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Mx. Canadian Destroyer

The Dominion
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Everything posted by Mx. Canadian Destroyer

  1. 1. The Dark Knight Rises 2. The Hobbit 3. Django Unchained 4. The Avengers 5. The Hunger Games 6. This is 40 7. Argo 8. The Amazing Spiderman 9. Brave 10. Wreck-It Ralph
  2. So I'm new to the Madden franchise, but I was pretty bummed when I managed to blow a 17 point lead in the second half. Yikes, the playoffs might be a little rough.
  3. Just playing the first Rumble in my WWE Universe, and it's been a blast so far. Sandow is getting the crap kicked out of him to start when Cesaro comes out as #3. The two form some sort of alliance, taking out some big names, including Mark Henry and Big E Langston. Eventually, Cesaro just turns around and chucks out Sandow. Ryback then went on a tear, eliminating six guys in a row before ending up in a showdown with Sheamus, who ended up eliminating him. After some other guys come in (Del Rio, Booker T, Miz, Bryan, and Ryder) we get another showdown between Show and Lesnar, who have cleared the ring. The two giants are duking it out when the buzzer goes... it's Kane! Now we have three giants. The buzzer sounds again and it's... Undertaker! Show and Lesnar put their battle on hold to take on the Brothers of Destruction. Eventually, Kane and Taker are eliminated and we get back to Lesnar/Show. Jericho runs in and saves Show from being eliminated (cue JeriShow reuinion). Just as Jericho eliminates Lesnar, out pops The Rock! Nearing the end, we get a bunch of guys who could conceivably win it (Ziggler, Barrett, Rhodes). Barrett eliminates Show, which gives up a Final Four of Rock, Rhodes, Ziggler, and Barrett. In the end, Barrett eliminates Ziggler, Rhodes eliminates Barrett, and Rock eliminates Rhodes to win the match. Everything just seemed to match up so nicely and it told a cool story. This has me excited for Elimination Chamber so we can see who Rock will face at WrestleMania.
  4. Yeah, there's nothing on there. I'm not sure if I had activated my online pass before now, so maybe try it again?
  5. I really need to catch up on Happy Endings. It's such a fun show. And while I love Max for not being another gay stereotype, I absolutely love Brad.
  6. PSN: Leeder25 Team: Patriots (judging by the first page for available teams, let me know if they're taken).
  7. I think it was supposed to be Konnan.
  8. So I just started watching this. I've watched all of the first two seasons, and I'm midway through the third season. I was bummed to see Nathan leave, but I've grown fond of Rudy. Literally the episode after I told my friend I hated Rudy, he made me laugh harder than a lot of stuff I'd seen on the show. He's pretty good, even if he isn't quite Nathan levels of awesome. Interest on the board seemed to die down after Season 2, but is anybody still watching?
  9. So I bought this on Boxing Day. Is there any way for me to join the league, preferably at the end of the regular season?
  10. I'm in the same boat as well. Luckily, this just so happened to be the next image that came up on imgur: http://i.imgur.com/qCBYN.jpg
  11. 1. The Walking Dead 2. MLB 12: The Show 3. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 4. NBA 2K13 5. NHL 13 6. WWE 13 7. Madden 13 8. Assasin's Creed 3 9. FIFA 13 10. TEW 13
  12. 1. Graceland - Paul Simon 2. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - The Beatles 3. Sigh No More - Mumford and Sons 4. At Folsom Prison - Johnny Cash 5. Revolver - The Beatles 6. Babel - Mumford and Sons 7. Crazy Love - Michael Buble 8. My Kinda Party - Jason Aldean 9. Rhythm of the Saints - Paul Simon 10. Sweet Baby James - James Taylor 11. Continuum - John Mayer 12. Thriller - Michael Jackson 13. My Head Is An Animal - Of Monsters and Men 14. Songs About Jane - Maroon 5 15. El Camino - The Black Keys 16. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - Elton John 17. Aim and Ignite - fun. 18. Chronicle Vol. 1 - Creedence Clearwater Revial 19. Maroon - The Barenaked Ladies 20. Help! - The Beatles
  13. I would be down. I could probably only help with TNA and WWE, but I think it'd be fun.
  14. Much appreciated, TEOL! I'm very excited to get a look at the new C-Verse.
  15. If anybody's looking for a cool server to play Survival Craft, let me know. I found a site with a pretty awesome map.
  16. 1. Mad Men 2. Parks and Recreation 3. Breaking Bad 4. It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia 5. QI 6. Louie 7. American Horror Story 8. Game of Thrones 9. Survivor 10. Saturday Night Live 11. Daily Show 12. The League 13. Dexter 14. Workaholics 15. The Office Honorable mentions to: 30 Rock, Happy Endings, Dirk Gently, Portlandia, Glee, Amazing Race, Colbert Report, and Big Brother.
  17. Carter's exit speech was the best. "Now they're playing with their head and not their hearts."
  18. I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as I thought it would. I might have built it up a little too much, but I definitely left the theatre slightly dissapointed. However, hitting a deer on the way home might have added to the night being so poor in retrospect.
  19. Store a finisher and make them stand between you and the cell. Make sure you're at either end of the cell by the announcer table. An OMG moment or something similar should pop up and then you'll put them through the cell.
  20. I'd be down. I'll PM you my PSN name.
  21. I'm pretty sure Iverson plays in Europe now or something.
  22. To me, it seems like they're just saying "Chevy has left the show, he won't be in two episodes". I don't really think it's saying much more than that.
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