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Everything posted by METALMAN

  1. To be fair it saved the audience from what would more than likely have been a dull as fuck speech from Taylor Swift. I mean, she'd got to the point where she said "I sing country music". Say what you like about Beyonce but had she won an award she probably wouldn't have found a place for "I sing R&B music" in her speech. Kanye could probably see where this was going and decided he would save the audience from the boredom and give them something to talk about because he is our noble saviour and spokesperson for our generation. Although he is an evil man. The trauma from this event will haunt poor Taylor for the rest of her career. Which will hopefully be short. In conclusion - fuck them all. Except Kanye West because I liked his music before he did autotune and hopefully he'll ditch that and go back to normal stuff. Oh and Barrack Obama who I was previously indifferent to but now like for his well thought out comments.
  2. Yeah I was just coming in here to say "fuck off Cadj" when I saw you were the last poster. I hate Kevin Kyle now.
  3. Exactly my thinking. I think the only person here that goes on about hating Oasis more than me is you. Still a good video though and a fun song.
  4. Oh I like Obama now. That's brilliant.
  5. Those are all good. Particularly Friend Of The Night and Glosoli. I especially love the Glosoli video lots. I'm finding it quite difficult to think of what I like. emm...I like: - good fun - nothing much happens but I still like it dunno really...I never really watch music videos.
  6. But I don't think much of Taylor Swift either so it's quite funny... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvR8lFfYdDw
  7. Exactly. Though a couple of my friends are total Muse fanatics who worship Matt Bellamy so I've been getting a lot of that. >_>
  8. After hearing the news report I finally know how to pronounce his name. Silver lining folks. >_> But yeah, that's a real shame - I didn't know a great deal about his situation myself but he gave every impression of putting up a brave and dignified fight which is very impressive indeed. It's sad for anyone to die in that way at such a young age.
  9. I will post the "review" I did here also because I am a knob Having said that - I really really really like the second verse of United States of Eurasia, provided I don't pay attention to the lyrics. It's absolutely fantastic right up to the "Can Be Only One" bit, after which it just becomes shit again. Having said that, my favourite songs are probably: I Belong To You Resistance (start) United States of Eurasia (second verse may well be one of my favourite musical moments of the year)
  10. Yeah they're dreadful. I get a free one as I work there. woohoo. Store target is ten cards a day. Closest we have got is four. haha.
  11. forget what I said earlier about me being good. >_> I also thought Sam Van had 619 points yet again. ha.
  12. Oh the humiliation. I only let Scott McFly win because he is nice. Honest. >_>
  13. I sold an HMV points card today skummy. My only one this week.
  14. Oh fuck ignore the team I submitted. I forgot today was Saturday. Big long shifts will do that to you. :/ Sorry guys.
  15. Chile did quite well at France 98. They had Salas and Zamorano. I remember watching them play Cameroon or something.
  16. http://uk.reuters.com/article/idUKTRE58A27720090911?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&rpc=70 lol hermaphrodite
  17. 5 on Blackburn to win 10 on Man City to draw 5 on Wigan to draw Sunderland 0 - 0 Hull
  18. I've had that a lot. It's quite silly. >_> I remember one time it was for a Aston Villa v Stuttgart match. Not much of a war.
  19. I can't stand the symphony. Aside from an initial " Muse are doing something a bit different and highly pretentious" I don't see how anyone could enjoy it. It's very bland.
  20. THE ONLY REVIEW OF MUSE'S NEW ALBUM THAT YOU WILL EVER NEED Uprising sounds like that Battles song as Skummy said. It is also boring and too long. Resistance turns into a Kooks song. It is also boring and too long. Undisclosed Desires sounds like a Samantha Mumba song. Or Sonique? Remember her? United States of Eurasia has a nice groove going on the in the verse. Pity the lyrics are dreadful (as are all of the lyrics on this album). Pity it also turns into over the top Queen wank. EURASIA...SHA...SHA...SHA. Pathetic. Oh and they have kindly spliced a little sonata on the end of it. Thanks Muse. I mean when I want to listen to a good sonata I get one from the big four - Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin...Bellamy. Guiding Light sounds like Enter Shikari. Not that bad. Not that good at least. Second best song on the album. Though that's not saying much. Unnatural Selection only goes and rips off Gay Bar. It is also boring and too long. Mk Ultra is classic Muse THEY'RE GOING TO GET US AND THEY'RE BREAKING THROUGH. Also boring and too long. Yes, four minutes is far too long for such an awful song. I Belong To You sounds like Everyone's At It by Lily Allen. Nice little groove again, but it is ripped off of Lily. Adds the clarinet solo from "Alfie" for good measure. Best song on the album, with a little help from Lily Allen. Next, Muse do a Green Day by putting two totally different songs on the same track. This one is not-at-all-pretentiously titled "Mon Coeur S'ouvre A Ta Voix" (Alternatively titled "Bellamy Tries His Luck On Babelfish"). It is also really shit. Bellamy doing his MY SCROTUM IS LOCKED IN A VICE thing. Then three part "Symphony". As I said with the sonata, if I want to hear a good symphony I don't go for Beethoven, Mozart, Wagner. None of that old hat. I listen to Bellamy. Oh wait no. It's shit. It is also boring and too long. So yeah it's shit overall. I wash my hair and go outdoors far too much to be the sort of person that would enjoy this album. Unfortunately I know that a lot of people are going to start hailing Matt Bellamy as the foremost composer of our era or whatever because of this "symphony". Which is a load of shit.
  21. Yes you're out because Norway beat Macedonia and finished second. Why support France though? Can't stand them. I wonder. I was worried that you might have linked to this for a minute.
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