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The Dominion
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Everything posted by RPS

  1. I don't think you are going to find much on the major record labels. Voice Of A Generation are one of the few bands that are still around and anywhere near the mainstream. You can find them at www.burningheart.com . They kind of remind me of Stiff Little Fingers. Roger Miret and the Disasters remind me of early Rancid. www.hell-cat.com . I'd just go up and pick up the "Give 'Em The Boot" compilations that Hell-Cat and Epitaph put out. Good stuff on them. Rebels With A Cause are from the Toronto region and you'll probably not find anything on P2P. Limp Wrist are cool a cool hardcore band, but I have yet to find anything on them on P2P. Realistically, their aren't any bands that sound like the classic punk-rock like the Dead Kennedys, Black Flag unless you are hear them playing in your friend's basement for thirty people.
  2. George Michael and Gwen Stefani. Two guilty pleasures clashing.
  3. I thought it was just like any of the new episodes of the Simpsons - bland. I could have missed it and cared less.
  4. RPS

    Thoughts on...

    If I want to, I'll write something about them. If I could care less about them, I'll erase their name. AC/DC - the Ramones of Metal. Led Zeppelin - one of the true greats of music. The Beatles - much respect. The Who - much respect. Elvis Presley - much respect. Papa Roach - suck Limp Bizkit - suck Linkin Park- suck Korn- suck Deftones- suck Meat Loaf - Bat Outta Hell was cool Opeth - I love them. Distillers - one of the best rock bands around. Dillinger Escape Plan - Iron Is A Dead Scene = Masterpiece. Tool - underrated and overrated. A Perfect Circle - overrated Massive Attack - much respect. Chemichal Brothers- much respect. Van Halen - they had one good CD. REM - I love them. Nirvana - overrated. RHCP - overrated, but I like some of their stuff. Pearl Jam - one of the good things from Seattle. Smashing Pumpkins - They were cool. Audioslave - sucks. Guns And Roses - Axl Rose makes me barf... Velvet Revolver - and Scott Weiland doesn't help me either. The Killers - the Unicorns put it best - FUCK THE KILLERS. Marilyn Manson - not nearly as offensive or talented as people say. Faith No More - Mike Patton is seriously cool. U2 - Joshua Tree is cool, and Bono is a great activist. Libertines - not the next Clash, but still pretty good. System Of A Down - I dig them. The Streets - brilliant. Foo Fighters - everyone has a huge hard-on for them, but I don't see why. Mars Volta - they are good. Snoop Dogg - drop it like it's hot. Eminem - started off good, slowly slipping. Jay-Z - got me to love rap music. Tupac - forever immortalized despite the fact he doesn't deserve it. Eric Clapton - genius with the guitar. Norah Jones - good radio music. Bob Dylan - master of words. Nine Inch Nails - I really enjoy them. Tom Waits - Very cool. Coldplay - one of the best rock bands around today. Stone Temple Pilots - I like some of their stuff. Bush - hahaha, they blow. Slipknot - I never thought 9 people could all suck so badly. The Clash - one of the greatest bands ever. The Sex Pistols - despite the fact they had no talent, somehow they had all of the talent in the world. Green Day - They started off pretty good. Than they went down the shitter. And now they are slowing getting themselves out of the shitter. NOFX - They just have no talent and unlike the Sex Pistols, they still have zero talent. Rancid - I like them, Matt Freeman is a good bassist. Beastie Boys - they are my dad's age and still cool. Notorious B.I.G - like Tupic, should not be immortalized. RATM - they were good.
  5. RPS

    Perfect Albums

    I was just listening to D-d-don't stop the Beat by Junior Senior I have to say I didn't skip a track. Such a... GREAT CD.
  6. RPS

    Perfect Albums

    B52's; "B52's" Broken Social Scene; "You Forgot It In People" the Clash; "London Calling" Death From Above 1979; "Your A Woman, I'm A Machine" the Doors; "the Doors" The Lost Patrol; "Songs About Running Away" Refused; "The Shape Of Punk To Come" The Soft Pink Truth; "Do You Want New Wave Or Do You Want the Soft Pink Truth"
  7. My uncle's friend is writing a book. Apparently he is a journalist who has met a hefty amount of punk "celebrities". Next time I am talking to him, I'll ask him about the release date, author name, etc. I own two books, one being PUNK by Stephen Colegrave and Chris Sullivan and Let Fury Have The Hour, both of which are assorted pieces by numerous close to the punk-rock scene. Both are great reads. The first is about the 75-79 UK Scene, before and after. The later is about the punk-rock politics of Joe Strummer. I recommend both.
  8. The Dropkick Murphys, I do believe, only have one original member if that.
  9. RPS


    Don't you think that is one dimensional though? Art can accomplish so much more than people just taking it at face-value.
  10. RPS


    What is your image of what music is? Just curious.
  11. RPS


    But hold on, Britney Spears sells her CD's, she sells out concerts, she influences a lot of the girl bands out nowadays. Does that suddenly make her some kind of Icon. When I think of an Icon, I think of someone like Elvis. Elvis was one of the first "offensive" acts ever in music. Elvis not only played music, but he managed to alter the world and pop culture. Sure you can say he doesn't mean jack shit to you, but just like you draw the comparison that Metallica had an immense effect on pop music in the 90's [which I think is a crock of shit, a decade that Metal wasn't prominent in the mainstream nor was any shades of Metallica], Elvis has had immense effect not only on music, but the entertainment, social, and business sides of music. Metallica may get political on their records, but that doesn't mean that jack shit. Any band can get political, but it takes a true genius to change politics as opposed to singing about it. Green Day wrote songs about George Bush. But at the end of the day, he won. Heck, they were good songs, but really, that is all they were. Songs.
  12. RPS


    Okay, I'll take the bait. How does Metallica change someone's life?... and we aren't talking about some dilluted sense of change that wears off within a few months? All I was trying to establish was that they are commonly referred to as "Icons" and "Legends", but I don't really see how they really earn that title. Metallica just seems like a band who caught a lucky break, to me. As for Metallica bringing heavy metal to the mainstream, I ain't sold on that idea. How many metal acts sell really well nowadays? Can "heavy-metal" even be mainstream? I'd argue more that Metallica was a heavy-metal band that made it famous, not a band that made heavy-metal famous.
  13. RPS


    Zero... You took what I said the completely wrong way. Any band can go onstage and get the fans involved in what they do. That isn't connecting with their audience, that is playing a convincing live show. I am saying Metallica do not transcend the notion of music, which instantly doesn't make them legends. You want to look at legends, think of the figureheads in music who went above and beyond playing music and entertaining and altered pop-culture, fashion, politics, the way people think and feel and other social, political, religious outlets. Sure, Metallica can throw as many guitar solo's at me as they want, but so can any band in the world. It takes a dime and a dozen to create a sub-culture of people from a genre of music, and I don't think Metallica has done anything to transcend the idea of JUST being a rock and roll band.
  14. RPS


    I don't loath them, but I far from like them. Metallica don't connect with their audience. They play music.
  15. RPS

    Better Guitar Solo

    A parody is a cover, in that it emulates the original song.
  16. Amen to whomever said Hot Hot Heat. They will continue to rule all of your mothers.
  17. www.interpunk.com has alright records. Not good by any stretch of the imagination... but good. Here is my collection of records, so JUDGE away. Alex Chilton; "High Priest" Alice Cooper; "Greatest Hits" American Graffiti [MORE] American Graffiti Anti-Flag; "Mobilize" Anthrax; "Among The Living" Ben Harper; Diamonds On The Inside" Black Flag; "My War" Bob Dylan; "Blood on The Tracks" Buddy Holly; "Buddy Holly Lives" CCR; "Chronicle" CCR; '"1968-69" the Clash; "the Clash" the Clash; "Combat Rock" the Clash; "Give Em Enough Rope" the Clash; "London Calling" Cheap Trick; "at Budokan" Dead Kennedys; "Bed Time For Democracy" Dead Kennedys; "Mutiny On The Bay" Dead Kennedys; "Plastic Surgery Disasters" Division Of Laura Lee; "Black City" the Doors; "the Doors" Dropkick Murphys; "The Gang's All Here" Eric Clapton; "Time Pieces The Best Of Eric Clapton" Frank Zappa; "Zoots Allure" Frank Zappa; "Joes Garage" Generation X; "Kiss Me Deadly" the (International) Noise Conspiracy; "A New Morning, Changing Weather" Joe Jackson; "live 1980-1986" The Kinks; "Greatest Hits" Le Tigre; "Le Tigre" Led Zeppelin; "I" [NOTE; only has side #1] Lou Reed; "Walk On The Wild Side, The Best of Lou Reed" Men Without Hats; "The Safety Dance" Michael Jackson; "Thriller" Mickey Mouse Disco Record Nirvana; "Bleach" Neil Young; "Rust Never Sleeps" Neil Young; "Reactor" Neil Young; "Freedom" Operation Ivy; "Operation Ivy" [NOTE; this is a picture album, with the ska-man] Outkast; "Stankonia" Outkast; "Speakerboxxx/Love Below" Pearl Jam; "Ten" Pink Floyd; "Darker Side Of The Moon Pink Floyd; "Wish You Were Here" Prince; "Around the World In A Day" Ramones; "End Of the Century" Ramones; "Ramonemaina" Ramones; "Subterranean Jungle" Rancid; "And Out Comes the Wolves" [NOTE this is a picture album... with the cover of the CD on the album] R.E.M.; "Green" R.E.M.; "Lifes Richer Pageant" R.E.M.; "Fables of the Reconstruction" Smashing Pumpkins; "Siamese Dream" Sloan; "Twice Removed" Sloan; "Navy Blues" Talking Heads; "More Songs About Buildings and Food" Teenage Head; "Frantic City" Turbonegro; "Scandanavian Leather" Twisted Sister; "Come Out and Play" [NOTE; this is a pop-out record, with the lead singer's face popping out. Mega cool] U2; "War" U2; "Joshua Tree" Village People; "Live and Sleazy" the Who; "A Quick One/SellOut"
  18. RPS

    Better Guitar Solo

    Michael Jackson's - Beat It. Original almost always trumps the cover.
  19. I have a record collection of 52. Well, actually more like 3000, but I inherit those down the road. I've got everything... I've got hair-metal, I've got rap, I've got punk, I've got shit.
  20. Sage Francis. I don't know why, I just got a huge feeling after listening to the two tracks that were offered on his website. It almost seems like MTV and Clearzone Channels, who Sage despises, will pick this shit up. Sage is the new RATM.
  21. Matt Freeman of Rancid. Highly underrated because of the band he is in.
  22. RPS

    "Is Rock Dead?"

    So ditching a raw sound for a more media, mass friendly style would file under what.....
  23. Underground Network by Anti-Flag and No Bloody-Thirsty Corporations [NBC] by Anti-Flag
  24. RPS

    "Is Rock Dead?"

    Hahahahahahahahaha. You know, you just contradicted yourself, right?
  25. I, like Tristy, am obsessed with anything Justin Timberlake touches. Gwen Stefani is cool with me, but their seems to be a hatred for her.
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