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Mx. Canadian Destroyer

The Dominion
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Everything posted by Mx. Canadian Destroyer

  1. Caught up on some tv today. Modern Family - never ceases to make me laugh. It's always got some hilarious lines and is has one of the best ensemble casts out there. Portlandia - Armisten has really started to irritate me on SNL. He's had a couple great skits over the past couple of years, but he's generally a one-note character. But for whatever reason, I adore him on Portlandia. I think it's because he and Carrie Brownstein play off each so well. Either way, great stuff. Glee - just the first new episode of 2012. There was some cringe-worthy moments, but for the most part it reminded me of relatively early Glee, which is a good thing. It still has a lot to improve upon to get back to where it was.
  2. Just pretend Wonder Woman let him borrow her Invisible Plane.
  3. I think it's more like choosing whether or not to wear the crown in Booker's entrance or the clock for Boogeyman's.
  4. Man, for the game being out this long, I'd have expected the servers to be fine by now. I didn't get too frustrated at the beginning because I figured it was due to the mass amounts of people flooding the servers, but come on, it's almost February.
  5. I've been keeping up with this as I love the show, but have yet to post. I thought I'd post my favourite quote from each episode. PILOT "Illusion, Michael. A trick is something a whore does for money." TOP BANANA "You didn't eat that, did you?" BRINGING UP BUSTER "Wow, we're just blowing through nap time, aren't we?" KEY DECISIONS "Say that to them in Spanish." CHARITY DRIVE "...termssss... one term and one condition." VISITING OURS "No, I need your chair. Get up." OUR MOTHER THE CAR "Um, is it okay if I do it for mom and not you? "Yeah." "Because I really like mom." "We know." IN GOD WE TRUST "There is no God!"
  6. Apparently Colton is a villain, so take that for what it's worth. And my gosh, I love Kourtney.
  7. The game I found is on a separate forum. I found the link on the Survivor Sucks forum.
  8. They're called ORGs. I'm actually in one right now where everyone is a different character from Redemption Island. It's past the merge right now and I managed to convince Boston Rob to join back up with our tribe after we voted him out. Now I'm running the show and calling all the shots. I have a bad feeling I'm about to get blindsided though.
  9. Hopefully the One World leads to less Pagonging, too. If players from opposing tribes get to know each other before the merge and build some strong bonds, it should create some very unique alliances and struggles at the end game. Probably a fair bit of tension between the tribes, too. Should be a fun season.
  10. Happy it made the list... Amazing Race Happy Endings Tosh.0 Survivor Seen some of it, but need to watch more... American Horror Story Archer Been meaning to watch... Wilfred Psych Once Upon a Time Haven't seen it forever, not sure I'll ever get around to it... The Simpsons
  11. Mikey B. had some of the best facial expressions in the history of the show. This one is my personal favourite.
  12. The only show I've watched of the entire first 10 is Smallville, but I haven't seen the last season. The only thing I'm interested in watching is Bored To Death, really.
  13. So everybody's saying the Blue Jays won the bidding on Yu. With the rumours that they're also in the running for Fielder, it could be quite a fun year next year. With Bautista, Fielder, Lind, Lawrie, and Rasmus playing and a rotation of Yu, Romero, and Morrow, I would be in that ball park all the time.
  14. Any good ideas for ridiculous CAWs? Or, preferably, some good CAWs on the PS Community Creations? I'm looking for funny ones. Preferably fictional guys, but not Superman or anything like that (pirates, ninjas, etc.).
  15. Home Alone 2 and Elf were on tv back to back today. That should not be allowed to happen during exam time.
  16. I think I read today that Alicia Fox will be free.
  17. Those Ozzy nominations are painful to read. The first one is all "he's good at challenges, and yeah, he made some really stupid mistakes, but he's hot." The second one is all "he sucks, but he is a dolphin." That's literally the only thing positive she says about him. He's a human dolphin. The third one is all "he's not good at strategy or socializing, but he's good at surviving." Ugh.
  18. 1. Community 2. Parks and Recreation 3. It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia 4. Tosh.0 5. Louie 6. Dexter 7. Survivor 8. Saturday Night Live 9. 30 Rock 10. The League 11. The Daily Show 12. How I Met Your Mother 13. An Idiot Abroad 14. The Office (how far you've fallen old friend) 15. Entourage Honourable Mentions: Amazing Race, Big Brother, Glee, South Park, and Angry Boys
  19. That's Taran Killam, who I've liked ever since he was on Scrubs as the Jimmy the Overly Touchy Orderly. He's been on SNL for the past two seasons and has been fantastic.
  20. The first seasons were great. Actually, it really depends on the competition. Some are great, like who can keep an octopus on their head the longest or who can smoke the most weed, but if the idea sucks, the episode normally sucks. It got really scripted towards the end of its run, too.
  21. I don't know if you're being sarcastic (mostly because I feel like "Deb getting killed" idea comes up every season), but nonetheless, I feel something bad is about to happen to Deb. Whether or not she dies or just finds out that Dexter is a serial killer, I don't know, but they keep referencing how Dex is her safety net. It's foreshadowing something.
  22. A little preview of tomorrow's Community episode. http://www.nbc.com/community/video/troy-and-abed-rap-christmas-infiltration/1372231
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