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Everything posted by TheRaySays

  1. I'm honestly surprised Blender still exists. I thought they ceased publication ages ago. And I can't see Sting topping a list that would have to include the likes of Toby Keith and Chad Kroeger.
  2. TheRaySays

    Holy fuck.

    I'm intrigued by the character billed as "Madsen's Gay Lover." :blink:
  3. Well, I broke down and started my 10-day trial on Friday. Server: Dalaran Rintrah, the Tauren Shaman lvl 6 Enjoying it so far. Extra nerdliness points for anyone who figures out where the name comes from.
  4. Kou lies. 4th Edition will be strung out over May, June, and July of next year (releasing Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, and Monster Manual, naturally). It will have heavy online content support with a subscription fee (the usual $14.95 per month) and is rumored to have a shift in tone and style favoring the success of MMOs like World of Warcraft and EverQuest. :thumbsdown: Let me know if you guys need any help with this. I don't have a LOT of free time, but I can pop in to answer a question or two. I'm a 50th level Dungeon Master.
  5. Well, Anthony Michael Hall was said to be sharing a number of scenes with Morgan Freeman, so my guess is he'll be some hot high-tech wizkid in this movie and Riddler down the road.
  6. Wow, that was surprisingly bad-ass. I'm actually looking forward to a Marvel movie again. Huzzah!
  7. I need a Mutastone so I can SUPAH MUTATION~! Mutastone... hmm... Keiji says "No way, man."
  8. This is the greatest thing I have ever read. I marked out a few weeks ago and taped "Forbidden Planet", but this is a fine assemblage of weirdness. I'm especially looking forward to The Crazies, The Conqueror Worm, and The Last Man on Earth. Vincent Price is GOD.
  9. Fuck Planet Terror and Death Proof... I want a feature length Machete movie right fucking NOW!
  10. Monday: Heroes. Seriously, this is a comic book brought to the small screen (minus the costumes, but I wouldn't be surprised to see a cape or two by season's end). How could I not like it. I imagine it's not for everyone, and I've heard some complaints from people expecting it to be whiz-bam X-Men action right out of the gate, but they blew up a train in the pilot. How fucking cool is that? Tuesday: House. I love Hugh Laurie in a manly, heterosexual way. Absolutely. He is everything I want to be when I grow up. Damn baseball pre-empting it. :thumbsdown: Wednesday: Jericho. This show went from being charmingly decent to abysmal in one short week. Man, that second episode was so cliche and poorly written, I found myself chuckling uncomfortably at some of the awful dialogue and not-so-clever twists. Poof, just like Denver, this one's off my radar. Wednesday: Lost. Lost is on borrowed time with me. I don't need answers to every little bit of minutiae in the series, but I need to be reassured that the show's creators know where they're going with this. If it's a David Lynch exercise in fucking with the audience, I'll pass, and for good. Wednesday: Kidnapped. One of the better new shows I took a chance on. The characters are intriguing at least, but with lots of room for further development as the series progresses. There's a big pitfall, however, here that the show needs to avoid, in that a single kidnapping might not provide enough dramatic oomph to sustain a season. They're two for two, and I'll allow for a misstep at some point along the way, but it's an uphill climb. Thursday: Earl/Office/UFC/TNA. My favorite block of the week, if for no other reason, because of its diversity. I enjoy each of these shows for a different reason. They don't always deliver week-in, week-out (I'm lookin' at YOU, TNA!), but it's my favorite day of TV by far. Friday-Saturday: Only fags watch TV on Fridays & Saturdays, and no, you don't get a pass for Smackdown. Sorry. Sunday: Football. NFL, not any of this soccer crap. Okay, okay, that's flamebaiting... Sorry. I likes the futbol, too. Sunday: The Amazing Race. I've watched every episode of this "reality show", and it's been up and down, but as a big fan of travel, it's more good than bad, especially when some bim gets dumped face-first off a mule cart.
  11. I love MST3K. I've seen various random episodes, but I acquired a very nice set of Season One on DVD and am diligently making my way thru it little by little. Cave Dwellers is easily my favorite of all time ("The Seven Sacred Keys of Pentuzular..."), but I've come to really appreciate Robot Monster's goofy charm. The shorts later on before the movies are also pretty spectacular, especially "Mr. B. Natural." (Y)
  12. I thought this was pretty cool until I heard how screechy Axl and Bach's voices are. Yikes. The monitor with the lyrics also reduced this to karaoke, making something that should have been awesome kinda soul-crushing. :thumbsdown:
  13. I second the recommendation for The Abominable Dr. Phibes. I'd also recommend some of Mario Bava's horror work purely for its influence on the genre. Bava created the slasher flick with "Bay of Blood" (aka "Twitch of the Death Nerve") and "Planet of the Vampires" was practically stolen for Ridley Scott's "Alien". "The Changeling" with George C. Scott is a clever little gem that's been ripped off left right and center as well.
  14. Click on your team and the links to the left should have some stuff like, "Join a League" or "View League" and so forth... then search EWB Pick Em', password is listed here.
  15. I've got a team, now I just need to join the group, which is done... how, exactly? :ohwell:
  16. This has nothing to do with anti-Christianity or Paganism, it's all about anti-Semitism. The founder of eBay has a staunch and not always consistant stance on such issues. I could not sell German historical models on eBay regardless of Nazi symbols or not. It was verboten. I don't necessarily like it nor agree with it as I think it gives the true hatemongers more power and glamorizes them as anti-authority rebels, but it's his ballpark and you have to play by his rules or find somewhere else to conduct business.
  17. All of the Essential Volumes in Print: Ant-Man Avengers Vol. 1-5 Captain America Vol. 1-2 Classic X-Men Vol. 2 Daredevil Vol. 1-3 Defenders Vol. 1 Doctor Strange Vol. 1-2 Fantastic Four Vol. 1-5 Ghost Rider Vol. 1 Godzilla Howard the Duck Hulk Vol. 3 Human Torch Vol. 1 Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 Iron Fist Vol. 1 Iron Man Vol. 1-2 Killraven Vol. 1 Luke Cage Vol. 1 Marvel Team-Up Vol. 1-2 Marvel Two-In-One Vol. 1 Monster of Frankenstein Vol. 1 Moon Knight Vol. 1 Nova Vol. 1 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol. 1-3 Peter Parker, Spectacular Spider-Man Vol. 1-2 Savage She-Hulk Vol. 1 Silver Surfer Vol. 1 Spider-Man Vol. 1-4, 6-7 (#5 is strangely out of print) Spider-Woman Vol. 1 Super-Villain Team-Up Thor Vol. 1-2 Tomb of Dracula Vol. 1-4 Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1 Werewolf by Night Vol. 1 Wolverine Vol. 1-4 X-Factor Vol. 1 X-Men Vol. 2-7 There's actually ones on here I didn't even know existed. I'm tempted to check out Super-Villain Team-Up, Marvel Team-Up, and/or Marvel Two-In-One as I was a big fan of the strange combinations of characters back in the day. Luke Cage could also be pretty blaxploitastic. Like most, tho, I have a problem with the lack of color. I'm reading Avengers Masterworks Vol. 1 now which is # 1-12 in color, and it's awesome, but even I can't afford a $50 hardcover that often.
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