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The Dominion
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Everything posted by RPS

  1. Whenever I am looking for anything music related, I check out www.allmusic.com. It is pretty mainstream when it covers topics, but it can give you a short and brief overlook of the events that occured during a time period. I've also noticed posting at message boards is a good indication. If you are looking for a good message board, go to www.muchmusic.com, find their web-board and register. They have a section called the Punk Show which has a lot of guys really into the scene. I am sure if they don't have the answer, they can probably lead you to the answer.
  2. I met Dennis Lyxen from the (International) Noise Conspiracy, Refused and the Lost Patrol this summer, at the Warped Tour. He was a cool guy, who just seemed happy to be playing music for a group of people. In fact, he was quite modest about his success and who he was. Furthemore, I met the lead singer of Burlington, Ontario punk-band Jersey and had a conversation about how he liked the music business. Interesting and down to earth guy. I met one of the founding members of the Dayglo Abortions as he played in this area with the band Maximum RNR {everyone should check them out}. I didn't realize until shortly after the show, when I researched them a little more and made the connection. I met a punk-rock legend, yo. I met Canadian band, The Trews. They sucked and were really boring. Although, they did like my Ninja Turtle's Jacket. I met Dave and Steveo from Sum 41. I talked to Dave about growing up in suburbia and Steveo was just... an asshole.
  3. RPS


    My personal opinion on grunge? It was nothing more than a cheap off-shot of Punk-Rock. There was a handful of good bands and there was a handful of bad bands. Grunge was simply a word describe a scene and a time period, it isn't a genre on it's own, because if it were it would be one shitty-ass genre.
  4. RPS

    Black Eyed Peas

    The two other members of the band, Wild Orchid, released a brand new CD in 2002. Unfortunally, it flopped and nothing has been heard of them since.
  5. RPS

    Blink 182.

    How can the actual band be emulating what it "really and truly is." Everything they do is them being what they really and truly are, they're the same frigging band. Did you mean to say their style has changed since Dude ranch or something, because that would have made more sense. ← Enema Of The State and Take Off Your Pants and Jacket seemed like they knew they had made it in the business so they decided to fly on easy street. There are at best two stand out tracks on each of the records. Dude Ranch has so many great so many good tunes on it, and so does their self-titled. I mean, I even thought their self-titled was going to suck when they released the worst song on the CD for their first single... Action [or Feeling This] was such a god-awful song. But I Miss You made me want to purchase the record.
  6. RPS

    Blink 182.

    A) blink-182- weren't and are not punk. B) The only album that even touches their new record was Dude Ranch. Their older stuff, circa Flyswatter, Buddha, Cheshire Cat was downwright awful in recording and they hadn't hit their stride. Enema of the State and Take Off Your Pants and Jacket is far too watered down. They are a band emulating what blink-182- really and truly is. Dude Ranch and their latest records are their best. C) I'd take depth over, "It's Christmas Eve and I've only wrapped two fucking presents. And I hate your guts, and I'll never talk to you again." or... "I want to fuck a dog in the ass". Potty-mouth humor is not funny and anyone who likes blink-182- because of that are complete and utter retards. And if you think I am biased because I am not a blink-182- fan, it is quite the opposite. I love blink-182-, I've seen them live twice and own all of their albums. But the majority of their fans are idiots.
  7. Wow. Stairway to Heaven should be at least top ten. More so than Smells Like Teen Angst.
  8. RPS

    Sisters CD Wishlist

    Rufus Wainwright is a guy from Canada who writes soft-rock, alternative pop, whatever you want to call it. I personally think his music is good, and if you are going to buy her any CD's, get her his self-titled album OR his newest one, Want Two. His self-titled one was released in 1998 and received heavy critical acclaim... his parents were big in the folk scene, so he had huge expecations going in. You may have heard him on the I Am Sam soundtrack, or you may not have.
  9. I agree about Thursday being average, but I must say... I'd listen to a critic over the people who post on a Wrestling message board. Not to generalize wrestling fans, but they sure do listen to some awful music.
  10. Please explain your stance. ← A) For one, the band is entirely too generic. That is one of the downfalls to Nu-Metal. They play their instruments loudly with little reason or care. I am not asking people to be able to play a drum solo here or there, but come on. Spruce it up a bit and actually try to formulate some good music here. B) My friend didn't realize they were Christians until I told her. No joke. She told me that they were far from Christian and I explained too her to read the lyrics. She did and in the first three songs there were several referances to Christian imagery. Heck, if you can't play your music very well, you'd better be able to captivate an audience with your lyrics. And clearly they didn't.
  11. Yep. That'd be him. If you seriously want to boggle your mind, listen to the REALLY early stuff and than listen to the really new stuff. Listen to "Who Died?" and than listen to "New Noise"... HUGE difference. New Noise is a classic song. If they weren't anarchist and signed to a major record label they would have been the next Led Zeppelin, no doubt.
  12. Dennis Lyxen This guy is punk fucking rock. Any guy who tours in China when it is illegal, with the risk of being arrested in a highly restrictable place. He was lead singer of Refused, perhaps the greatest punk-rock group since the Clash. They made some rockin' hard tunes, most of which are probably over a lot of peoples head. Yes, that includes probably most people on this board. Shape of Punk To Come is the most essential CD released in the last 10 years. Than he goes on to do a garage rock-punk rock-dancing fushion. And the shit is good and political. Hey, anyone who has the guts to say Capitalism Stole My Virginity has my respect. Than they come out with perhaps the best punk rock CD of the new decade in Armed Love, which will blow you the fuck away. Black Mask is perhaps single of the year, perhaps single of the decade. And than, he tops it all off by going off and doing a solo album which blows me the fuck away. So much depth, so much heart, so much soul from this guy. He manages to say FUCK politics and writes an album about love, peace and everything inbetween. You find a guy who is willingly to get put in prison for music, a guy who is willingly to give his life up to play a show and than you can tell me he is the front-man of all time.
  13. Christian nu-metal sucks. Honestly.
  14. RPS

    Kanye "Ego" West

    Kanye West... egotistical? His record was critically acclaimed and commericially accepted. The same cannot be said about Maroon 5 and Gretchen Wilson. In fact, both Wilson and Maroon 5 belong on the worst of list.
  15. Good job on My Chemical Romance. I hate emo, but these kids are really tearing it up. The (International) Noise Conspiracy ; Smash It Up, Up For Sale, Capitalism Stole My Virginity, A Small Demand, Black Mask, Abolish Work and The Reproduction of Death. Closet Monster ; The Great Mall Explosion, Mr. Holland vs. Acceptable Behavior, Corporate Media Death Squad, Mamma Anti-Facisto, Convictions of A Schoolyard Anarchist, Punk Rock Ruined Our Lives. The Go Team ; Ladyflash, Get It Together, Bottle Rocket, Friendship Update, Huddle Formation
  16. RPS

    Death From Above

    It pretty much got shelved to the second page. I just thought it was interesting no-one responds and all of the sudden the indie scene loves Death From Above 1979. And to Hardcore Canuck, I have heard that numerous times. They are defintely an acquired taste.
  17. RPS

    Death From Above

    I hate being right about these types of things... No really, I do!
  18. Me and my two friends played in a band for a while called Suburbia Soldiers. I played the bass, my friend played the guitar and my friend played the drums. We just played three chords over and over again and talked about rebellion. Fun times held in our basement.
  19. RPS

    Rufus Wainwright

    He is gay. You know, in case it bothered you.
  20. I have blur and 13 simply because where I live, back catalogues on bands are god-damn expensive. I bought both blur and 13 through a music catalogue dealie for very cheap. But I do have their other albums downloaded.
  21. Wow, you know, I'd tell Michael Jackson to stop, but he gives me loads and loads of material for my diary. Honestly! Being serious... I am not quite sure, personally, that Michael is guilty. Their are a hell of a lot of allegations, yes. I am not even sure this 20,000$ movement is really concrete evidence. I haven't seen any real concrete evidence in this case to prove him guilty. He is probably just some messed up guy who got caught up in his stupid behavior.
  22. You know what is so weird about blur fans? We can never agree on their best album. Honestly, it is hilarious. Maybe because there earlier stuff is so much different than there newer stuff... I personally think 13 and self-titled are their best albums. Favorite song from the two is Crazy Sad Ballad Man.
  23. Why learn when you can simply hop the fence at a certain area [with the help of a car]?
  24. Rock and roll and sex. Have you ever thought about why women are in the minority when it comes to rock and roll bands. Well, not in the minority, but how come we never give them enough exposure? Their have been plently of amazing rock and roll acts featuing women from Janis Joplin, the girl from Fleetwood Mac who's name escapes me, to Joan Jett, to the modern day age of Brody Dalle and the Distillers. And no one can forget the Devotchkas, an oi band with a woman as the lead singer. Are there enough women in rock and roll bands? If so, why don't we hear about them as frequently as men? If not, why aren't these women starting up kick ass punk bands? Is it because of these poserish bands like the Donnas, Liveonrelease, Lillix who re-enforce this "weak and girly" image and not enough emphasis placed upon the true grit of rock and roll in the hearts of the Distillers, Bikini Kill, Joan Jett, Janis Joplin? Are record labels suppressing an empowering women figure? And lastly, who is your favorite girl band or girl fronted band and some songs you really like by these artists. Just for some thoughtful discussion on music and the entertainment business.
  25. RPS

    Zach De La Rocha

    He offered one of his songs to the F9/11 soundtrack and from what I have heard it is standard Zach; same old voice, same old tone, same old style. He has been recording his new album, which to my knowledge has no release date yet.
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