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Status Updates posted by Kaney

  1. "It has been a very long while."

  2. Boy I sure hope someone else comes up with a witty take on the old "merry christmas". Thats never been done before!

  3. swerve I just deleted jockys

  4. *starts deleting statuses*

    1. Dingle


      Wish I could delete your face.

  5. Don't ever leave again :(

  6. I know, but real games like FIFA and Gears of War sap my energy >_>

  7. I got about halfway through the first game before I lost interest and haven't touched it in a while. Somewhere about the bit where you're trapped in the shed on the frozen lake I think? I have the second one installed but eh.

  8. If I had finished the game and found a definitive villain, I would so change my name right now.

  9. But Nelson Tethers isn't Evil! He solves puzzles! For the government!

  10. Hey guys, say smark some more.

    1. Olive the other Jiberdeer

      Olive the other Jiberdeer


      Today was supposed to be Freaks and Geeks naming trend day :(

    2. Meacon Keaton
  11. All these jokes are terrible.

  12. Dr. Horrible. I should've known you were behind this!

  13. You look...horribly familiar.

  14. Why do you hate me when I show you nothing but love?!

  15. You see this guy here? He don't tip.

  16. Just back from watching Celtic fuck Man United up. So what if it's only a Legends game >_>

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Gazz


      He did kick Roy Keane into a bottomless pit, so that's a plus.

    3. Lineker


      Forgot about this. What were the teams?

    4. EddieG


      As a Feyenoord fan, it's clear I loved Larsson before any of you did.

  17. We are ready to take another caller.

    My name is Falconhoof, and I will be your guide on your quest.

  18. ...ok. You jump the chasm.

    ...You make a pitiful jump into the flames. You are burned to a cinder. You are dead.

  19. You will not make it. You will need the winged sandals!

  20. You could enter the maze to return to the marble hallway?

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