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Everything posted by Dyko

  1. Dyko

    PC RPG's

    Another excellent one would be Morrowind...probably one of the most open-ended games I've ever played. Even if you finish the central storyline, between the expansion packs, downloadable mods, and side-quests, there is just so much to do. Aweseome, awesome game.
  2. Dyko

    South Park

    I laughed so hard at Kyle's dad whenever he was onscreen, and the ending with Kyle's knees, as well as his Dad doing that leap were some of the funniest/most disturbing things I have ever laughed at on that show, next to Butters taking the Ninja Star, and Santa taking care of the anti-christ in the X-mas episode. For a while now, Southpark has been one of the best written comedies on TV, just because of the fact that they seem to not be concerned with who they offend in their episodes (a great example is the one about the story of the Mormon religion "dum-dum-dum...smart-smart-smart"). They are also one of the few shows other than things like the Daily Show that actually cover pop culture events as soon as possible...The Simpsons waited, what, a year before making a wardrobe malfunction joke, and about that before touching on "The Passion of the Christ"? Southpark covered both those things extremely well, without worrying about the "too soon?" that the majority of shows seem to worry about. I agree, though, that if you base your opinion on the first few seasons, the show does look terrible, because it really was 80% potty humour for the sake of potty humour. Starting around Season 4, they seemed to really start hitting their stride, story-wise, and right now, I'd say that the show is probably the most politcally-charged, well-written, hillarious social commentary that you can find on a TV show (again, next to shows like the Daily show, that focus entirely on that stuff). For the record, I also am a big fan of a lot of British comedy, and would totally rather watch, say, The Office or Fawlty Towers over 80% of the crap that they dump in there to kill the one hundred and fourty-three hours, thirty minutes* between 24 and Arrested Development (the 2 main reasons to own a TV), but I still totally appreciate Southpark's amazingness, even after not particularly being a fan when the show first started out. (*Note, I did that math just now while drunk, so if it is wrong, that is just too bad.)
  3. I highly recommend the movie NARC for a good twist ending, and also for the sheer awesomness that is Ray Liotta in that movie. EDIT: If you managed to get Old Boy, I also recommend trying to find the movie "Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance." It's by the same director, and even though it doesn't have as amazing an ending as Old Boy, it still has a bunch of fantastic twists throughout. Also, Brotherhood of the Wolf is a solid one with a bit of a twist ending, or at least one that you may not be expecting. Also, the main character looks like a French 1998 Triple H, which is great in and of itself. Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels is very good in its own way...not exactly a "twist" ending, but certainly has all kinds of awesomeness right at the end as everything starts getting tied up nicely. And, yes, I shouldn't have hit "Submit Post" as soon as I did, since I managed to write a novel after posting my once line...
  4. 1)Batman Begins Bale, Oldman, Caine, Freeman, Neeson...SOLID cast right there. I was a huge fan of the fist two Batmen, but the last bunch left quite a sour taste in my mouth. I'm also a huge fan of Christopher Nolan's directing, so this movie really has a bunch of elements working towards making it awesome. Hopefully, it lives up to that. 2)Kingdom of Heaven Gladiator is one of my favourite movies, and Ridley Scott seems to know his historical epics, which I love. I also can't think of the last movie to come out set during the Crusades. I'm very excited about this movie, as it makes me think of braveheart, Gladiator (obviously), and The Messenger. Hoefully, it leans more towards those titles than, say, King Arthur or Troy, two movies that I wasn't too big a fan of. 3)Sin City Again, an awesome cast and solid director. I've never read the graphic novel, but I really like the look and feel of both it and the movie. Honorable mentions go to Chronicles of Narnia, just because I watched the British made-for-TV version when I was younger, and love that, War of the Worlds, just because it should be a solid Spielburg movie, especially with Fanning and Cruise, and Star Wars, just based solely on my like of the original trilogy. I've never been much of a fan of the Harry Potter movies, but would see this one if it has Kenneth Branagh or Gary Oldman back. I will probably see King Kong based just on everyone who is involved with it (was always more of a Godzilla man, myself...), and I don't have any opinion on Hitchhiker's guide, just beacuse I never read the book, and seriously don't even have the faintest idea what it is about (though I've pieced together the fact that there is a funny looking robot thing in it).
  5. I definitely agree with the worst being House of the Dead, without a doubt. I haven't seen Alone in the Dark, and will never pay money to do so if I can at all help it, but HotD wasn't even a terrible video game movie alone, but a terrible movie, PERIOD. Like a lot of these other movie mentioned are poor adaptations, but HotD failed on so, so many levels. There is barely even a house in the thing. Mario Bros. didn't include game footage inter-spliced with live action at any point, did it? How about random Matrix effects for no reason other than to have Matrix effects? Why does Uwe Boll get to make movies, while directors like Terry Gilliam get projects put on hold, or flat-out cancelled? I think the answer rhymes with Dazi Bold...
  6. Dyko

    American Dad

    From CHUD.com, witha bit of bias from the writer (obviously), but still terrible:
  7. Dyko


    I liked this movie...I actually saw it with a friend at the Toronto Film Festival a few months ago, which probably made it seem better than it was, just because it was a midnight showing, and just a lecture hall full of 20-something college/university students.
  8. I do believe you are describing Steven King's "The Stand"...a multi-part made for TV movie.
  9. Session 9 is actually one of my favourite horror movies in the past few years. It reminds me a lot of The Shining in the way it's shot. Also, Caruso delivers the best, most quotable "Fuck you!" I have ever seen in a movie, or anywhere. One of my more recent obscure movies that I loved was "Primer". I saw it at an art-house theater downtown, and it was seriously one of the best movies I've seen all year. It's an independant movie that apparently only cost around $7500 to make (before post production, etc), which is awesome in and of itself. Here's the website's synopsys: "PRIMER is set in the industrial park/suburban tract-home fringes of an unnamed contemporary city where two young engineers, Abe and Aaron, are members of a small group of men who work by day for a large corporation while conducting extracurricular experiments on their own time in a garage. While tweaking their current project, a device that reduces the apparent mass of any object placed inside it by blocking gravitational pull, they accidentally discover that it has some highly unexpected capabilities--ones that could enable them to do and to have seemingly anything they want. Taking advantage of this unique opportunity is the first challenge they face. Dealing with the consequences is the next." Can't really say too much more without absolutely ruining the movie, but it is seriously one of the better movies of 2004, and is highly recommended!
  10. Right now, I think the only game I am really looking forward to is S.T.A.L.K.E.R. for the PC. A lot of really great games that I would have otherwise been looking forward to came out near the end of 2004. Now its just a matter of getting around to buying them haha. Speaking of games from 2004, not sure if it'd count, but I'm also quite looking forward to Resident Evil 4 making its way onto PS2.
  11. The last, and one of the only, time(s) I've cried while watching a TV show was a few weeks ago while watching ER...the episode with Ray Liotta in it. Damn, that was seriously the saddest thing I have ever seen on TV. Other than that, there are a few movies that seriously get me absolutely every time. I might not CRY cry when I see them, but they definitely get me teared up: Braveheart Narc The Last Samurai Edward Scissorhands (The inventor's death scene) About Schmidt (when he loses it at the end) The Lord of the Rings (Boromir's death scene) That's right, I'm a suck.
  12. Personally, I wouldn't have minded OldBoy being MUCH higher up, since I feel it was one of the best movies of the last few years, but it didn't exactly have a wide release or anything, so a lot of folks most likely hadn't seen it (also, I didn't vote, so can't really complain too much...). Wasn't that big a fan of 50 First Dates, but I'll admit it was good for what it was. Sean Astin MADE that movie for me, though...that lisp was just too funny. As for Day After Tommorow, even Dragonheart and Donnie Darko couldn't save that movie from the CG Wolves. Anyone have any thoughts on which movies you figure will do well on the list? I'm thinking Spiderman 2, Shaun of the Dead, and Anchorman will do quite well...
  13. I'm shocked that nobody has mentioned Arrested Development yet! That is seriously one of the best-written comedy shows on TV right now, in my opinion.
  14. Dyko

    Is it just me?

    I can probably go into detail later, but I know there's a song on The Wall which has almost the EXACT same riff as the main one in Fade to Black. I was listening to the CD in the car, so don't know which songs they were, but there are quite a number of songs that must have definitely been inspirations for some of Metallica's stuff.
  15. Here we go... 10. Tenacious D 9. System of a Down 8. Matthew Good 7. Deftones 6. Alice in Chains 5. Pink Floyd 4. Tool 3. A Perfect Circle 2. Iron Maiden 1. Metallica Not nearly as eclectic as it should be, just because there are tonnes of random songs that I like by artists and bands, but these are really the bands that I would say consistently provide the quality for me. Honorable mentions would have to go to Rammstein, Styx, Greenday, and Coldplay. Solid bands, but I don't think I have enough stuff by them to consider them my favourites.
  16. I've only seen the movie once, so I can't help too much, but the signs on the window thing... nearer to the beginning, when Kilmer looks at that letter the guy has from the missing girl, he asks her about the symbol at the end of the letter...it's a funny looking face that was something to do with Picasso (again, only seen it once, and that was like a month ago!). The symbol on the window was drawn by the girl as kind of an "I was here" thing, that only someone looking for her would know. That's why the whole moment of the guy seeing it drawn there is so dramatic with the music and zoom and all that, because at that point in time, it was assumed that the girl was found dead in the water. I'm not sure if its what you mean, but the woman with the pictures...if you mean the woman with all the pictures of the girls, then it is my understanding that she pretty much ran a bordello, with the pictures being polaroids of "available" girls. The big "thing" going on there was when they are looking at the cork board, and see that one of the pictures has 2 pinholes behind it, which they conclude is because the pin was recently taken out, and a new one put in, meaning one of the pictures was taken off the board, and the others moved up one slot. The woman denied knowledge of the girl, which ends up getting proven a lie by the fact that there is a missing picture...the picture of the girl. I hope that helps, and if anyone else can correct me on anything, go nuts, because as I said, I've only seen it once, and that was a while back!
  17. You can raise and lower the hook with the right analog stick...what you need to do is lower it, back up to a car (like you would when hooking a trailer to a truck), then bring it up, raising the car off its wheels. It's great at intersections when the light turns red.
  18. I used to watch the show, and seriously...I had no clue that the finale was even goin on tonight until my friend told me. It says a lot about how much effort they are putting into pushing a show when my first reaction to my buddy saying that the finale was on tonight was "The Drew Carey Show is still around?" It's a shame, because it was a really good show, and I agree that it was totally not given much of a chance. Sucks.
  19. Yesterday (have to stay honest to the thread title...can't go lying now!) Highwaymen Meh...6/10 Intersting movie, pretty much about a serial killer who kills using his car, leaving the murders to be over-looked by police as hit-and-runs, so not much attention is payed. Starred Mr. Passion himself, James Caviezel, and had some pretty solid car-on-car action. The villain was an interesting twist on the usual Hollywood-style psycho. The Nest 7/10 Very solid French action movie. 90% takes place in a warehouse that seemed strangely similar to one of the levels in Counterstrike, which was kind of funny. Solid action, and a few seriously innovative shots and sequences. Borrowed a lot, I think, from John Carpenter's "Assault on Precinct 13". Really intersting characters, as well. Fantastic introduction of one of the main guys, where with no dialogue at all, in the first 10 minutes of the movie, you totally get a sense of who he is before anything even really happens. Well done. The Bone Snatcher 3.5/10 Not a good movie. Had lots to make fun of, though, which is always a good time, as long as a friend is handy. Probably one of the first movies since I finished school that I've actually gotten to tear apart, technically, by pointing out editing and audio things they did wrong. Sadly, though, things like that a high rating do not give. Today Boa vs Python 5/10 Hahahahaha. Seriously. At least someone in Hollywood listened to the public and set forth to FINALLY answer the big question of who would win, a Boa or a Python. Bad movie. Bad editing. Bad dialogue. Good times. The special effects were...ummm...well, it was the director's first movie, so we can cut him some slack. Actually, no we can't. They sucked. A lot. it seriously looked like at some points, actors were reacting to a snake that was never put into the shot. Also, at 2 points in the movie, characters, for no reason whatsoever, tear their shirts off ala Hulk Hogan. Outstanding. Shaolin Soccer 8/10 Wow. Seriously one of the FUNNIEST movies I have seen in a long time. Got the DVD, so managed to see the original, Asian release cut, vs the North American one, which appearantly got somehwat butchered by Miramax. This version is fantastic. Seriously, great special effects, original concept, great music, just an all around, one-of-a-kind movie. It's been a while since a really solid comedy that can literally be enjoyed by anyone of any age has come out (not including ones that are aimed at children, but have stuff that parents will like too...), but this is totally it. Watched it in Cantonese with english subtitles, and it was STILL hillariously funny. Just a great film, and a seriously awesome time. Awesome. Deathwatch 8/10 Movie set in WWI following a platoon of English soldiers who get separated from their unit (or is it unit separated from their platoon?), and end up holing up a German trench when a whole bunch of really creepy stuff starts going down, and people start to go missing or turn up dead. May sound cheesey, but it is a VERY solid film, with some seriously creepy parts, and turns out being one of those things where you think you know everything taht is going on, and that it is just a 1-dimensional storyline, but then the ending totally twists things around on you, and it turns out there is a quality twist in there. At one point, I kind of guessed at what the twist was going to be, but couldn't figure out a way for it to work until the end when it happened. Very well done, indeed. Also, I watch way too many movies (as there are 3 more in there that I didn't bother reviewing). I'm in television, though, so I can use that as an excuse.
  20. I have to say...not a big fan of this one at all. Personally, I felt like a lot of the stuff didn't really make much sense at all...one second, people are making sure their equipment isn't getting damaged by a storm, we cut away, then cut back, and the guy has his gun drawn? The gun that he, and everyone else had while on an islaind in the arctic, that they described as one of the most remote places on earth? Whatever, not gonna nitpick about that. One thing, though, that maybe someone can help me out with...Lance Henrikson in this...he is THE Bishop...like the one that in the Alien movies designed the Robot Bishop in his image, right? I haven't seen the movie in a LONG time, but in Aliens 3, doesn't Bishop (the REAL human Bishop) make an appearance, talking to Ripley near the end before she kills herself? Maybe someone can clear that up for me, because it's bothering me... All-in-all, I dunno...the person I saw this with thought it was great, but I just didn't really like it. I was also a little bothered by where, exactly, this movie is supposed to fit, within the Predator 1 and 2, and Alien movies...is this after Predator 2, but before Alien? I found that really confusing, so hopefully, someone with a bit more knowledge on that stuff can help out. I think I would give this movie a 5./10, because it did have some pretty great Alien vs Predator fighting, but there was a lot of stuff that made me cringe while watching it...If I were to be 100% honest, it would be 6/10, just for having Mullet as one of the experts. I/m sticking with 5, though. Not that big a fan.
  21. I've been watching fewer and fewer episodes in these last few seasons. I used to never miss an episode of the Simpsons, but lately, they seem to re-use a lot of ideas, and any time they can't come up with a good story, they fall back on either tossing useless guest voices into an episode, or having the Simpsons go somewhere, as an excuse to have Homer say "The Simpsons are going to ____!" I think the moment that it finally hit me and I decided to not even bother watching anymore was when they blatantly re-used a joke from a previous episode (Homer saying "I'm not gonna lie to you, Marge." and then leaving it at that). They didn't even change the context or delivery...just cut-and-paste it into the script. Seriously, I am a huge fan of the older episodes, but it seems like the show has changed from the days when you could spend an entire conversation quoting random lines from one episode, all of them good, to how it is now, where there are just a handful of quality lines, on a good day. Right now, I am still a HUGE fan of Futurama (seriously, why they ever cancel that show?), but really, at this point, I think one of the best-written cartoons on TV is Southpark, without a doubt. I am doubting whether or not I'll even be giving this season of the Simpsons a chance at this point...
  22. Big fan of: I agree with a lot of the ones people are mentioning...Final Fantasy, the Zeldas, Marios, Megamen, and Castelevanii, so will add some that aren't listed yet Adventure Island 2 & 3 Star Tropics (I just nearly burst something trying to remember that one) NARC Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers!!!!! Battle of Olympus The Adventures of Bayou Billy Blaster Master!! Wizards and Warriors II: Ironsword Faxanadu (DAMN STRAIGHT!) Shadowgate Willow Legacy of the Wizard (25 minutes trying to find the name of this game) Based on this topic, I'm gonna have to dust the old Nintendo off tommorow morning, and be a lazy, unproductive bastard, 80's STYLE!
  23. A few from workout CDs I've made: Rammstein - Mein Herz Brennt Akira Ikufube - Godzilla Theme Billy Idol - Rebel Yell Deftones - Minerva Edwin - Alive Foo Fighters - My Hero Garbage - Push It Godsmack - Voodoo Iron Maiden - Aces High, The Ghost of the Naviagor, Montsegur Led Zepplin - Kashmir Linkin Park - Faint Megadeth - Symphony of Destruction, Trust (Instrumental, ECW version) Metallica - For Whom the Bell Tolls, Unforgiven, Battery Pantera - Cowboys from hell System of a Down - Aerials, Chop Suey, Forest, Science, Toxicity Transplants - Diamonds and Guns White Zombie - More Human Than Human Those are more-or-less my workout songs, though I sometimes mix in a few other Metallica or Iron Maiden songs, and usually one or two Rage Against the Machine songs to round it out. As for real CDs, I usually stick to either Tool's Lateralus, Iron Maiden's Rock in Rio or Dance of Death, or Deftones' newest one.
  24. Out of those, I recommend "The Corporation", "Triplets of Belleville", "Battle of Algiers", "Saddest Music in the World", and DEFINATELY "Some Kind of Monster". "Bad Santa" was also pretty enjoyable ("Can I fix you some sandwiches?"). Not GREAT, but if the oppertunity pops up, it's a solid enough black comedy. I feel really bad that I can't comment on any more of the movies, as I've only seen a handful of them, but I'll edit this post if I come across anything else. If anything, that's a pretty solid list of movies to look out for...I'm an idiot for not seeing anything during the Toronto Film Festival, or the documentary film festival a while ago... EDIT: I'm an idiot. Shaun of the Dead and Hero. Especially hero, but ESPECIALLY Shaun of the Dead!
  25. My friend just sent this to me, and it is the funniest thing I have seen in a LONG time. It's a German safety video, with hilariously over-the-top violence. So good. So very good. EDIT: Forgot to mention I'm pretty sure it uses windows media player, so you'll need that to be able to watch. EDIT #2: Sorry about that, had no clue about anything about the site itself, as it was just sent to me by a friend, no harm meant from this end Midget edit: I do apologize for doing this, but it's way of the land. Check Matzat's post or get in touch with one another via MSN/AIM to learn more.
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