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Everything posted by Sousa

  1. The fact that you don't abuse Doomtrain for power-leveling means that you lose. Good day sir.
  2. Sousa

    I support W.

    By which I mean... uh... W.illiam Shatner.

  3. My studies of Manny strongly suggest the contrary.

  4. Aw, I was pulling for Je next. :(

  5. Sousa

    Best Of...

    Doesn't it kind of defeat the purpose of assembling a Best Of album if you're not even going to be selective at all? I mean, really... a three-disc Weezer Greatest Hits with half of the blue album and half of Pinkerton on it? Come on. Anyway, here's my attempt at The Best of Rilo Kiley, and I'm shooting for one disc. 1. The Frug (Initial Friend EP) 2. 85 (Initial Friend EP) 3. Science vs. Romance (Take-Offs and Landings) 4. Plane Crash in C (Take-Offs and Landings) 5. The Good That Won't Come Out (The Execution of All Things) 6. The Execution of All Things (The Execution of All Things) 7. With Arms Outstretched (The Execution of All Things) 8. It's a Hit (More Adventurous) 9. Portions for Foxes (More Adventurous) 10. More Adventurous (More Adventurous) 11. The Absence of God (More Adventurous) 12. The Moneymaker (Under the Blacklight) (although I'd cut this song in a perfect world...) 13. Silver Lining (Under the Blacklight) 14. Breakin' Up (Under the Blacklight) 15. 15 (Under the Blacklight) So there's 15 tracks. Ideally I'd include more from the earlier albums, but the last two deserve the distinction of helping them break into the mainstream and thus make more sense on a compilation like this. Then again, ideally, it'd be a five-disc compilation.
  6. Black Sabbath higher than the Velvet Underground. Black Sabbath higher than the Velvet fucking Underground. Sousa am cry.
  7. That's just wrong.

  8. It's about time somebody showed some Spinal Tap love on this forum. <_<

  9. I move that from this point on, anyone who enters a topic and yells "SPIN IT!" must immediately be followed by everyone in the topic singing the Tale Spin theme song.




  11. Sci-Fi's been showing all three Indiana Jones flicks in succession this weekend, so I set aside about 78 years last night and watched them all in succession. I'd actually never seen Raiders of the Lost Ark all the way through, but it holds up very well and is a lot of fun. I mean, it's hard to think of anything to criticize--the movie is simply iconic, emblematic of the wise-cracking adventure films of the 70's and 80's. ***** But the same can't be said of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. I could never, ever, ever understand why anyone liked this movie. Can't to this day. Sure, it's still Harrison Ford having a good time, but between its ooga-booga Indian tribesmen and the perpetually shrieking and fainting Kate Capshaw, I find it almost impossible to enjoy. Unlike Raiders, which revels in its attempt to have a good time while providing a few gross-out moments, Temple just revels in shock-value bullshit ("Ah, dessert! CHILLED MONKEY BRAINS!") that forces Capshaw into still more gross-out fish-out-of-water shrieking and fainting. This happens, like, all the time. I don't like it at all. ** But the one that's always been the best for me is Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Frankly, this movie is just a blast from start to finish--I was never once bored or annoyed. Adding Sean Connery to the mix affords plenty of opportunities for the veteran actor to ham it up, and the chemistry between Connery and Harrison Ford keeps the levity high on the globe-spanning adventure for the Holy Grail. The best of the three by far--if you only get to see one, make it this one. *****
  12. If we win, you must take your sorry a-ass back to Japaaaaaaan! And also you will have to pay our re-eeeeent!

  13. Your review really needs more love for the rock-off with Dave Grohl as the Devil, which damn near saved that whole movie for me.
  14. I'm pretty sure it wasn't sampled, but Beck's Hell Yes EP was along similar lines, with 8-bit-esque sounds used to remake songs from Guero. I love the hell out of that EP.
  15. Sousa

    Ok, admit it

    "Bat Out of Hell" by Meat Loaf because, fuck all of you, it's an awesome song with lots of yelling and motorcycles.
  16. Okay, that's probably true. Still, I get sick of this attitude that "casual gaming" is somehow "ruining gaming," first of all as if it's some kind of new trend (Tetris? Dr. Mario? Hell, every arcade game ever before about 1987?) and second of all as if there's some kind of enormous elite code of honor involved in being a REAL gamer, the kind of person who spends 100+ hours scouring every last corner of Ivalice for item drops and 800,000,000+ HP monsters. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but don't get so high and mighty about it. It's only video games.
  17. Ugh, GTA IV will soon be flying off the shelves. Take2 is ruining gaming! All these bloody time-consuming games that require a college degree and 70 free hours in the day to play aimed at idiot Internet nerds and their parents that don't know better.
  18. Couple has a fight (ALWAYS), woman decides to marry/hook up with/run away with Snooty Other Man despite her obvious love for the protagonist, protagonist does something incredibly over-the-top to win her back, revealing his love in public and leaving Snooty Other Man incensed. Because, you know, it's a woman's job to be passed around from man to man.
  19. And Gau's theme, which is in either one of the towns or montages. My pianist actually played that song at my wedding, and one of my grandmothers thought it was very nice until she found out it was from a video game.
  20. Okay, who gave this guy 5 stars? Really now.

  21. Hey look, I got money. :D

  22. You're a monster!

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