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Everything posted by lanky316

  1. We gave you one in the first leg two in the second. Damn our incompetent generosity! To be honest it was still a miracle we got that close. Jol's gutless okay so we went into the second leg without two key players but when you need goals we just give them the bloody initiative! Not taking it away from Arsenal they were decent (except the first half of the first leg where they look shell shocked) but we really didn't help ourselves. Thank God we weren't as humiliated as the Scousers though!
  2. Obviously no matter how shit we are you weren't good enough. Looks quite badly on you that to dominate us we had to give you 2 of the goals
  3. So I've got one question... How could we play that shit and still hold a draw after 90 minutes?
  4. Not visited for a while. Is there an "official" EWB Euro guild yet? I know the yanks were talking about it but we didn't seem to have takers.
  5. Good result last night although one that pulls at my heart strings... Seeing the sides coming out at WHL was a tear jerker for someone who used to go to Roots Hall all the time. If only it became a regulal league fixture I'd probably end up having another heart attack! As a complete aside... Anyone heard the version of "I love Martin Jol" to the tune of "I love Rock 'n' Roll"? Pure brlliance!
  6. This is the bit where Harry and Ron on the way on some greater quest travel through marshland where the corpses of young wizards who had died in years before haunt. I suspect at one stage Harry will fall in and be rescued by some strange creature they picked up on the way. We've read it all before people
  7. I'd happily be up for it... but you bastards are all septics
  8. The talk in the Corner Pin last night was that we'd probably get them, funny the way these things happen! It's quite a tough draw but the way we've been playing in Europe we should be ok. Especially the home games we've looked unplayable. I am a little concerned about us leaking goals though but I'd hope we're ok against them.
  9. Is it wrong that despite playing our best performance of the season the Shelf and Park Lane were more concerned about singing songs about the fat steward?
  10. Should think the folks at "Punk Rock aerobics" would disagree on that one. The beat style of Rammstein I find good for working with weights.
  11. I liked "Sodje then!" when Stevenage were told their ground wasn't good enough for league football. But there was a vested interest in that.
  12. Pretry sure was just concussion. Best to take him off the way the game was going. Coudn't afford him to be groggy while they were putting us under pressure.
  13. At first glance I thought it was a clear penalty so could see how the referee gave it... I suppose it evened out when he never gave the handball in the second half.
  14. Actually that was a false scoreline to be fair... We need goals though :\
  15. Yeah me and my brother made it in the end. Had to leave before "the surprise" in order to catch our train home from Kings Cross though which was a shit but saw the main set.
  16. That did indeed kick mucho arse. Hurting all over but to be fair I wasn't feeling too good before it started anyway. Well worth it though.
  17. Actually the fact we've been without wingers has been the problem the last few games. If our strikers hit the mark it'll be problem solved. We're having plenty of chances but not putting them away.
  18. lanky316


    Allardyce and Redknapp in dodgy dealings. I'm shocked SHOCKED I say!! Lets face it them two being dodgy is hardly news.
  19. Finally got this at long last. playing on Bladefist PVP on the Euro servers. Lvl 14 NE Hunter - Arcoeoiner Lvl 11 Dwarf Warrior - Thorrgrimm. Don't suppose any of you are on there?
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