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Everything posted by TheRaySays

  1. Wow. Can't believe anyone'd think that was real. :thumbsdown: Blair Witch Project and Signs to it better. The Last Broadcast is also okay, but they abandon the gimmick at the end of the movie, and that kind of ruins it.
  2. I can't stop watching this. It's weird and hypnotic. Pre-AC/DC Bon Scott Video Freedom's just another word for "nothing left to lose"... Paul Dianno IS "The Living Dead" (man, does he look nervous in this video or what?) Mahna Mahna
  3. Just finished reading The Eternals # 1 by Neil Gaiman and John Romita Jr. Awesome stuff. A great set-up (re)introducing some interesting characters and situations. There's also an acknowledgement of Civil War that surprised me. DC had better watch out. Marvel has scored a couple coups with Gaiman, Whedon, and Damon Lindelhof on mainstream books. DC seems to want their guest creators on little projects that have no real relation to their sacred regular universe. Probaly has to do with being under the Warner Bros. corporate umbrella.
  4. I second the recommendation for "Hush" if you're in the mood for Batman. It has stellar art, a gauntlet of classic Batman villains, and some cool twists. It might not resonate AS deeply if you're not familiar with the Batman history, but that's true with anything that has that much longevity. For Superman, it's a little harder. Superman/Batman's sorta decent, but it's too... for lack of a better term... smarky for someone new to the books. Instead, I'd recommend "JLA: New World Order" by Grant Morrison and Howard Porter. Aside from being a cool wrestling coincidence, it's a great story featuring all the big guns of DC (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, etc.) The trade paperback collects the first 4 issues and that story arc, but I can recommend the book up thru about issue # 15 (or the 3rd collected paperback volume). Spider-Man, you can go the Ultimate Spider-Man route which starts from the beginning and tries to give a sort of modern retelling of his classic stories. As a long-time comic goob, I'm not a fan, but it's made purposefully accessible to new readers. Alternatively, if you have even a minor familiarity with the character from the movies or cartoons or whatnot, I'd recommend the first 12 issues of Marvel Knights: Spider-Man. Now called SENSATIONAL Spider-Man, the first year (or 3 collected volumes) are top notch Spidey from Mark Millar and have gorgeous, almost animated (not anime, but like cell-shaded) style art from Terry Dodson. It starts with Aunt May being kidnapped by a mystery foe, runs through an underground criminal auction of the Venom symbiote, sees Spidey blackmailed into breaking the Green Goblin out of prison, and ends up pitting Spider-Man against The Sinister 12, an unholy alliance of a dozen of his classic foes. After the first 12 issues, the series gets a new writer and goes all pear-shaped, struggling to fit into a big multi-title crossover called "The Other" that was unbelievably ass. Aunty May and Mary Jane should not don Iron Man armor to save Spider-Man. Ever.
  5. FPS, definitely. I've had little use for the genre since Doom first came out and then later enjoyed Rogue Spear for the teamwork aspect and the advances in sound and graphics, but it's mostly a dead end genre to me. Hamster put it most succinctly above. I'm also done with fighting games since the original Mortal Kombat and Primal Rage. I like the occasional wrestling game, but most fighting games are either memorization of "left-right-up-X-B-right..." etc. or mindless button mashing. Yawn. That being said, I'm a sucker for micromanagement games (hence my undying love for EWR and Railroad Tycoon and the like). RPGs and RTS all depend on storyline for me. I can get into a good background, but the gameplay tends to be all the same, and I've found most of the RPGs people go nuts over to be half-baked Jap-crap about saving the mana tree of life or some other metaphysical bullshit. I'll take GTA's open mission system over Final Fantasy quests to find the stable boy's sister anyday.
  6. I liked that the whole episode was basically a metaphor for America "going around in pity" for itself. (The obscene gift baskets, the Italians buying stuff to bring back home, the Armenian chick's hard luck history, Artie's hubris...) Film noir icon Lauren Bacall dropping the F-bomb twice might be a landmark Sopranos moment tho. I also can't be the only person to see the irony in Sir Ben Kingsley dodging Chrissy's lame movie project while agreeing to do Uwe Boll's epic "In the Name of the King" in real life.
  7. I loved it and found it to be a good mix of newschool cerebral horror and an old school pulpy Mario Bava-style exploitation gorefest. The biggest complaint I've heard is that the movie is hard to follow/understand, but that truly annoys me. There's actually a sequence laying things out for everyone, and I don't think any previous knowledge of the games is necessary, tho there are a number of visual nods to the original PS game.
  8. Wow, that was super interesting. Much like exposes on the wrestling business, tho, it takes away some of the mystique and leaves the reader thinking "Is that all there really is to it?" I might've dl'ed Python and mucked around with it, but then I remembered I already have way too many hobbies and my programming days are looooong behind me. :ohwell:
  9. "The Janitor" is an awesome name. As was "The Cleaner", Harvey Keitel's character in Point of No Return. I rest on your face. Now, wtf is a "Pyramid Head"?
  10. I love this show and have watched all the seasons, but the current "Family Edition" sucks donkey dong. I do enjoy sick amusement at the suffering of The Weaver Family tho. "For this challenge, one team member must lie down on the track and let Jeff Gordon do donuts around them in a stock car." "No! That's how daddy died!" The producers were sick for picking them as a team knowing what challenges they'd arranged.
  11. I'm currently reading The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian, a collection of Robert E. Howard's early barbarian stories presented in their order of publication as well as The Complete Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle. I guess I'm on a classics kick lately. I recently tried to read Practical Demonkeeping by Christopher Moore, a gift from a friend, but I found it's attempts at wit forced and feeble. Bleh.
  12. For older war stuff, I can't think of anyone better than Bernard Cornwell. His Hundred Years War series (The Archer's Tale, Vagabond, and Heretic) are all awesome, and his Sharpe's Rifles series is classic.
  13. To the best of my knowledge, Vinnie Jones was gone the moment Matthew Vaughn walked. I don't think the role of Juggernaut has been recast as yet, so there hasn't been any official change on IMDB or elsewhere. So far, this is looking like a big shit sandwich and all us comic nerds are going to be forced to take a bite.
  14. I am so furious that outside of Denver, all their U.S. dates are part of Ozzfest, and I'm not going to spend big $$$ on tickets for a bunch of other bands I couldn't give a flying fraggle about. Dammit.
  15. I watched it for the first time the other night, and the violence is disturbing and downright laughable at times (cutting people in half with a blade attached to your sneaker? WTF?), but the impressive part to me was how philosophical the movie actually is. It really explores the give-and-take nature of sado-masochism from every angle.
  16. I've seen The Eye, and it's decent with a few creepy moments, but nothing to get too worked up about. It's kinda predictable, but worth watching for free.
  17. Kou's avatar (Jamie from Mythbusters) made me think of this. I tuned into a Mythbusters marathon this past Sunday and was alarmed to see a new trio of, for lack of a better description, junior Mythbusters. While it was cool to see a pair of GRRRRLs getting involved in the bustin', the three got on my nerves right quick, especially the dude, and the overall lack of Adam and Jamie (who have a great rapport) really killed it for me. Am I the only guy NOT liking the new line-up? (For that matter, am I the only EWBer watching this? I assume not, given Kou's avatar, but y'know what happens when you assume...)
  18. I've been reading the same crap as everyone else, apparently: Astonishing X-Men 100 Bullets Walking Dead I'm also reading the DC Countdown minis since I enjoyed Identity Crisis much more than I reckoned I would. Villains United is the best of the lot, in my opinion. Any time you get Deadshot AND Deathstroke in one book, I'm a happy guy. I'm a confessed Conan mark, so I'm loving that book, but sword and sorcery comics might not be everyone's cup o' tea. I'm also enjoying the relaunches of Captain America and Iron Man as well as Ultimate Iron Man, but all 3 are running balls late, keeping me from being wholeheartedly enthusiastic.
  19. I've watched both episodes and enjoyed them thoroughly, enough to miss the first hour of RAW in both instances (no big loss there, but I did hate missing Victoria's heel turn. Heel Victoria > *. ). I've given thought to running my comic shops the Gordon Ramsey way, but I don't have enough minions to swear at. Or customers, for that matter.
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