star trek for redemption.

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So avoiding reading this topic, I'm on the second episode now and its....its ok.  Its not great, its not the "Star Trek" I remember, but its not terrible.

I really don't like the change of look for the Klingons

But the rest?  So far I'm ok with.  I understand the difference in look between this and TOS, which takes place after DSC.  Unfortunately, its not the 1960s anymore.  At a time when the phone in your pocket can rival low-end PCs for power this


No longer looks futuristic.  

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7 hours ago, Lint said:

So avoiding reading this topic, I'm on the second episode now and its....its ok.  Its not great, its not the "Star Trek" I remember, but its not terrible.

I really don't like the change of look for the Klingons

But the rest?  So far I'm ok with.  I understand the difference in look between this and TOS, which takes place after DSC.  Unfortunately, its not the 1960s anymore.  At a time when the phone in your pocket can rival low-end PCs for power this


No longer looks futuristic.  

There are no real spoilers below but it's about episode three. I'm just talking about design though.

you're right that they couldn't make something look less advanced than the tos enterprise when people's cell phones look more futuristic, but there are some amazing design choices in episode three. The engine room looks like a natural precursor to the original series and a follow up to the NX, there are little yellow discs being passed around like the floppies on tos. The designers, in my mind, are walking this line really well, and I'm really enjoying the level of detail that's put in. There's a map in episode three that is like a star trek fans wet dream, and it references some really obscure stuff. Whoever is working on these things has really some their homework.

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1 hour ago, Benji said:

Dug episode three for the most part. I like the way they are gradually introducing the cast. Nice change of pace.

Last weeks episode?

Today's one was amazing. I really liked it.

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2 hours ago, Benji said:

Yeah, not watched the one from today yet. I kept putting episode three off because I wanted to finally catch up on Gotham.

Cool. Wasn't sure if you were counting the first two as one and didn't want to spoil anything. Today's is really good.

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I liked the pilot, but haven't watched the rest of the show because I don't have All Access. If this was on a Netflix exclusive OR on CBS itself, I would be watching it. I do hope to watch this in full sometime, because I love Trek.

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